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Multiple Attackers

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In a multiple attack situation it is always a good thing to leave yourself an avenue of escape, thus not having your back to a wall. Perhaps the only advantage to the wall is not having someone else come up from behind.


Footwork is vital and so long as you have your footwork, you can continue to move to an area of safety, thus using one or more of the attackers as a shield/barrier against the others. Also, if you strike, strike the one that is closest to you or the one who initiates the first attack.


Mind of Mencia

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I've been in real multiple attacks before, what works for me is focusing on the closet opponent and working your way out , concentrating on sweeps, eye strikes, throat strikes, and knee attacks...I want to end this quickly with the least amount of damage to myself first and foremost..at that point in time, you become hypervigilent and your martial arts training plays a major role in your survival...I do not want to kill my opponents, just incapicitate them for the time being...thats where control comes in as well...easier said than done..I know, that's why I train :wink:



Best regards,

Jack Makinson

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I think they key other than footwork is very apparent in Jiggy9's little video. BE AGGRESSIVE!!! He never gave those guys a second chance to think. I was impressed. Hey Jiggy, where did you find that? Did this guy study MA? If so what did he study?

When two tigers fight, one dies and the other is mortally wounded.

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Doesn't look like he studies martial arts to me. Guy only had a right fist, not much else



It takes sacrifice to be the best.

There are always two choices, two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it's easy.

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He did not even need training, see? The key is to along with having the correct strategies, is having the correct mindset. Aggressiveness, no fear, and speed. With these he managed to suprise all of them and pick them apart. See how he was only fighting one of them at a time?


Currently 'off' from formal MA training


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I watched that video again and again - and you know, I think those guys were wussies and Im not sure if they wanted to start the fight in the first place.


Just watch the guy who is infront of him in the beggining, he's cowering with his hands up when the other guys are being pushed around....and when he's pushes the guy on his left the rest stay where they are, and then when he punched the guy infront of him the guy on the right just stands there. I think if they were the main aggressors they would have to tried to jump him from behind or something - then again he could have just been pissing in his pants and too scared to do it...I dont know, because those guys were all around him @ the start.


Dragonstyle, i personally found that video @ fight authority but I've been told its on a CKY aswell - I dont know if he studied any martial arts or anything! Cool video though hey!

Shotokan Karate Black Belt

==Defend the path of Truth==

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Definately, those guys were pussies!


I have been in a multiple attack before and they weren't scared, as soon I hit one guy another one was already hitting me.



It takes sacrifice to be the best.

There are always two choices, two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it's easy.

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it's from bam margera's CKY 3, a very amusing video. you can buy it on dvd or download it from morpheus/kazaa/etc.


and those guys were total wusses. they may have verbally attacked him, but he started the fight.. i'm pretty sure those guys weren't looking to throw down. :lol:



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