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Korea vs. America

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The following is a link that leads to a video that was posted on my college website here in Korea. This video, was shot to use in recruiting prospective high school students into this colleges Police Department. If you remember my post entitled "Losing Control" you will remember me mentioning this particular class. All of the boys in that class outrank me..all are either 2nd, 3rd, or 4th dan. With the exception of the boy beside me on the front row with glasses, none of them deserve their rank as far as im concerned. And most of them laugh at make jokes when they see me in dobak..although most would not last 30 seconds with me in sparring.

I show this video, to more clearly make the point about these students. Even though they know their is a camera on them, and they are representing their college major, most are slack, lazy, and not taking it seriously. That is the typical attitude I have encountered here in Korea.

See for yourself. I can be seen 2nd from right, on the front row. And at the end, they even made me say "Taekwondo is good"..haha. its a little funny!!!



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Haha..i could have said the same thing in Korean. I could have said almost anything they wanted me to say in Korean, but when the instructor asked for people to do it, I did not raise my hand. But he called on me, and made me do it. I resisted as much as I respectifully could, but after being told 4 or 5 times to do it, i would soon have crossed the line. when a Professor and Master tells me to do something, I have to do it.

The point, was to show those students, that there was an American here at the college, and he plays taekwondo. Any student could have said taekwondo is good, but they wanted to make sure that everyone knew there was an American. Thats why, when the guy came into the class with the camera, the instructor made me come to the front, as I always line up in the back of the class.

But it was funny. My taekwondo family bwack home got a good kick out of it as well..even bragging that now they kne a "Korean Moviestar"!!!haha


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Wow, that's cool man...

You're a real hot star now!!!!

Yeah, the video seems to pretty much reflect the average Korean TKD circus - minus the kids. So, it's a good hint for anyone wanting to come to Korea to train. The closing music reminded me of the closing of a cartoon program - something a la The Simpsons... They don't seem to try to make any effort to promote TKD in a spectacular way here. It's all odd.

Anyway, now, who's coming over to train??

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Here's another Korean Uni promo vid. This one shows a bit more finesse - but I'll damned about the annoying music... (turn your volume down)


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That was much better. Even the music was a little better. What was with the ultra cheesy dancing mixed in with the great TKD moves......that kind of stuff kills me. Will someone please tell them that the apple on the knife trick is not that great when you are wearing shoes..........please? ROFL

Thanks for sharing! I did enjoy some of the Hapkido/TKD mix.

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