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As 3rd Dan suggested, timing/speed drills will help in developing your punching skills, same would go for kicks. I'm not a weight lifting expert, but weight work could help some.


One of the things that I have found helpful over the years is learning how to stay relaxed and loose. If your are working on say your jab, keep your fist, arm, and shoulder relaxed.


As you shoot your jab out at your target, start to tense your fist, arm and shoulder as it strikes the target. Have your focus point actually go beyond your target and not the target itself. This would be a visualization process.


The same process would apply to the hook, straight, or roundhouse punch. You will find as you develop in your punching skills that speed can equal power!!!


Mind of Mencia

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Magical Goose your left hand punching problem may be as simple as this. If you're right handed normally ... you tend to have more "power" and "dexterity" with that side. What you now need to work on is "balance".


Balance out the power and speed between your right and left. Try wearing heavy gloves for bag work or strapping on wrist weights while doing speedbag work.




KarateForums Sensei


1st dan BlackBelt TKD(ITF)


CardioKickboxing/Fitness Inst.


[ This Message was edited by: KickChick on 2002-04-08 04:16 ]

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Also, since power is determined by multiplying mass with speed, you can work on your mass with weightlifting, and speed with explosive/pylometric exercises. A lot of it is mental though, and about confidence. Be as confident with your left as you are with your right. Give it everything, and practice practice practice.


Best of luck!


PS. I typed this whilst eating a chocolate muffin, now my keyboard is covered in chocolatey stains. :mad:


Currently 'off' from formal MA training


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Mmmm chocolate muffin.......err I mean yeah punching.


I'll have to clarify as well. If you mean a left jab (left foot in front) then speed is what you want. However, you should work on the balance needed to perform the same technique no matter which foot is in front.


Rather than full weight lifting, you might try weighted wrist bands. Then just punch, punch, punch.

Kuk Sool Won - 4th dan

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.

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I always try and punch though and this ishow it works.


It works by telling your mind that the target is farther away then it really is. At that point your mind sends more strength and power to you arm and thats how it works. But it also makes your fist easier to control making you hit the target easier, faster, more powerful all in one little punch. :cool:

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The power in a punch relies on your forearm, shoulder and hip. Stand in front of a heavy bag with your shoulder squared( shoulders facing bag, feet pointing forward, knees bent). Keeping your shoulders squared at all times punch the bag with left, vertical fist, hitting with first two knuckles. Then right, then left, and on. Do ten. Next, with every punch, turn the shoulder as you punch, toward the bag. There's a difference in that you feel the power which is generated. Next, stand in fighting position and punch the bag with leading hand, this time with a noraml fist(horizontal fist). Remember the feeling of power with the shoulder turned? Remember the feeling, turn the shoulders, and the hips, which also turns your foot and hit the bag as hard as you can. Practice in class, practice at home, practice in your sleep. And even at the dinner table if your mom allow. Hope that helps.

Canh T.

I often quote myself. It adds spice to my conversations.

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Wow, I didn't expect that many replies! :smile:!Thanks everyone I'll have to try some of these suggestions. :grin: :grin: :grin: :




Trying is the first step to failure, and its usually not worth it.


[ This Message was edited by: Magical Goose on 2002-04-08 14:33 ]

Trying is the first step to failure, and its usually not worth it.

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Work it, work it, and....work it all the time. Use your left hand for everything for a couple of days and you'll be surprised that you can be ambidextrious in such a short time! makiwara work also improves muscle and technique in your punches as well. Hmm... weights might helpa little too. :grin:



"Which one is more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?" - Obi Wan Kenobi

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