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I don't know whether there's been a thread on this but I note that there are numerous animal styles/stances in relation to all forms of martial arts. I'm basically wondering what everyone's style is.

I had a spa with the Master today and he identified that the Crane style of Shaolin martial arts would suit me best. I tried doing some research on the internet couldn't really find any useful websites that could provide me with more info about animal styles - in particular the Crane style.

So yeah just wondering what y'all animal styles are for those of you that do martial arts...

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I don't know whether there's been a thread on this but I note that there are numerous animal styles/stances in relation to all forms of martial arts. I'm basically wondering what everyone's style is.

I had a spa with the Master today and he identified that the Crane style of Shaolin martial arts would suit me best. I tried doing some research on the internet couldn't really find any useful websites that could provide me with more info about animal styles - in particular the Crane style.

So yeah just wondering what y'all animal styles are for those of you that do martial arts...

Well Uechi-Ryu is based on the Tiger, Dragon, and Crane. The hard techniques are based on the tiger, and some dragon, the soft and balance techniques are based on the dragon and crane.

I don't know much about styles that are based strictly on one animal, but you can do more research to find out more about the various animal styles and styles based on them.

I would do some research into this Master. Find out his lineage, his style and any information you can. Find out if he's saying this strictly because this is what he knows, or because he wants to teach you crane techniques. BTW, what is your build? If your small, think, or lanky then crane techniques are more suited to you than a larger muscular person who is more tiger like. But these are just general comments, since anyone can learn any type of technique, just some are better suited to different people.

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Well, usually the Master picks a style best suited for me and so he chose the crane style...He's got over 30 years of Shaolin experience so I'm not going to make judgements...He definately is experienced. As for my build, medium - 5"10-5'11 weigh about 80 kg's - could trim down to 74kg's and quite agile...

Personally I rather pick my style myself, based on what that particular animal style represents...

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since when was ninjutsu a chinese style?

30 years of shao-lin experience?

what shao-lin?

you do realise that shaolin, unless you are refering to a specific fist set, is an umbrella term for a group of styles.

these styles, whilst they may bear a resemblance in 'name' (i.e tiger/crane etc etc) to other styles, are nothing like other styles, that's not to mention that what is known these days as shoa-lin kung fu is not much more than wushu (do a search in this forum for more details).

give us more details about what it is you are doing and what it is you're looking for and you'll get a better answer from us.

earth is the asylum of the universe where the inmates have taken over.

don't ask stupid questions and you won't get stupid answers.

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since when was ninjutsu a chinese style?

30 years of shao-lin experience?

what shao-lin?

you do realise that shaolin, unless you are refering to a specific fist set, is an umbrella term for a group of styles.

these styles, whilst they may bear a resemblance in 'name' (i.e tiger/crane etc etc) to other styles, are nothing like other styles, that's not to mention that what is known these days as shoa-lin kung fu is not much more than wushu (do a search in this forum for more details).

give us more details about what it is you are doing and what it is you're looking for and you'll get a better answer from us.

There's soooo much I want to know about Shaolin martial arts and I've got numerous numerous questions that I want answered but because I'm a new student to "the team" they couldn't disclose much information to me. I don't even know the Master's full name and I don't have the confidence to ask - all I address to him is Sifu...and all I know about him is that he trained in the Shaolin Temple for over 30 years (snake style is his speciality) and he particpated in 2 Bloodsports...They say I probably won't be practicing martial arts for about a good year or two once I've learn't the basics of stength, agility, balance etc etc etc...I train on Saturday and Sundays - 9.00am to 6.00pm.

As for my training - I live in New Zealand so we don't have Temples to train (been there for like 4 weeks) particular activities include:

* Blindfold running - running to specific targets with blindfold on as fast as you can. Supposedly this is to reduce fear...

*Shaolin poles - jumping from pole to pole to pole....self explanatory

* Obstacle courses (on farm) - much to do with balance/agility etc

* water balloon catching and moving numbers of water balloons from a distance (working as a team) (throwing and catching).

* Agility & endurance activities - a frisbee would be thrown on the field and we have to firstly prevent the dog from getting a hold of it and return it to the Master while team members do pushups until it's returned (50 times)

* I had to climb like a wall and complete an obstacle jumping from fences to place etc...

* Catching arrows on a farm (either shot directly at you from like 60 metres) or in the air from like 200 metres away *deathdrops*.

*Shourikin stars - we got to use that

* Bow and arrow - we got to use that

* Stick fighting - I had to defend myself while a stick (monk sticks whatever you call it) is thrown at me and I have to catch it and defend myself with the stick.

* We also learn how to throw the stick too to a teamate either as a javalin or straight on.

* There was one time where the master would use some signals and we have to like roll up to create specific shapes to avoid being seen/disguising with our surroundings

* Also, we do a lot of planning assignments and stuff....

* Next week, we have to complete an obstacle on the farm, running through a stream, swimming through a lake and climbing up a waterfall as a team...

Those are some of the activities that I've done during the 4 weeks...Of course there are more and ummm yeah I heard theres heaps of grades and levels you have to pass and stuff...and wtf's Zen day?


1) Could you relate most of these activities to what they teach you in Shaolin Temple (such as those activities that teach you agility, stamina, patience, teamwork, planning, balance etc etc etc)

2) Is it logical that I need to complete these activities/pass tests and complete levels (duration one + year) before I am ready to take on Shaolin Martial arts?

3) Supposedly, I've been told I should have my hair shaved and be completely bald. I'm not used to it but I guess it's a must - like a tradition? I guess it's a must in a Shaolin temple too?

4) Shaolin Martial Arts - is there any restrictions on your life. I know you're not supposed to drink and smoke...but are there any food restrictions and finally, more importantly, am I allowed to date other chicks or to be trained as a "Shaolin Monk" I must remain completely single?

Look forward to hearing from people with knowledge :)


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where abouts in New Zealand do you live

I live in Auckland, and im a southern kung fu practiconer of

CH'I KUNE JOW DO, its an integration of chow gar tong long kune, ( SOUTHERN PRAYING MANTIS ) and Lo fu do ( Way of the tiger )

if you are studying the Sir Ge Dorr,and are you being trained by Sisuk Peddie Dordevich, are you at the Mt albert war memorial hall, or out in Te Atatu,

im actually quite interested in seeing the snake set,

PM me if you like

Faith without works is merely a dream anticapated.

Muay thai boxing and



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