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How Has Karate Helped You In Other Sports/Arts/Professions

Killer Miller

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Well i do security for a job so it helps me a lot and i beleve always will.

its changed my life for the better.

i also fish for a hobbie and i makes me quick on the mark for when that fish bites and also keeps me relacsed and calm.

Sorry for the spelling mistakes....

The Reason I Train, Is So I Dont Have To Fight.

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when I used to play baseball, it helped a ton in terms of conditioning and reflexes...as well as my depth perception....I'd be able to know what trajectory the ball was coming in to the plate with more times than not, and be able to know when a pitch was going to be a strike, or if it was going to be a ball *even close ones where the ump would take a good 10 seconds to make the call...and in baseball..that's a long long ten seconds*

More importantly though, was the condition I had my core and abdominal muscles in...in 2001 I was in a very nasty car accident, I was asleep in the back seat wearing a simple lap belt in an old 89 ford probe...i ended up rupturing my abdominal wall across the entire front of my abs, but I was told that because they *the muscles* were conditioned as well as they were...they were able to take the vast bulk of the pressure of the force of impact *70kph into the back of a stationary super-b milk tanker truck* and save my internal organs *spleen, intestine, and so on* from becoming soup.

I'm alive today because of Karate.

Think before you act, but act before it's too late.


(Images aren't allowed, but if you want, take a peek for yourself ^ )

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I'd agree with Hecklerboy. I am a cyclist as well (albeit road) and my climbing has improved due to increased muscle tone in my legs from kicks and stances. Better core fitness helps me stay stable on the bike. Conversely, I think cycling has given me a better sense of balance from when I studied TKD, which was before I started cycling. Most likely they've complemented each other.

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karate has helped my reflexes, eye-cordnation, timing, balance, etc. doing karate helps u in aw kinds of sports. it makes u aware of ur suroundings. karate allows ur mind 2 react faster 2 things. :idea:

First courage, second power, and then technique.

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Martial arts has helped me in my flexibility, strength and coordination to be able to do other activities easier. But also benefits for my confidence and overall attitude in life too which has had dramatic effects on how I choose to live. Martial arts gave me the discipline to take on challenges in life like studying, dealing with different people and even hardships.


Free Spirit Martial Arts Activewear


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Within the past year I have started to study modern dance under a professional teacher. I can safely say that the physical conditioning I have gotten from karate has helped me a great deal. However, even more so than the muscle, the control of my own movement and the attention to detail which I have gained from the dojo have helped me to become a far better dancer.

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Drgnslyer, you are awesome.

Before I joined karate, I played soccer and piano. Soccer helped me with endurance, cardio, and teamwork which were all very usefull at karate. Piano, and memorizing pieces, helped me remember kata as well as encourage equal dexterity in both hands.

I started playing classical guitar (And Killer Miller, I feel your pain with Bach!), and I'm sure dexterity and finger strength helped karate, and vice versa. Piano and guitar performances and karate tournaments also reinforce each other because for both you must be calm and perform something technical in front of a crowd (with no "do-overs").

I also played rugby and badminton in high school, as well as continuing with soccer.

I think karate helped me in rugby a huge amount. Karate gave me a lot of confidence as an athlete, and sparring is a lot like tackling someone in rugby. I actually think rugby helped me in sparring more than the other way around. Once I got past my fear of tackling I really took to it, and that helped in sparring. I've never been totally able to dispel my awkwardness and nervousness when sparring. (I'm not terrible, but sparring is very hard.)

Badminton is all about co-ordination and timing, and karate can certainly aid you there!

I love sports and music. I am no longer active in anything I listed, except that I play guitar occasionally. I'd really like to get back to karate.

Kata is like a good stir-fry: preparation and timing are everything.

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Karate helped me in soccer tremendous amount !

I played as a goalkeeper since the age of 8 . I started Karate at 24 ,I stopped playing football at 26 and concentrated on karate .After gaining black belt at 32 I returned to playing in goal again and to my surprise not only My goalkeeping haden't deteriorated but I was kind of surprised of how my agility had improved and my reflexes and timing were kind of amazing to me and other players !

Please let me remind you that I never like to compliment myself to any one and other players never knew then and even now that I did karate .

I am saying it here simply to say how valubale karate was and is to me,and how it can be used as a root preparation for any sport .

I like to add that I remember using karate kicks on number of occasions when I was playing in park games in my 30s . I scored a goal once with a low jumping ushiro geri from a low corner kick, that somehow from where I was standing as a forward behind the six yard line I could only hit the ball with my back to the goal ! and antoher time I went to kick a high ball which went directly behind me with a mawashi geri but i diden't see there was a player from opposition who headed the ball first and instead my jodan mawashi geri (high round house house) landed on his forehead and knocked him clean out !

fortunately he came round quickly enough and I apologised to him !

but to be fair ,if any body desereved that kick on the pitch it was him ! but it was pure accident !

I used round house technique a lot in shooting the ball.

never give up !

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