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what would you do..?

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hello im new here!!!! woo well yeah. im writeing this because i want to know if im being too forgiveing... there are a few people that are pushing my limits of tolerance. so far they have broken 2 bloodveins in a tender area... ummm tryed to nock me out with a rock an tryed to fight me. i havent hurt them yet and they are stoping there stuff but i was wondering what you would do in the situation. i dont know much martial arts but i know enough to get by. i got to a green belt in tai kwon do (i think i spelt it right XD) and i am self taught after that for about 4 years and its all basicaly working out 4 days a week and messing around with my friends who know how to fight better than me.

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errm . . . fight back.

Com at them with a baseball bat. break their legs. but b ready for any reprisals (sp?).

That's really not very good advice. All that coming after them with a bat can do is either encourage them to get something heftier, such as a gun, or get you in trouble with the law for assault with a deadly weapon.

You can try to talk to them, if they are in your school you can talk to teachers/principal, and only as a last resort would I turn to fighting them.

Maybe they think you wronged them somehow? Communication is highly underrated.


There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.

-Douglas Everett, American hockey player

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We removed a post in error. I apologize for the confysion. Thanks. Here it is:

Maybe they think you wronged them somehow? Communication is highly underrated.


Very true, so be certain to use a few choice expletives when using your baseball bat

"Throw a $#@$% rock at me will you!!" :wink:

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Call the police......that's called assault. You do need to defend yourself, but anyone with a weapon is crazy and needs help. You need to inform local law inforcement and press charges. Good luck.


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Before you take this to a new level, perhaps you should make sure when you get into this fight, you can handle your own. First, take the time to sit down and talk to the athorities. If they offer you no help, let them know you will be forced to defend yourself. If they will not back down after throwing rocks, do not turn the other cheak. Make sure first you have taken all the right steps to resolve this in a non-violent way. Two wrongs don't make a right, but I also think it's wrong for you to seek help, not get it, then be tormented. Stick up for yourself!

I don't have to be the best, just better than you!

Working towards 11% BF and a Six pack

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Fight back. Do everything you can to getthem on the ground and walk away. If someone does that to you and you dont do something back then that gives them that much more reason to pick on you.

Martial arts training is 30% classroom training, 70% solo training.


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Sounds like a pretty serious situation for sure.

I have to agree with what everyone here has said *mostly....a baseball bat is probably a bit much :)*

Ultimately, make sure you stand up for yourself, with the confidence that you will not be walked on.

Keep in mind, as most have suggested...talking to the authorities is a good course of action, and is part of standing up for yourself.

In the training i've recieved, and IMHO a good practice, is to primarily avoid a fight..but if you're ever left with no alternative action...use equal force to what they're using *or their intention*...if they come at you with a big rock, and are serious about using it, don't be afraid to break an arm *one of theirs...not your own if at all possible* You don't want to hospitalize them, but enough that they understand that it's simply not worth coming after you anymore.

Think before you act, but act before it's too late.


(Images aren't allowed, but if you want, take a peek for yourself ^ )

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