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Best Training for real life.

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Ground fighting can be a phase but it is also a style. There are styles where they base there whold systems around fighting on the ground. They are very effective and work very well in certian situations. And people did say that Bruce Lee was the best fighter in the world.

What "people" are this? If you ask 10 different people who the best fighters, you'll get 10 different answers.

For one, Bruce was 135lbs. Incredibly strong for his size, but still only 135. Beyond that, Gene Lebell tossed him around a few times, and there are too many other fighters to take into account, such as Helio Gracie to name one.

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Ok MMA fighters are good Brawlers and a good number could handle themselves in a street fight but they are fighters from my experiences in a neighborhood with 4 differnet gangs in it some things mma do or claim about most fights going into ground fighting in partly true the so called ground fighting is ground and pound the problem in the streets with grappling is that its hard to fight the other 4 guys with weapons (gangstas are wusses)

When your attackers are determined to injure you, no one can fight against 4 people at once. Anyone who claims they can is trying to make a quick buck against you. Let anyone who makes this claim stand up in public and openly demonstrate it.

another point thrown out here is that MMa are great fighters and will challenge anyone, well the reason grandmasters of arts like Karate, kungfu, and etc. dont challenge them is that one they r to old, fight really dirty, and really dont feel like they have anything to prove

Helio Gracie is old too- granted hes not fighting, but he did, and so are his students, his sons, and his relatives. As far as not having anything to prove, thats apparently not the case if everyone is questioning their abilities. Everyones ability gets questioned from time to time. You could argue that Royce didnt have to fight after UFC 1 - what did he have to prove? But people kept asking what if this and what if that, so he kept fighting, so that there would be no question that his wins were by no means accidental.

the highest form of a warrior is to realize that you dont have to fight when its not affecting ppls lives and well being

The highest form of a warrior is one who fights the best. Philosophy is great, but the best fighter is the one who beats all the others. Some people are fighters, others are not. They're not fighting because they're trying to prove something to someone else- they're fighting to prove to themselves time and time again.

If you have the personality of a fighter, then theres nothing wrong with fighting. If you dont, theres nothing wrong with not fighting, but dont try to make yourself look better than those who prefer to do it. Another thing to take into account here is experience- just like any other physical activity, experience plays a crucial role, so if you've never tested your abilities, you're going to have a much lesser chance than someone else who has.

but in the bigger scope of the warrior there are other things to focus on and percive.

What can be more important to being a fighter than learning how to fight? You're starting to enter the realm of philosophy, and philosophy governs morals, not physical fighting skills.

ok ppl have a general misconception between warrior and fighther a fighter is what the named implys they live for the fight a warrior picks his fights the Spartans were the best warrior out there but they did got out to fight all the time no it was the gladiators who who fight one spartan general even admitted he did like constant conflict even though they were some of the most vicious warriors out there this misconception was bought about i wont name the groups that wanted togloritized them selves when they are really Gladiators/Fighters those ppl live for the fight

P.s you can fight 4 ppl easy fist you get a gun with 4 or more bullets and boom there you go but seriously i saw a friend of my fight 4 guys succesfully

White belt for life

"Destroy the enemies power but leave his life"

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There are examples of professional fighters who have gotten into street altercations- Lee Murray (god knows how many times) , Tim Sylvia (vs 6 Navy Seals), Bas Rutten (vs the entire bouncer staff of a bar).

I tried to look-up in Google the stories of the street fights these guys got into (especially Tim Sylvia with the SEALS) but couldn't find them. I'm interested in reading about them. Do you have links that I could read the stories, or do you have the time and patience to write about how they did in their street fights?

When it comes to discussing the use of MA for real life, I think the best examples are people who have actually used MA in fight-to-the-death situations, usually elite military unit members. An example is this US special forces soldier who killed a Taliban or Al Qaeda personality in hand-to-hand combat: http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0HZY/is_2_16/ai_113304592. Unfortunately, the article and medal citation don't identify what technique the soldier used to kill the guy, but whatever it was it appears to have been quick and effective.

A couple of times when I've met someone who I believed to really be a member of an elite unit (I used to be in the military and every once in awhile I was around those guys, but not very often), I asked them what style of martial art they studied. They always said, "All of them" or "As many as I can."

I hope that other members of this forum who are, or were in the military or know more about this can confirm if what I'm saying is true or qualify it with better information.

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The simple answer is these things are not comparable... apples and oranges. Because there is different measures for success, there is no way to pitch them up against eachother.

The mind is like a parachute, it only works when it's open.

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SEALs and MMA guys train for different opponents and situations.

In a face to face, unarmed altercation, a high level MMA fighter would proabably beat the tar out of a SEAL.

A SEAL would much rather dispose of a threat with an MP5 or USP, or even a knife, than his bare hands. SEALs have very little time to train in unarmed skills, and why would they waste (yes, waste) their time training hand to hand techniques when:

1. Most of their opponents will not be exceptionally skilled unarmed fighters, so there is no sense training to beat a UFC caliber fighter.

2. They carry guns! And knives! And grenades, flashbangs, and mines! Why even mess around punching if you can fill the guy with lead?

3. SEALs would rather eliminate a threat before a threat detects him.

In summary, a face to face, unarmed altercation is the LAST place a SEAL wants to be, but the place an MMA fighter loves to be! MMA fighters put countless hours into training for this scenario, while SEALs put countless hours into training to shoot things, blow stuff up, and learning to speak foriegn languages (seriously).

If a SEAL meets an MMA fighter on the SEAL's terms, the MMA fighter will lose, and vice versa.

If it works, use it!

If not, throw it out!

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Another note: So called "special forces fighting techniques" often paint an unrealistically fragile picture of human anatomy. It's REALLY HARD to snap a guy's arm or "crush his trachea." Grapplers and MMA fighters know this better than anyone. I've really CRANKED on some guy's necks before, and guess what? They don't just go -POP- like in the movies.

I'm sure any BJJ'ers or sub grapplers here can back me up on that.

If it works, use it!

If not, throw it out!

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