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Nunchaku Questions! Thanks

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Maybe this does sound insane... but here goes.

What if I had a choice between using a modern weapon, a gun, and nunchaku on a guy who was attacking or robbing me, and I knew that he was unarmed coming at me with his fists. If I ended the fight with nunchaku and then was interviewed by police etc... I could say that I chose to use the nunchaku because I didn't want to kill the guy, that I couldv'e pulled my gun. This would show that I didn't just suddenly go to lethal force when in a dangerous situation.

I realize that the chances of this are near to improbable, but not quite improbable.

I am aware of the legal ramifications and the laws in my area, and it is not necessarily illegal to carry nunchaku or firearms.

Anyways, can someone please tell me more about purple heart hardwood and your thoughts on the brass ring insert on the top of nunchaku, which helps reduce cord wear?

I've heard that cord is the way to go.... not completely sure. I've also chain and ball bearing CAN be good if you get a high quality chain and ball bearing.

Thank and all the best,


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Also, I don't even know where the "on the street" thing came from. I understand that in the UK laws are vastly different from where I am located... I've heard of many cases where homeowners in the UK get sued for trying to defend themselves and their property...Which really dissapoints me greatly but conditions where I live are much more favorable to a homeowner.

I'm not just interested in using the nunchaku as a "concealed weapon". I wouldn't mind having it handy in my house or wherever. And I am a fan of modern weapons, but it never hurts to have the old stuff around, either.

I didn't just watch a bunch of 80's ninja movies and then decide that I need nunchaku when walking around.

All the best,


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Your legal defence is flawed. That is all that I am going to say. I apologize for getting involved with this post since you just wanted information on building the weapon and nothing more. Do you have a sensei? If you do perhaps you can talk with him/her about this idea.

"Don't tell me the sky's the limit because I have seen footprints on the moon!" -- Paul Brandt

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Um.... the original post had nothing to do with building a weapon.

The original post also had nothing to do with legality of the weapon because I have already studied it for where I live.

I am actually not interested in building a weapon, I am interested if the Nunchaku experts on this board believe that purple heart is a good wood, if the brass ring insert is a good idea, what length of cord to get, and if cord is the best choice.

Like I said, I want to purchase them. I don't want a metal set.

I don't need a legal defense because I know the laws in my area.

I posted the above "legal defense" due to a previous post about nunchaku automatically getting you in trouble... I understand that many people around the world get screwed over for defending themselves, but not where I live.

All I keep getting in this post is stuff about legal ramifications, etc. Thanks for the concern, like I said, but if anyone actually wants to talk about that please start a new post, I'd be happy to talk about it in there.

I honestly don't need a lecture about nunchaku being illegal, that using weapons in a fight will get you into trouble, etc. I am not disinterested in these topics.... but they are not for this post.

Can we now focus on the original question?

edit: Yes I have a sensei but his specialty is Bo staff.

Also, I can't find anywhere in my posts where I said I wanted to carry nunchaku with me on the street. The reason I posted about the on street scenarios is because it was said here that "carrying nunchaku on the street is illegal". Just because it is illegal where you live doesn't mean that it is illegal everywhere else. Generalized statements like this do nothing.

Once again, I ask that if you want to talk about legal aspects of this start a new post, or go to the other posts already out there about carrying nunchaku. The reason I have not posted there is because I myself am not really intersted in carrying them around, maybe someday but not anytime soon.

Thanks, and all the best,


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so to answer your final question, i'm not an expert in the weapon...the only reason we learn them in my school is to defend against them. i couldn't tell you if that particular pair is any good. have a good one though :)

" The art of Kung Fu San Soo lies not in victory or defeat, but in the building of human character." Grand Master Jimmy H. Woo

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK, here's my $0.02 worth.

I'm sure the Purpleheart are very pretty, but i am curious as to how much those would cost.

My advice is to get a pair of these http://www.karatedepot.com/wp-nu-06.html . The two sets i got were made from oak, very heavy and durable, and will last a very long time.

As for the brass ring, i wouldn't be too concerned about that either. The trick is to go the climbing section of the sporting goods store and get a few feet of 550 paracord, it comes in lots of cool colors. String your chucks with this, and it will never wear out. I went through the original cord that came with the chucks in about 6 months, i've been on the same pieces of paracord for over two years.

The purpleheart with the brass inserts will probably be much higher quality, and probably last a lifetime and be something worth showing off, so if the price is not a concern, go for it.

good luck


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Hello and thanks for the help guys.

I actually have a set from Century almost exactly like that but they are black, thanks for the recommendation.

Anyways, I actually got a purpleheart set.... and they are awesome.

They are from Murasaki Kobudo and I recommend them to people looking for Kobudo gear. They got my order slightly wrong, but the quality is awesome, and I would still order from them again.

All the best,


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