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Kata is a waste of time


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In defense of kata.


Anyone ever read Joe Mirza's article on kata? very interesting


My main kumite combination, Lead hand backfist, lead leg kick is taken right out of kata(gankanku mainly). Most of my good take downs are taken right out of kata.


Kata is the most important thing in karate. Kata is a catolog of technique. If you taught students nothing but kata, they would know every technique in your style.


now :smile:-:


when was the last time you were in japan? Comparing Japanese karateka to american, middleeastern, or the crazy folk in europe (kosovo, and bosnian karate teams are SCARY) is rather humerous. They have great kata, and they are very fast. They have no foot work, and dont kick well, more than that they dont block kicks well either. The only really decent japanese fighters I have ever seen come from hawaii....


Seriously look at competitors, look at competitions for that matter. Japanese Karateka arent that spectacular, the best fighters i have ever seen all come from europe.



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We've obviously had very different experiences with Japanese karateka. All the ones I've seen are viscious, hyperactive midgets who barrel into you like a bullet. I'm amazed how fast they can move with those stumpy little legs, and their punches are solid as rock. I dunno about you, but I've never seen a bad Japanese karateka, in either kumite or kata.


As for the European guys, yeah, they ARE scary :karate: We had this guy named Saladar come over here from Hungary, that guy fights like a rabid wolf. He simply does NOT stop. He will knock your punch away, literally ram you with his shoulder, punch you about twenty times, then start throwing elbows and knees before slamming you, not sweeping, SLAMMING you, to the ground. He can actually lift most of us clear off our feet, right out of front stance.


I've hardly ever seen a bad example of European or Japanese karateka, and I wouldn't mess with either of them. The only places that don't seem to take their Karate very seriously in general are the US and UK. This is gonna sound sooooooo racist, but white man can't jump, dance, or fight, it would seem. J/k, don't send the KKK after me :roll:




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On 2002-07-13 16:55, :smile:-: wrote:


We've obviously had very different experiences with Japanese karateka. All the ones I've seen are viscious, hyperactive midgets who barrel into you like a bullet. I'm amazed how fast they can move with those stumpy little legs, and their punches are solid as rock. I dunno about you, but I've never seen a bad Japanese karateka, in either kumite or kata.


As for the European guys, yeah, they ARE scary :karate: We had this guy named Saladar come over here from Hungary, that guy fights like a rabid wolf. He simply does NOT stop. He will knock your punch away, literally ram you with his shoulder, punch you about twenty times, then start throwing elbows and knees before slamming you, not sweeping, SLAMMING you, to the ground. He can actually lift most of us clear off our feet, right out of front stance.


I've hardly ever seen a bad example of European or Japanese karateka, and I wouldn't mess with either of them. The only places that don't seem to take their Karate very seriously in general are the US and UK. This is gonna sound sooooooo racist, but white man can't jump, dance, or fight, it would seem. J/k, don't send the KKK after me :roll:


I actually was at the All japan junior a few months ago, i also did alot of kumite at JKA headquarters. the kumite i saw from the japanese was well controled but the timing and setups was lacking majorily. Japanese fighters ive fought, and or watched dont fake, they just kinda sit there, and then throw a technique very quickly. your right about the us and for the UK, have you ever seen Ronnie miller (not sure on the last name) fight? hes won sevral euro cups. but then again hes black :wink:

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Hehe...the Japanese have a much more systematic fight system then the Europeans and Americans. You see, they still fight based on the old Naha-te methods. One strike, one kill. They do not fake, they do not jab, they do not do anything excessive. They don't even hop or shuffle around that much. They'll just stand there, staring you down, and wait for you to present an opening. That's when they tear through and, in a real fight, kill you. Americans and Europeans have only known Karate in its sport form. From the tournaments and movies, they figure it is something like boxing. They don't realize that Karate is made to kill, not stun or knock out. Therefore, they fake, jab, throw combos, and generally use boxing tact, not realizing that this will get them killed in real fight against a karateka.


That is the difference, and that is what makes Karate more than just boxing with low stances. Karate is a killing art modified for sport combat, but it is, at its roots, just that, lethal.




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Blah, I'm literally almost asleep here and I have been skimming posts. No good arguments, same old, same old. I went to read the link to the last article, but saw two guys in some ridiculous stance where they would get there head knocked off.



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hey guys, we are talking about the performance of "kata" being a waste of time ...not fighting and not which country or what race jumps, fights or dances better..... because I train in TKD, am female and probably look far better than you in tights.... does that make me a better ballet dancer than you! :lol:


Bon, you have to view kata as a training method (physically & mentally) .... not a fighting method per se. .... and certainly not a waste of time if in fact you are developing these techniques:


Stronger, faster, and more effective kicks, blocks, and strikes


Stronger and more secure fighting stances and positions


Sparring techniques


Defensive and offensive moves for every self-defense situation


Build endurance


Condition muscles to be harder and stronger


Rhythm and grace of movement


Awareness of oneself and body


Effective breathing techniques




KarateForums Sensei


1st dan Tae Kwon Do (ITF)


Cardio/Fitness Kickboxing Instr.


[ This Message was edited by: KickChick on 2002-07-14 14:19 ]

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Lethal smecial. Incapacitating maybe. but it would be alot easier for me to kill someone with a lead leg kick to the temple then it would be for me to do with a reverse punch to the body. :wink: And im a shotokan competitor.


When was the last time you saw two people square off before they fight? 2 trained martial artist with killing intent?


Kata not for fighting? blah. Every real fight ive been in since middle school has been finished in one technique. The real applications of kata and the simple kumite drills have done more for my self defense then free sparring the japanese way, or the modern way.


Has anyone here really had time to square off before fighting? where everything people base there judgements on kata come into play?



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