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We're Not All That Different...


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I discovered an article on a website today (pm me if you would like the URL), and especially the discussion that followed it, that really made me think; it was about the little mind games many of us play, sometimes since we were kids, that happen everyday. I was amazed to see that so many people share the same little quirks and sometimes outright obsessive compulsive behaviour I do. It made me realize that we might think we're the only ones (possibly in the whole world) who do these kind of things, but it's comforting to see that we're not, and that the human mind/race really is amazing.

So my little question to all of you is what are some of the weird mind games you play? To get the ball rolling, and clarify things for those who don't understand what I'm talking about, here are some of my weird little quirks:

-I would (and sometimes do still) think that someone or something is watching me from the other side of mirrors

-In the shower, when I'm washing my hair, I sometimes feel like when I open my eyes after rinsing, there, in front of me, will be some kind of demon or ghost.

-I would sometimes take a random word and repeat it again and again until it lost all meaning, and just sounded weird

-(MORBID ALERT!) I sometimes visualize what it would look like if I killed myself and my parents found me.

-(One of my absolute favourites) I will occasionally scare myself by imagining if gravity were to disappear and everything, including me, started to float. The scary part? What if I were outside?!

-Sometimes, when I'm driving, I like to pretend I'm really piloting a plane.

-I used to mentally place an "X" on faces of people I didn't like.

Well, there you have it. I'm sure many of you have lost respect for me, but that's okay! Now it's your turn to share what lies within the inner sanctums of your minds! :D


"Know Thyself"

"Circumstances make me who I am."

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I guess our minds like to play tricks on us!.lol but seriously.. I used to work security in a psyhciatric ward of one of our local hospitals here and I used to see some strange strange things people did..lol then I would also be able to have a coffee and 'normal' conversation with the same people on my breaks..lol

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our brains are quirky at best...lol

I've been through a long, trying period of depression in my life...and have experienced many of those negative focused thoughts...

I've also *as dorky as it may sound* imagined myself as a king with a large castle ontop of a mountian (even though it would be difficult living up top...but not beyond the timberline)

Our imagination will do lots for us...it's what helps us create the greatest parts of our lives by forcing us to think outside the box.

Think before you act, but act before it's too late.


(Images aren't allowed, but if you want, take a peek for yourself ^ )

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I sometimes take a word a repeat it over and over until it doesnt sound like a real word anymore aswell.

I sometimes scare myself by imagining jumping off a cliff and the feeling of free falling to your death. (Im not suicidal!)

My Nidan Grading! Check it Out: http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=27140


"Behind each triumph are new peaks to be conquered." - Mas Oyama

Dojo Kun:http://www.diegobeltran.com/htms/dojo/dojokun.htm


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-I trick myself into thinking my house is haunted until I know it as fact, even though it isn't.

- I'm afraid of aliens I always make sure there's not one behind me. ( My girlfriend is the same way. She once mistaked a big green christmas light for a spaceship anf was freaking out.. but I must say I've done it before too.)

-Mirrors too scare me... lol

That's about it.

Needing to focus...

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-I would sometimes take a random word and repeat it again and again until it lost all meaning, and just sounded weird.

I know I've done this my fair share of times too :lol:

-(One of my absolute favourites) I will occasionally scare myself by imagining if gravity were to disappear and everything, including me, started to float. The scary part? What if I were outside?!

Not quite the same, but semi-related: I once imagined what would happen if the Earth would suddenly just stop (abruptly) rotating... everything would just keep going! Picturing everything getting launched off the face of the Earth, I burst out laughing, and all my friends thought I had gone crazy :lol: (they were already suspecting though ;))

"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go."

- T. S. Eliot

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Oh, my gosh! I never thought of that! That's a really scary thought!

Here are a few more of mine:

-Imagining myself in a plane that's falling

-Reliving (in my head) awful, humiliating moments of my past, often ruining perfectly good days

-(This one is fun :P) Imagining myself as my favourite singer (who's actually a male (I'm not)), and standing in front of the mirror, lip-syncing an entire concert to thousands of adoring fans


"Know Thyself"

"Circumstances make me who I am."

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Haha, I already assumed everyone performed lip-synced concerts to their adoring fans. I knew I wasn't the only one!

I also catch myself wondering if people can read my thoughts. Not all the time, just when I was thinking something about a person I'm with, and they do something I can read as reacting to my thoughts. Idunno, hard to explain. It makes sense at the time though, I swear!

And mirrors....I wonder what it is about them that they make so many people nervous. I personally don't even like having my back to one...

36 styles of danger

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Yeah those damn mirrors, whenever i look into one i expect to see someone standing behind me. (Too many horror films i think)

My Nidan Grading! Check it Out: http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=27140


"Behind each triumph are new peaks to be conquered." - Mas Oyama

Dojo Kun:http://www.diegobeltran.com/htms/dojo/dojokun.htm


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