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Many woman prefer a man to look after her, they find this romantic. Nothing wrong with that



7th Dan Chidokai

A true combat warrior has to be hard as nails in mind, body and soul. Warriors are action takers and not action fakers. If you are cruising, make time for losing

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I dont know guys but I wouldnt mind a big strong woman protecting me.... :brow: :brow: :brow:



Pain is only temporary, the memory of that pain lasts a lifetime.

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Well, I always open doors for ladies... "ladies first" is a common phrase, but I also hold the door for guys too. No biggie there. That is just being polite. Letting people go before you is polite, holding the door - polite. Saying please, thank you, your welcome, yes sir, no sir, refering to people you don;t know personally as Mr. or Mrs. - I do all of this and its all polite. That is what should happen.



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That post was just a random rant...I don't flame people, so post however you like...it wasn't meant to be rhetorical, it was just badly worded.


I was thinking...I am not currently romantically attatched now :smile:, but one of my best friends is a guy that I train in both TKD and BJJ with... and I have beaten him many times in rings in both arts...I could just see us going to see a movie, or hanging out or whatever, and someone doing somethig inappropriate to me...what would he do, seing that I am a better fighter? I think that would make him feel and look silly, as would my protecting of a boyfriend who couldn't fight. It all comes down to what we were talking about in my English class the other day ( I go to an all-girls school) while discussing Charlotte Bronte's "Jane Eyre"


Women always talk about being liberated from looks and being a woman being the thing that carried them through the world. However, I think a lot of our social tendencies in groups outline the fact that everyone still thinks the same way. (Men usually ask women out, "ladies first") My own personal theory is that in a relationship, even if both people seem totally outgoing and flambouyant, there has to be a dominant force and a person in the background, even if people thik a relationship is mutual, it really isn't. Usually, traditionally, the sominant force was the male figure, the football playing man, served by his loyal wife. As many stay at home dads as there are, a lot of guys are simply turned off to martial artist by the fact that I can whoop their ass, even though I insist that I don't enjoy fighting.


It's late.....none of that probably made any sense.



1st dan Tae Kwon Do

Yellow Belt Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

16 Years Old

Girls kick butt!

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I can't get a girlfriend so I have no idea what you all are talking about......



"Which one is more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?" - Obi Wan Kenobi

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I'd like a girl that could kick ass.. =p


It's like a lot of computer nerds like a girl that can code or use linux - very rare.

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There are always two choices, two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it's easy.

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if i have the hots for a chick then i am gonna be all charming and stuff,,,,,,,,there is this one girl i like and i would be that way but she is a kickboxer too so i dont really have to worry about her to much.........that doesnt mean i wouldnt stick up for her in a fight........but more now a days i do not feel the need to show alot of charm to girls because im too busy trying to hook up with this girl

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:razz: ... I am biting my tongue at the moment ... so much to say, rather not!


It all boils down to RESPECT You either earn it "girls" or "guys" in order to get it. :wink:


On the contrary, Men aren't turned off by me because I am a martial artist ... they respect me for what I am. ... is it because I've earned it or because I flex my muscles





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Heh T60R, u THINK you're a better fighter.


I don't know a guy who has EVER gone hard on a woman when sparring. It just doesn't happen.


I reckon women are a little mroe violent than men though. I've u've ever seen two women fight then they go at it hammer and tongs! Plus it looks really groovy.


Angus :karate: :up:



Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.

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I just feel that the only way you can justify violence is if you feel that if you don't react or do something, then you or the people you care about may lose their lives or become injured or maimed, etc. Doesn't matter what else is at stake if this is not the case, not honor, not ego, not tradition, not out of chivalry, morals, sudden emotional outbreak, sudden urge to defend your girlfriend/friend/familymember's honor or earn their respect, etc. :smile: I dunno

'Conviction is a luxury for those on the sidelines'

William Parcher, 'A BEAUTIFUL MIND'

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