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OK, I just started doing some BJJ at my regulat school. they started adding that on our off days, for me as a student there already, I would only pay an extra what would amount to 25 bucks a month. Its some good stuff and I really enjoy it..

Now..There is a JUdo school that opened up rather close to where I work. I went there to check it out tonight and it was really good, the instructor was friendly and he ran through a lot of demonstrations of their throws, chokes, sweeps, and joint locks that they do. It was ibvious this guy knows his stuff. He's offered me two free classes to see what it's all about. The way it looks, if I stay in doing the BJJ, I would only be able to do either the BJJ one day a week and the Judo for two or vice versa. I already do Haganah 2 times a week and fridays I usually do boxing or kickboxing, and soemtimes we even add a little rolling to the mix. The Judo school would also be 25 dollars a month which is great. Thing is, I am not sure if I should just do either one or the other, should I give up on one of the other styles? Also, would I be taking o too much. Being a single dad of a teenager, I dont wanna spend too much time away from home and my daughter really isnt interested in taking an art. The cost isnt so much an issue as the time. Also I barely have time to do any lifting anymore as it is. I really wouldnt wanna give up haganah either.

What should I do?

Ugh! :(

"You know the best thing about pain? It let's you know you're not dead yet!"


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I'm glad you asked. I too tend to take on too much at one time. I work full time, go to school part time, have a wife and two kids, go to my MA classes, and help my instructor teach his larger class on weekends. In the past two years, I have dabbled in Boxing, Muay Thai and Kendo and at least once a week I lift weights and play Ping Pong. Gee, I wonder why I got so addicted to caffeine =(

Anyway, my wife gave me a reality check and just told me I had to choose. Now, I still train in my primary style of Aikijutsu and lift weights but all of the other things are just occasional things now. I must say it's a lot easier and I get more done.

I say pick your favorite one as a staple and just do the others whenever you can fit them in. You have your whole life to diversify.

Ask yourself this question: Would you rather work toward one black belt or 12 different green belts?

Paranoia is not a fault. It is clarity of the world around us.

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  • 3 weeks later...

all's i can say is burnout bud, i have known many people who think they can go all day every day and not give their bodies a rest. you don't really wanna do that.

" The art of Kung Fu San Soo lies not in victory or defeat, but in the building of human character." Grand Master Jimmy H. Woo

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Your daughter is only a teenager once.

Reality check! You need to make her a priority and go from there.

You're right. I have been doing BJJ on tue and thur and boxing/kickboxing on fridays. Gonna take a break from the other things for now and just concentrate on those for now.

"You know the best thing about pain? It let's you know you're not dead yet!"


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  • 4 weeks later...

Just from what I heard from you I would do the Judo, at least try it for a month and see what happens. Pay the 25 dollars and see how it works out, if it doesn't thats not too much dough down the drain, and only a month away from your family and stuff.

Anyways, I bet your daughter would be willing to try an art with a little convincing, maybe not but just a guess . Does your son want to try either? Maybe see which he would prefer, if either, and then do that one with him, and maybe your daughter would go too eventually.

Anyways good luck, all the best,


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