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A question on outside study


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You want to be careful when trying to learn a kata outside of class from an outside source. Katas are often done slightly different from school to school for different reasons. And though the general idea may be the same (and should be), the differences can be more than enough to cause you problems. I can't even count the number of variations I've seen on the Gekisai katas within different Goju schools. The variations would surely cause a raised eye from your sensei. You don't take a sensei and then learn from a book or an internet video instead. Let yourself learn the katas as they are presented to you, by your sensei, in the right time. He may teach the kata a certain way, with certain nuances and emphasis on certain things and that's the way you'll be expected to perform it. Now, even though you shouldn't be turning left when he's turning right, lol, the little differences are enough to mess things up for you.

It is much easier to learn something right the first time than to unlearn something and then re-learn it right. You don't want your mind and body to develop the wrong memory if that makes any sense.

I understand your desire to learn new things, but don't rush things, let it come in its own time. Don't rush through the forest to get to the other side, enjoy each tree that you pass. Don't let a final destination blind you from the journey. In Karate, there is no final destination.... Karate is the journey. Enjoy it. Cherish where you are now, and take the extra zeal you have to learn new things and place it into training what you have already learned. You will find that the foundation that you have built will be stronger and when you do learn that kata that you've been eagerly waiting for, it will come to you easier, you'll understand it better and quicker, and your training will progress all the more because of it.

The strength of Karate is the perfection of character. You certainly have the zeal and the passion for what your doing which is most important. I am reminded of Yoda..... Keep your mind on where you are now, what you are doing now. :D

Tomorrow always becomes today.... tomorrow is an illusion... tomorrow never comes... there is no tomorrow....

Hey that, " there is no tomorrow" just reminded me of that scene in Rocky IV when....anyway, I digress...lol... :P :wink:

Remember.... honour, integrity and time....

If you're reaching for the stars, don't be satisfied with touching the ceiling.

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You'd be better off shadow boxing or working a heavy back when you are alone. While I personally think kata are silly at best, if you want to do them, so be it. But remember that other things will help you learn to fight as well.

that was nice.

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