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Kumite Tips


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I need help in freestyle kumite (sparring) .

Im fine with people my rank ; white or yellow .

but against the higher ranks , im horrible.

I dont know what to do ... its not point so i cant just focus on getting one hit and scoring. I keep getting thrown , swept , or kicked in the stomach.

I dont know what to do lol!!!

HELP ME ... :P

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Just a hunch... but it might be because they have more experience than you - don't worry about it :P

In all seriousness though, just relax when you're sparring against them, and learn what you can from that opponent - win or lose. There's always something you can pick up from their technique or learn about your own during kumite that will help you improve :)

"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go."

- T. S. Eliot

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Its good your training with people better than you thats the only way to become a better fighter get smacked ,Hit,Thrown but later they wont coz you will become better so give your self time and you will see the difference dont lose hope just practise :)


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hehe. It's called paying dues, taking your lumps. All beginners go through what you're going through, even, believe it or not, your seniors.

I've found that my fitness has a great deal to do with my fighting. If I'm winded all the time, my defense sucks. Same with my offensive capability. Do some endurance and interval training beside going to ma class. The more you spar, the better you get.

Good luck.

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I have to agree with everyone here. *just to reinforce what they've already said*

One of the biggest breakthroughs for myself while training for kimute, was when one of the Blackbelts in my class and I had a 'casual' (if you can ever call kimute casual) match. At the time, I had my orange belt, and was just starting to get my legs in kimute in general.

Mid way through the match, he came at me with a front jump kick, my initial reaction was to duck and cover *he is also, 6 foot 3 to my 5 foot 9*, but I managed to hold on to my composure, taisabaki to my right, and scored a point with a punch into his midsection as he landed.

Don't be afraid to take a copule licks in competition..we've all had them...but work on digging deep in yourself to find that courage to not let yourself be intimidated.

Think before you act, but act before it's too late.


(Images aren't allowed, but if you want, take a peek for yourself ^ )

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Just out of curiosity - how well do you think you should be doing against the high ranks? What would that say about your school if you, a low rank, were beating up advanced ranks?

You're probably right where you should be, but it sounds like you're worried about it. This tells me one major thing: you're probably wound up tighter than a drum when you're fighting - RELAX and have fun. Being relaxed when you fight will help you immensely.

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I need help in freestyle kumite (sparring) .

Im fine with people my rank ; white or yellow .

but against the higher ranks , im horrible.

I dont know what to do ... its not point so i cant just focus on getting one hit and scoring. I keep getting thrown , swept , or kicked in the stomach.

I dont know what to do lol!!!

HELP ME ... :P

I was just like you.

Here is some short advice for people who stink at kumite:

1. Pick one side to lead with, and do most of your practicing on that side. Don't try to do balanced left/right everything until you are comfortable with what you are doing. Pick a side to cut down the content you must train so you can increase repetitions and have fewer choices to make in the ring.

2. Attack. People who aren't very good shouldn't hang back waiting for the other guy to come in. That is more difficult to accomplish. When the match starts, charge in.

3. Pick 3 or 4 combos and stick with them. Practice them over and over, and only use those when you are in the ring. This reduces the choices you have to make. Fewer choices = quicker reaction time = better performance. Each combo should be 3 techniques long - not four. None of your combos should start with a kick. Always lead with hands and follow with kicks at the end.

And now for the hardest advice to take, but the best you will ever get:

4. Lose. Lose and lose a lot. Set out in practice to lose all of your matches. Try to lose. The goal is to lose so many times that your fear of losing goes away. Don't just walk in and throw your matches, but understand you will lose before you get in. Watch you opponent come at you, learn from what he is doing, and find an inner calm observing the match while in it. The more losses you pile up, the better you will get.

Most people I give this losing advice to freak out and say I'm an idiot or they are too scared and embarassed to try it. It is very, very valuable and worked great for me. Pile up the losses - so high you could climb the pile like a mountain. So high that your dojo mates think you are THE kumite dork.

When the losses have piled really high, at some point, you just won't care if you lose any longer, and you will suddenly be able to turn it all around and win because of your unexcited emotional state and reduced fear.

During all of this losing, remember to still try out techniques and be observant - just don't run away and waste time trying to not get scored on. Methodically try strategies and techniques - test your combos - experiment in the ring knowing it will cost you the match but win you more than you could hope to get by struggling to win in a chaotic, excited state.

Once you are no longer afraid to lose, and you start trying to win, observe your changed emotional state and heightened and sudden fear. It will teach you a lot about yourself and how the human mind works. You will find the excitement of trying to win to be exhilirating.

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I need help in freestyle kumite (sparring) .

Im fine with people my rank ; white or yellow .

but against the higher ranks , im horrible.

I dont know what to do ... its not point so i cant just focus on getting one hit and scoring. I keep getting thrown , swept , or kicked in the stomach.

I dont know what to do lol!!!

HELP ME ... :P

Learn from the throws, sweeps and kicks. Analise the kumite afterwards. Try to take in as much information as u can during, but dont let it distract you from the fight.

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