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Kumite injuries


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I forgot injuries that I have givin out. Well, we usually fight as our partner fights (match their ability, ect). But when I sparred a kid (16 I think) that hit too hard on 11 year old girls (any girl for that matter), I almost KO'ed him on purpose. I thought I was going to get yelled at for it, but HE got the lecture. And I'm female. Go figure.

I KO'ed another girl also, for the same reason.

I don't spar in tournies, so I never injured anyone other than in class for the above reason.

Laurie F

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1- i let a kid to pracice armbar on me and while i was explaning he jerked the elbow , healed after 6 months

2- i let a 6'6" 280lbs guy practce a throw on me, i got 2 cracked rib, healed after 1 year

3-i broke a fibula during soccer, 6 months in cast and i was doing karate too, finaly doctor said "get out of my office"

4-during a spar my sensei took his mouth piece out and tried to tell me something, i didn't see and punched him right in the jaw, still has problem .


i think i have paid around $4K out of pocket in last 10 years.now they found catracts in my left eye which might be because of impacts ,thats another $3k comming up.

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Worst injury to another - gave my old sensei a hernia in his abdomen from a mawashi geri (roundhouse kick), other than that... a couple of bloody/broken noses in tournaments

Worst injury to self - 2 years ago at our nationals I was fighting another blue belt and broke my wrist. I had been training regularly on a heavy bag, without pads on, and misjudged the size of pad when I executed a stop-punch to my opponents leg in the tournament when he threw a mawashi geri, and it caught on my pad, wrenching my wrist back; other than that... a couple of cut lips, a broken toe, and a minor ankle sprain

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The only real injuries I've had are:

Bruised rib (walked into a punch -- from a world champ ;) );

dislocated finger (I blocked wrong)

and my jaw got shifted back in a tourney.

Little children, love one another. – St. John the Apostle

+ J.M.J +


Shodan-Ho - Kimura Shukokai

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I don't know what we call serious injuries...

I have broken parts in every extremity, couple of broken ribs, uncountable dissections.

My point is that you have to stay concious regardless the injury you have - then you still have a chance to servive.

Shotokan has no limits in techniques. limits are made by the followers.

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I have had a lot of bruises, too many to count, but that's really nothing. The usually thumb/toe getting caught in the gi, mawashi hitting the elbow, shin hitting a foot... nothing too special. Here are the most painful ones:

Once, while blocking a mae geri, I somehow moved my hand too early and got the full force of the blow on my left thumb. It hyper extended, healed after a year.

I was sparring with some skinny dude, 15 at the time, but national champion (for his age of course) so I thought it was safe to spar as usual. I did a take down and he fell on his shoulder. Didn't get dislocated, but it didn't heal until months later.

The worse: I was sparring with my very best friend and he threw a fake mae geri to mawashi. At the time, I had the bad habit of blocking with my knee. Needless to say, that was pretty ugly; his mawashi hit my knee cap and a loud "CRACK" resonnated in the dojo. I had to take him to the hospital. Funny enough, my shihan was like 'oh you broke his leg' with a smirk on his face... must've reminded him of some similar accidents when he was younger! Needless to say, I felt very bad.

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I havent received any serious injuries in chun kuk do kumite except for the bruised ribs and bruised shins and arms (i dont normally wear padding) but in Bojutsu (bo staff) kumite i have had few pretty big welts but nothing to serious

"Bushido is realized in the presence of death"

"TapouT or PassouT"

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The injuries that i have got from training are;

Received a fracture to my MCP joint for those that dont know where the MCP joint is, is inbetween the thumb and the index finger, from throwing a punch with the not correct fist.

Also I have been punched in the jaw, and now, my jaw clicks when eating bread, or if i have slept unevenly.. Once again poor form when holding kamae, but since then i have learnt well.


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*first post*

I've started taking kyokushin classes *3rd day*.

Reading all of this is starting to shake me up a little bit.

I started shotokan when I was much younger (12 y/o brown belt) and have taken up kyokushin after 13 years of hiatus from the karate world. My main goal in starting kyokushin is to get back into shape. Possibly the best shape in my life. I've down sparing before, but it was more point sparring with pads. I've knocked the wind out of people.... i've knocked shins with people.... but not to the extent of which you guys are describing.

Maybe I should make sure my work's insurance carrier is up to par :idea:

For what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and suffer the loss of his soul?

Mark 8:36

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