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Recognizing Black Belts of other styles in dojo.

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I agree with wearing a white belt if you begin a new style to an extent. The only problem I would have with it, is that you may hinder other true white belts because you may learn faster. If you have a beginner specific class, it could also be a problem, because this "beginner" could possibly overwhelm someone else of the same rank in the system once they get the basics down. I would request that they wear a white belt, but maybe not put them into a beginner's class. The only thing I don't agree with is what someone said earlier about a recognized black belt coming from the same organization. If the black belt was earned in the same style, and they have no gaps in training, I feel it would be a bit disrespectful of their time put in to not recognize their black belt. Unless they are seriously deficient in the style, they put in the time to reach black belt and should be treated accordingly.

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Also, though, it becomes a problem when competing.

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We have had black belts or actually any rank leave and come back after awhile. We always recognize their rank, but they go through a probationary period before ranking again, just so they can refresh their technique.

If we had someone come to the dojo who had never trained with us, but ranked in our style, they too would be recognized at their current rank but go through the same probationary period.

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I haven't trained in karate for ages, but I think it's fair enough to make someone go back to white belt.

If your style recognises other styles' belts that's fine, but I don't see wearing the white belt as disrespecting your style but rather just representing your skill level in the style you are currently training in.

Although I can see the logic in wearing your BB for kumite...

Really I think feeling disrespected because you don't get to wear your BB seems ridiculous. But then MT doesn't have belts and I'm quite happy to let someones style speak for itself. :)

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i agree that a black belt should be honored if it was earned, but going into a new art and wearing a black belt seems to be a disgrace to the new art. You go into an art and wear a BB, it makes it seem that you have already mastered that certain art, when in reality you haven't. I know pride is at stake, but you should respect the art you are going into and if that means to wear a white belt for that art, it should be honored and respected because that is the level you are at with the art not a BB.

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I only allow existing BBs to display their rank if they are contributing something to my system.

We are a mixed martial arts system so if you wish to come contribute something to us, instruct us in your technique and how it applies to us, please feel free.... however if you are 8 years old and earned your BB in TKD Little Dragons or what not, I'm sorry, you're wearing a white belt. Of course you and your parents will be made aware of the fact that you'll probably progress in rank quite quickly due to the fact that you have had previous training.... that's a given.

I have yet to promote a black belt in Goshin Kaiku Ryu, and I have a feeling it's going to be a while.

If an outside blackbelt were to earn black belt rank in our system's curriculum, I would furnish him or her with a black belt in Goshin Kaiku Ryu, but again because of the mixed art nature of our system, his previous degrees in other styles or systems would be noted in a different color than the rank stripes from us.

I do believe in always acknowledging previous training in one way or another because I've been shot down too many times by people who own schools and really didn't care about my previous training. They were always very rude and wanted to push their training on me whenever they found out about my previous training. It was weird, because I was obviously already in their school, willing to train.

Haha, I hope this is all comprehendable, its my 2:30am babble.

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I only allow existing BBs to display their rank if they are contributing something to my system.


That's fine but I am curious as to what you mean by contributing. I am not saying or suggesting that there is anything wrong with this. Contributing (and please understand that I am not suggesting $$ either) can mean so much. Thanks

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I mean like bringing something to the table to innovate our system.

It's called Goshin Kaiku Ryu literally meaning the Evolving System of Self Defense and it incorporates attributes of A LOT of styles. I'm not a BB in any one of these styles but in a similar system called Street Defense... http://www.streetdefense.com for info on that.

So what I mean is I'd be ecstatic if a BJJ BB came in, because he could really help us with our groundwork.... or even if a Wing Chun person came through and could teach us a thing or two about trapping or single sided blocks.... because I'd like to think that our system could give back to these stylists by enlightening them and helping them with their game a little on the opposite side of their style spectrum.

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In my school, I have no problem with someone wearing a black belt from a different "style". To me karate is karate, there is little difference between styles that should negate a black belt. I would hope the individual would rise to, or exceed, the level of expectations. If not, it will be a lesson in humility. However, if they are a different "art", then they start from the beginning. I.e. I'd no more wear my karate black belt to a judo school than I'd expect them to wear their rank in mine. I am sure that experience in martial training will speed up the learning process but the rank requirements between arts are usually as different as night and day.

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