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Multiple Attackers

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if you actually think about it, no matter how many people face you, you should be able to take them on, if you have the energy


cuz most of the time they will have one fighting at a time, very rarely would you have more than one fighter fighteing against a lone warrior,


dispose of them one by one, alongs as you can take the biggest guy, you have no problem at all

Brown Sash Hsing I/Lau Gar Kung Fu

Brown Belt San Shou

17 yr old


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I'm glad you said that. For all the talk we all do about avoiding a fight, I haven't heard anyone say what I thought the obvious. He had no one behind him. He could have easily backed away from the whole situation, keeping them in front of him. But you know, they did call him a name, gee I guess that justifies it. :uhoh:


On the other hand, if he had been surrounded, and there was no other way out, he did exibit the right strategy for muliple attackers. But this looked more like multiple insulters followed by multiple defenders. :lol:

Kuk Sool Won - 4th dan

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.

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Awesome clip jiggy. Things I learned after I watch the movie:


1. Be aggressive.


2. If all fails take off your shirt, they'll be intimidated by your muscular fortitude.


3. start shouting absenity as soon possible.


4. go for the guy near the trailer, he's probrably an inbred and can't fight



Canh T.

I often quote myself. It adds spice to my conversations.

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It takes sacrifice to be the best.

There are always two choices, two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it's easy.

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Multiple attackers...hmm...interesting. If there were that many stupid people who decided to attack me simultaneously I would have to remind them of their place in the evolutional chain of existence.


This is how it works: One guy vs many. I have personally been in a me vs 5(3 of those BTW were trained fighters too). They didn't like me.(Imagine that). Well it doesn't matter who you take down as long as you take them down as they come. Forget focusing on the big guy and then hoping the others get discouraged. That's for the movies or juvenilles. Real thugs won't care. The nearest guy to you take him down fast and hard. He'd better not get up after you hit him. Not like in that stupid video posted previously. That guy had no clue what he was doing. The guys he was fighting weren't there to fight and his attacks did absolutely nothing. In fact it almost looked staged. Keep moving don't sit still and don't waste time or energy with multiple movement attacks. K.I.S.S.(Keep it simple stupid)


Forget the he punches I block, step to the side, and execute my attack. WASTE OF TIME. Instead, he attacks, I attack faster and hit better. If they get around you it's still the same thing nearest guy gets creamed. Hit hard and be sure it is strong enough for them not to get up again. Just work it that way. Move and hit, if there are four of them. You should move and hit four times and the fight should be over. If not you have done something wrong and may not survive the fight without running away.(MONTY PYTHON).


Hope this helps.

"I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." Einstein

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Back to the wall. This is really a huge help... Keep everyone in front of you. Attack the most agressive or leader first with an attack such as a running punch with shifitng comb or low round kick to the knee and try and take him out. At the same time as you tag him try and break their line and excape.


If you are on some surface beside blacktop. Grab to hands full of dirt, rocks, sand, etc. Throw one then run. Throw the other pick up 2 more and run. This will give you a cover to make an excape.


However if you mush fight. I say take the first guy out. Find the leader or biggest guy they got and break his knee, kick him in the groin, poke his eyes out, bite, etc. Lots of times when the main man falls the rest loose nerve.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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HAAH! Simple, this is a simple question with a simple answer. HA! I laugh, and i still laugh. I have been attacked by multiple attackers on several different occasions. needless to say that i lived and they are no longer able to chew solid foods. i am pretty much a god among men (just kidding). anyways, to the rookies i suggest packing a gun. to the advanced level martial artists i suggest using windmill attacks...forget this "praying mantis" or "eagle shadow fist" bullock if you got a knife stick it in and make it count! pull hair, and most importantly bite! BITE! B-I-T-E! i cant stress that enough, another effective tactic is to claw and eye-gouge. if your attackers are male (which is ALWAYS the case) reach for the testicles and rip them off (or at least, try to). if worse comes to worse pick a scab and rub blood all over you and dance around like a crazy man constantly saying "I have aids". any "vato" would step back and leave you alone, they wouldnt think twice about touching you.


things not to do:


10.) Upper-Cuts. They NEVER work, forget video games. In the real world an upper-cut would land you in the hospital.


9.) Throwing Boxes or any Large Object: Seriously, think about this. Do not waste your energy throwing some hobo's home at your attackers.


8.) Spitting or Cursing: This would only taunt your opponents, nothing more nothing less.


7.) Praying: DO NOT DO THIS! all your sins will come into play and god will non-listen to your cries for help.


6.) Using Any Firearm that is less than a .45 calibur: Come on folks, listen to me here. Any gun less than a .45 would only annoy your opponent and make them even more madder.


5.) Sidekicks: Seriously, think about this one. Ever tried to sidekick anything that is moving mach 50 towards you? Ever tried to sidekick multiple targets moving mach 80 towards you? the answer is no. you havent, so dont even try sidekicks. unless you are bruce lee or moses.


4.) Ninja Stars: Come on folks, get real here. throwing a ninja star is not a good idea, if you miss then you are pretty much dead.


3.) Run: Running is for cowards, someone who runs has to live with the dishonor of leaving the scene of a great battle.


2.) Trying Fake Chi-Blasts: Think, just think. Good, now you know what i know. DO NOT TRY THIS! TRUST ME! i have tried to summon my chi during a struggle with a street savy pool shark, and it did not work. I resorted to kicking him (not a sidekick) in the stomach.


1.) Calling for Help: You dont need to waste your valuable oxygen to call for mommy. Take down your attackers or die trying.


Well, this is the basics. the above mention "Top 10" list is for the advanced level black belts. Rookies should follow the guidlines listed above the list. Thanks!


Have a nice day. :smile:

~I know the ways of the martial arts, i am invincible~

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