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boots or shoes?

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If you had to get steel toe boots or shoes which would you get? And why? Im asking cause i thought about getting some in case i ever needed to defend myself. I know there is alot more effectiove options, but i just realized if i ever wanted any kind of kick to affect some one, it was time to trade in my regular tennis shoes for something a little harder.

Im thinking steel toe shoes. Cause wouldn't boots look wierd with shorts?

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Personally, I find that my steel toed boots really slow down my legs, so I don't wear them all that often. I myself stick with a good pair of Pumas. Sure, having steel-toed boots could be helpful in a fight; I myself am not willing to sacrifice the speed for additional power.

That's just for boots though; I don't have any experience with steel-toed shoes.

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well should it matter you should be ready to defend yourself wearing anything even naked :lol: but seriously take that into consideration

White belt for life

"Destroy the enemies power but leave his life"

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oh ya I totally agree. And thats what im workin on. (Only being doing this stuff for like 3 months so i have alot to improve on) but how about steel toed shoes? Lighter and i planned on working on my kicks with them to gain a bit more speed and power. It works, ever worked the heavy bag with gloves and taken them off? Feels alot faster. So tell me what you think about steel toed shoes. (not boots)

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well steel toed foot wear is perfect for beating the snot out of ppl and ending fights so i approve of them

White belt for life

"Destroy the enemies power but leave his life"

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Well, if I was working in an environment where steel toed boots where neccessary I'd get them, but if I was anywhere else I'd be wearing shoes.

Are you planning on getting in a fight? or do you work somewhere that it is likely? Cause truthfully, most people will never have to defend themselves and choosing your footware based on that is a little silly IMO.

Andrew Green

http://innovativema.ca - All the top martial arts news!

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well im not PLANNING on it, never have nor will, but im pulling out of my driveway and this kid who always tried to start fights with, well he is back from JAIL. so im thinking well maybe i should stand up to him this time if he tries to start a fight. What do you guys think?

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well im not PLANNING on it, never have nor will, but im pulling out of my driveway and this kid who always tried to start fights with, well he is back from JAIL. so im thinking well maybe i should stand up to him this time if he tries to start a fight. What do you guys think?

Well dont throw yourself into a senseless fight if it can be advoided without conflict then advoid it cause juding from what you r saying some can end up in jail or seriously hurt

White belt for life

"Destroy the enemies power but leave his life"

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well should it matter you should be ready to defend yourself wearing anything even naked :lol: but seriously take that into consideration

sure you should, but also take into conisderation that he will most likely NOT be attacked while naked. he will likely be out in public. Heck, if he's like me, then even when he's at home, he's fully clothed and has shoes on.

Anyway, as for the topic, they don't necessarily HAVE to be steel toe. Just get some boots. At my second job (bouncer) I wear some polo boots that have a hard sole - good for stomping, and the toe is hard, albeiet not steel. They are fashionable enough that I can wear them with anything, however, I don't normally wear shorts, so I'm not faced with that issue. I haven't noticed any slow down in my technique speed while wearing them. By law, we're not supposed to strike anyway though, and kicks are easy to see, so I am more likely to knee than kick in the event that I MUST strike.

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yea thanks for the advice everyone. but i'll feel you in with a little bit of background, the kid moved onto my block about 3 years ago from "atlanta". He's 19 and still a freshman in highschool. so most likely this would not happen in public. It would happen on my block. But no im not "planning" this, in fact i havent seen him since...(maybe he got to come home for thanksgiving from whatever drug rehab etc school he was at) but yea im just glad no one has flamed my thread. The only reason I am thinking kicks is im not good at closing gaps right away. Only been sparring for about a month and a half. and YES i know a fight and sparring are TOTALLY different, but he is about 3 inches taller than me and 60lbs heavier (mostly fat) so i thought if i could get a nice round kick to ribs or groing kick that would be a good way to start it off.

This post might turn into a failure but at least i got advice on shoes.

In fact this post is a failure, because fighting is a failure...but hey still comment :brow:

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