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whats the problem

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I dont understand y practishoners of tkd and tsd tend to hate each other.Of course this in just in genriel i dont mean all hate each other just most.I dont understand y when the arts have so much in common.Even I tend to look down on tkd but when i looked into there art we have so much in common.Are historys revolve around each other it just seems one branched off in to a more spoter verson wile the the stayed more tradishonal.

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There's alot of politics involved with TSD and the Moo Duk Kwan branches in TKD. Some TSDers see the MDK TKDers as sell outs to the government, feel that sport shouldn't replace tradition, or maybe they see the MDK TKDers as traitors who left the founder Hwang Kee.

Mostly I think the political hate comes from the fact that the Korean government battled it out with Hwang Kee in court for 4 years, trying to force him to join the TKD wave, also shutting down his TSD schools in the process temporarily. This dislike was probably handed down from instructor to student in some form or another - outright degrading statments or perhaps just subtle pokes, who knows.

The only thing I don't like about TKD is that generally they promote too fast and are geared only towards sport competition. Its like there's no alternatives for TKD people who might want to focus on other purposes to their training. The other thing I don't like about TKD is that it breeds athletes, and part of being a successful athlete is having the winning attitude, which sometimes gets turned into inflated ego. Sport TKD practitioners who think they can fight and are the deadliest people on the planet yet come up with a convenient excuse when its time to throw down make me not like TKD. But those are starting to die down thank God...

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I never heard of a TKD person complaining or badmouthing a TSD person. From what I can tell..its the other way around, a one sided hatred from my point of view. But TSD people arent the only ones to hate on TKD, there are many others to go around. Frankly, its no different than people who hate America. They hate America for many reasons, but it boils down to..America is the strongest, and most powerful..(at least for the time being) so others have to find an excuse why to come down on America, so they can feel better about themselves. They will only broadcast media that shows america in a bad light, they will only show fat americans on t.v. or only tell news about american shooting each other, or having sex with children.

Like when you were in school, and there was always one guy, he was the most handsome, his family was rich, he had all the girls, he was like the #1 guy. So all the other guys in school had to come up with some reason to hate on him, we would say..well...he's stupid as a doornob, or he has bad breath, or some other, just to make some reason why he actually wasnt the best, so we could feel better about ourselves, because we were not as handsome, and we were not rich.

So taekwondo (whether it is sport, or traditional, or whatever) is the most popular in the world. There are more taekwondo school out there than any other art. So other people have to find a reason to crap on taekwondo..(its only for sport, or my students beat their students in competition everytime, its not practical on the street) People seem to forget, that EVERY martial arts school out there is a business. Guys that run Muay Thai and Jujitsu dojangs have bills to pay just like the guy running the Taekwondo dojang. That space isnt free, that equipment isnt free, and the insurance for a martial arts school for sure isnt free. Their school is a business just like any other business. So it makes could sense to convince people that your competitions product is not good, and since their biggest competition is TKD, it's natural that so many want to find fault with it.

I'm not saying that TKD is the best choice for self defense. But that fact is, most people who are paying money for classes don't care about what's practical, because they know, most of us will never use it. We dont live in the 1700's where we have to defend ourselves on a regular basis. Most people just want to have fun, and explore something new. I've been in TKD for 12 years, and I can't recall a single person that thought that their TKD training made them some "unstoppable machine" I have met some people like that, but they thought that even before they set foot in the dojang. Those are the same people would would think they were "unstoppable" if they worked out at the gym 4 times a week, or if they took ANY martial art. There are many on this board that think they are unstoppable, and they arent TKD people.

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Never even encountered these sentiments until I went online and then it was from "art X" towards TKD. Frankly I could care less about the politics involved and find the whole thing rather silly. I really like both arts actually (most arts for that matter) and never had a reason to bad mouth anyone. Just my 2 cents.

"Jita Kyoei" Mutual Benefit and Welfare

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I did both arts. I was in TSD first. And yes, there were those that bad-mouth TKD, myself included. BUT from what I have seen, these same people NEVER saw a real TKD dojang. I ate my words when I found this TKD dojang after I moved here. Yes, we have "sport" for those who want it, but this is a very good art. We mainly focus on techniques, defenses, ect. This dojang is very similar to my TSD dojang (except for the forms and sparring rules, that's the only difference).

Laurie F

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Niel I know this is off topic...but were you the one testing for first dan and if so did you pass?

Yep I passed. I should get the official word tonight and my brand new belt. Cant wait! Laurie here tested too so give her a pat on the back as well.

"Jita Kyoei" Mutual Benefit and Welfare

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