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Kumite / Sparring - How much is too much?


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I've always been controlled, I started when I was 2 :wink: pitty I'm getting wilder in my old age lol

It's not that I feel the world owes me anything, I don't. But, on that note. What do I owe the world? Not a thing!

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Sometimes I get to spar/train with my Sensei!!11 :) Sure everyone gets hit at one time. I learn from my mistakes. I punch and block as fast as I can so I'll can get used to the level. Then after that, I go even faster and keep it up until I've reached the level and so on. It''s very helpful.

First courage, second power, and then technique.

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I've heard that the most dangerous people to spar are the ones that just started, as they have no control yet. Ah... I remember my first sparring session... that was hellish. I had absolutely no control and kicked my opponent in the kidneys. Rough stuff. :S

Actually many of us consider someone with about two years of training the most dangerous. They have enough skill and speed to inflict some serious damage, but often don't have a great deal of control. This makes for a very bad combination.

Anyone can hurt you, but someone strong and fast using pretty good technique with little control is really dangerous. We spend a lot of time with beginners doing "touch drill". Teaching them how to control how far they'll go with a strike. This is important not only for the sparring partner as they get older but also for the person so they don't hurt themselves as they get speed and power. Afterall, I can pull a punch 1" from you, or let it go through you, the only difference is where I plan on it stopping. That in how bad it hurts you.

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