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Whats the reason , if not to be a champ ?

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But now that I reread your first post and realised you've only been together 2 months, forget it.Haha. A year in Africa will probably change you so much you'll likely loose interest in her anyway.Whats the bet you do and up with some African girl.

Regarding competition, I know it is an integral part of Kyokushin, but you made it sound like there is no point in training without competition. This is something that no Japanese Karateka would agree with. It reduces it to a mere sport.

As was mentioned, competition is a means to an end. NOT the end in itself. Just a part of the deeper journey that is Budo.

Good luck in Africa .Adapting to a radically foreign culture is a real mind openning experience. Just remember to look for the positive things that can enrich your view of life.If you dwell on the negatives ( which there will be) you may miss out on a potentially rewarding experience .


"Today is a good day to die"

Live each day as if it were your last

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I agree with some of the other people. Break it off with the girl, as if you let her down easy you can maintain a friendship with her. As for your martial arts style, maybe this will be a good experience to try another style.

"The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering."

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i wont give advice on the girl side because no one can really know what you are feeling. people say its only 2 months, but they dont know whats been happening. my aunty moved accross the country for a guy she met while on a holiday. my cousin moved to italy (from australia) for her man. and both of these were short term.

as for martial arts. dont stop, you will regret it. if you dont train for a year you will take a massive backwards step in flexibility, skill and fitness. if you cant find a school there, then train for yourself, and forget about competition. if you want competition, go fight a wild animal :P

It takes a big man to admit when he's wrong, and I am NOT a big man.

Tae Kwon Do (ITF) - 1st Dan Black Belt

Shotokan Karate - 6th Kyu

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You've got to train for whatever reasons motivate you.

When the alarm clock goes off and its freezing outside, what somebody else said you should do isn't going to get you out of bed and into the garage for your workout, or out on the street for your run.

I personally don't care much about the competitions, but I don't think its necessarily bad to be motivated by that. As long as you represent your art with honor and integrity, its hard to say that's a problem.

Of course, it could be that its not really the competitions that truly drive you, but you just haven't realized that yet.

Either way, if you're only going to be gone for a year, you've got motivation to train. If you want to compete after you get back, you'll be able to do it faster if you actively train on your own for the year. It won't be easy, with the end goal so far away, but if its important to you....

Plus, you might learn a little something more about what you are REALLY after.

Another option, as others have said, is to spend the year training in another art, if that is available to you.

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No don't you dare take the year off! seriusly....

I was blue belt in Shukokai karate years ago... I quit and now I'm trying to pick up Tae Kwon Do. I wish I had never left Karate.

I reccomend you at least stay in nearly as good shape as you are in now... work out when you can. And practice all your moves at least, like once a month or something like that.

that will at the very least keep you nearly the same as what you are at right now,.... ready to get your training back up to speed if you decide to go at it again in tournaments.

Anyways, as for the girl... What more can we say, keep in touch and see what happens. Maybe just maybe, she will still be there when you get back. But be prepared to accept whatever she does.

Good luck,


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Excellent reply. You took the wind right out of me.


Trust your heart man *or whoever else reads this with the same situation*

It's your life...I know and understand my situaiton well enough to determine that my girlfriend is the right match for me, and I'm willing to go through a ton of ....junk.... to be with her *as in living with her, and starting our life -togeather-, because in my eyes, any sacrifice is worth it.

Ultimately only you can determine that for yourself.

Think before you act, but act before it's too late.


(Images aren't allowed, but if you want, take a peek for yourself ^ )

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Well I guess you're in Africa now y2_sub! (I hope I didn't totally misread the original post.) What country are you going to (or are at right now)?

I'm the woman who's going out with Drgnslyer and who went to Sweden last year, just to provide some context for the rest of this post.

Regarding training in other styles while away:

When I went to Sweden I couldn't find my own style (Renshikan) or our parent style (the much more wide-spread Chito-ryu) or even our sister style Shito-ryu. I did find a Kyokushinkai club - interesting that we trained in the same style! It wasn't right for me at that time in my life, but I did enjoy the people in the club (they were very dedicated and I admire that), as a style of karate it seems very sound, and it was great excercise (I enjoyed the pre-class workout a lot).

If you feel it's the right thing to do, look for another style of karate. You can learn a lot from a good sensei even if it's not your style. Also, there's nothing wrong with taking a year off. That's what I ended up doing in Sweden (partly because I hurt my knee).

If you do take a year off, go back as soon as you can to your regular club when you get home. My life has been in turmoil (not karate's fault) since I got back from Sweden, so I still have not returned to karate. Part of the problem, outside of my chaotic life, is that I'm no longer in the habit of regularly training in karate like I was before Sweden (though it was hard with university). You sound dedicated to your training, so you shouldn't have too hard a time getting back to training if you decide to take time off. However, it is something to be aware of.

I think the opportunities of going abroad outweigh taking time off (or training a different style).

Regarding your girlfriend:

If she doesn't support you going abroad, I think you should dump her. Or, if she simply feels that a long-distance relationship wouldn't work, break up with her in the kindest possible way. As someone in a long-distance relationship, I can tell you that with the right person it's more than worth it, but they also suck mightily (the long-distance relationship, not the person!). If either you or your girlfriend don't want to go there, well, those are perfectly valid feelings. And who knows, when you get home maybe you can start going out again. :)

Well , no offense to any one but I don't think I'll love some girl from an african country - again no offense -

I thought you had a problem with African food or something, but I think I get what you mean now.

Well, you never know when you're going to meet the right person, or someone that you're attracted to. But you're probably right. What with your current girlfriend and a possible language barrier, it's unlikely (but not impossible) that you'll go out with someone abroad.

Kata is like a good stir-fry: preparation and timing are everything.

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