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Discussions on the Eugue Ryu style of Karate.


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  • 3 months later...
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Hello. In my state we are not required to register.

While I hold a blackbelt in one style, I have decided that I am happy starting over from the beginning with Eugue Ryu. It does not limit you to one form, which makes it a warranted and welcome addition to my ability.

However, the question I have for everyone is do you consider it dishonorable to keep your rank in another form private from everyone? While I have my reasons, I like to hear the opinions of other people.

But quote my signature for my feelings on belt color. :).

To everyone, remember that it's just a belt. You don't need it. Work at your own pace, at your own level. Your sensai's are there to help you, not to discourage, but shoot for short-range goals. Have the long-range goal in mind, but don't let it consume you, it doesn't help. Alright. I just wanted to say something because I see a lot of discouraged people when they hear how long it takes to get to black belt. But what a lot of people don't realize that I've seen white belts defeat black belts.

Wonder if this post was long enough :).

Oh, and I dont approve of seven year-olds being awarded black belt STATUS under the assumption that there is far too much to learn that it would take many more years of your life. I would honestly believe that ten or more years would be a necessity.

A belt is just that, a belt. Color does not depict skill, it's skill that depicts skill.

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While I hold a blackbelt in one style, I have decided that I am happy starting over from the beginning with Eugue Ryu. It does not limit you to one form, which makes it a warranted and welcome addition to my ability.

You are correct. It doesn't limit you, and there is always something new to learn.

However, the question I have for everyone is do you consider it dishonorable to keep your rank in another form private from everyone? While I have my reasons, I like to hear the opinions of other people.

But quote my signature for my feelings on belt color. :).

I think it is up to the individual here. Some people like to keep it a secret, and then, when they line up with a white belt to spar, and floor a white belt, then they make their announcement. Granted, this doesn't always happen, but it does happen. You can keep it a secret, but people will usually find out eventually.

To everyone, remember that it's just a belt. You don't need it. Oh, and I dont approve of seven year-olds being awarded black belt STATUS under the assumption that there is far too much to learn that it would take many more years of your life. I would honestly believe that ten or more years would be a necessity.

If the belt is just a belt, and it doesn't matter, then why does it matter if a seven year old holds black belt rank?

You make some very good points, and I think it is beneficial to study other styles, whether they recognize your rank or not. No one can take away from you the knowledge that you have gained.

Welcome to the Forums, spark! :karate:

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Hey, spark! Nice to meet another Eugue Ryu person around. You know, I think we're finally getting some decent representation around the internet. So, which Eugue Ryu school are you going to? We've got the one is KC, the Lima group, the Wapak group, the Bellefountaine group, and I think the Marysville group.

He who gains a victory over other men is strong; but he who gains a victory over himself is all powerful Lao-tsu

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  • 2 weeks later...

Spark I think if you want to keep it a secret from your eugue-ryu classmates its up to you but you probably should tell your instructor so he or she can pace your training accordingly and for obvious safty reasons when sparring. Eugue Ryu is a good style for cross training. I've been in the Eugue ryu system for almost eighteen years and its alway's changing.

On the street the color of your belt dosn't matter, training and experience does.

If your not mature enough to drive your not mature enough to except the responsibility of a Black belt. Belt ranks should be earned through training, ability and knowledge. Seven year olds don't have any of this.

Kieran its good to see your still looking in.

The Texas school closed recently, to bad.

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  • 2 months later...

Hey yall I just read on wikipedia.org that eugue ryu was created in Viet Nam. This is something I had not heard befor kind of startled me.

I also heard there were some major promotions in Ohio. If so Congratulation's and well done it's not an easy art to move up in.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I wonder who supplies Wikipedia with the information. The style of Eugue Ryu we once learned had a great deal of Korean influence in it espesially in our kicks. If you look at budokaikarate.net the home page shows the top of our rank certificates the kanji in the pagoda is Korean and translates to Eugue-Ryu there are some Japanese symbols on our certificates also ( a rising sun, dragons with three toes) we have used these certificates since our first school opened here and I assumed that they came here from Lima. So when I read that Eugue Ryu was created in Viet Nam I was surprised. Eugue ryu people seem to be very aloof, so they don't comunicate much. But it's nice to know someone looks in once in a while.

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I think with WikiPedia, people sign up to be members, and they have discussions and what not based on the topics that they want to add their level of expertise to. I think it is often edited and updated.

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  • 7 years later...

I believe i know Oscar Adams you are all remembering but from a different light. i was in atlanta going to chiropractic school and was having a cup of coffee at krispy kream donuts up the street (cobb parkway/highway 41). i was reading a book when this old broken down guy with a magical smile asked me if i go to life (my school). I said yes. He began to tell his story about how he went to chiropractic school way back in the day(don't remember exact dates) and enjoyed his time as a chiropractor. More than that he told me about his judo career......how he practiced, taught, and live the life all around. i think he mentioned texas and mexico city. Must be the same guy. He taught me two distinct chiropractic/healing tricks that have served me in practice possibly more than anything anybody has ever taught me. He was so nice and so real....i went back to the donut shop acouple times hoping to see him again....i got to spend time with him twice. He had cancer in his esophagus. They cut it out once and he said it would grow back sooner than later and that he didn't have much time left to live but that he has had a nice life.....he told me this with a smile on his face. Im not suprised to know he touched other people the way he did me.

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  • 6 years later...

I hope nobody cares that I'm dredging this old thread back up.

I used to be a practitioner back in the day at the Kansas City School.

My sesnei was primarily James Hess though senseis Baswell and Jones would also show up to class once we had a decent student base showing up.

I trained with the Ricky, Whitney, David, Garrett, Mason, and Freddie amongst others.

Sadly, I've heard that my sensei died in 2017. To my knowledge, the Blind Dragon is still kicking but I have no information on Sensei Jones.

The Kansas City branch has sadly dwindled into obscurity. This hurts as I learned two very special kata from Eugue Ryu that I have seen no where else. Ichikyu is simply a beginner kata on the surface, there's no doubt about it. But there are a few nice little secrets hidden in there. Things that Sensei Hess made us discern from the kata for ourselves and later affirm with him. He always wanted us thinking about our kata, not simply going through the motions. He wanted us to understand what we were doing and more importantly why we did it.

I never touched Nikyu. Sensei said we didn't teach it anymore. If anyone knows anything about it, that's why I'm here. Moreso, though, the following kata.

Sankyu wasn't something I hadn't perfected, I think that takes a lifetime anyhow, but had learned well enough to move on to Nihanchi which stole away much of my focus. I remember the movements well enough to reconstruct my old kata from various videos in different styles. Of course, there is editing that must be done but it is possible. However, Sankyu is a mystery to the internet. If anyone could lay out the three unique Eugue Ryu kata for me, I'd be extremely greatful.

I struggled to cobble together a bit of what I believe is the beginning. If this is familiar to anyone at all, please help me complete the kata!

Step back with left foot into righthand lower level block.

Left Punch

Step up, feet together, sword chamber.

Left Side Kick

Kiba Dachi

Then there is another sequence that I've got stuck in my head but I can't hammer it out...

Step back into righthand lower level block.

Front Kick

Back Kick

Back forward leaning stance

Shift forward

Front Kick

Side Kick

Chamber kick

Kiba Dachi

Double Lower Cross Block

Right over left


Step back into Forward Leaning Stance

Upper level block

Left hand to right ear, one hand knife hand block, other to chamber

Any help would be appreciated!


In this forum a handful of people have mentioned Eugue Ryu's Yellow Book. Blind Dragon (Sensei Baswell) posted it on his site, but that site is down now. Samurai Dave mentioned being something of a historian for this sort of thing and wanted to collect the book. OP had asked for it. A number of people seemed into it.

I don't expect that this book would lay ouit the kata I am looking for, but I would like to see the original document I kept hearing about back in the day.

Mostly, I'm hoping to drum up any interest in Eugue Ryu so I can stumble down memory lane for a bit, so even if you just know something here or that about it, I'd be interested!

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