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Any other 6th dans here?


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I'm a 6th Dan in Ancient Kung Fu Karate.

I have been training in this style for about 4 years (consistently) and my grand master is a 9th dan in Traditional Karate. I am not in a mcdojo, my grandmaster said i have displayed extroadinary skill and i am not the only high grade there are several other 5th dans but they are in the junior class.

What im asking is anyone a high grade like me? I want to talk to some people with experience in Martial Arts.

6th Dan - Ancient Kung Fu Karate

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I'm a Rokudan in Kodokan Judo. I have never heard of anyone in any style becoming a 6th in 4 years even if they have a ton of tallent. Who is your instructor if you don't mind me asking.


Tomo Kagawa



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My Grandmaster is Owen Smith.

I have never heard of this person. You might want to do some background checking on him. Any system where you can make Rokudan in that quickly is very suspicious. In Judo it takes roughly 25 years to make Rokudan, same with Shotokan karate and a few other styles that I know of. Please for your own sake, check into your "Grandmaster" and this Ancient Kung Fu Karate. Sounds very fishy to me.


Tomo Kagawa



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Hi how are you this is not possible of you Becoming a 6thdan in 4 years ive been in karate for about 13 years and i just became a 3 dan recently and im only 22 years old and i was one of the best students in my time so can you tell me HOW YOU GOT 6 dan in 4 years please ????? thanxs


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I'm a 6th Dan in Ancient Kung Fu Karate.

I have been training in this style for about 4 years (consistently) and my grand master is a 9th dan in Traditional Karate. I am not in a mcdojo, my grandmaster said i have displayed extroadinary skill and i am not the only high grade there are several other 5th dans but they are in the junior class.

What im asking is anyone a high grade like me? I want to talk to some people with experience in Martial Arts.

There are two things that I have problems with in your post. As already pointed out, gettign a 6th Dan black belt in 4 years is virtually impossible in any reputable system. In 4 years, a 1st Dan would be acceptable, anything above that would be suspicious IMHO.

The 2nd thing I have questions with is this. Ancient Kung Fu Karate? Kung Fu is Chinese...karate is Okinawan/Japanese. They are distinctly different. And to call them "Ancient"...nope...sorry, not buying that today.

Do you have a websire perhaps that we can take a look at and see what we can see about it? My guts telling me McDojo BIGTIME!

Can you also give us some background info on Grandmaster Owen Smith? There's nothing on the internet that I can find about him, and I would suspect if he's a grandmaster, there should be at least some mention. How old is he would be a good start, and how long has he been in the art?

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not to sound to suspicious here, but from my experience I've noticed that many people that claim to be whatever dan rank in 'traditional karate' really were never at all in karate. I.e. I'll just state one experience, at my dojo we once had a black belt from another style come in to take part in a lesson, when asked by one of the kyu ranks what style he got his rank in, he replied 'I have a nidan in karate', I knew this person from before, and to put it quite frankly, he wasn't karate at all, he was tae kwon do, and from a poor school at that (not bashing tae kwon do, a good style IMHO just not for me, and definately not karate)

Now, as a comparision I've been practicing karate under my current Instructor, Tadashi Yamashita, for eight or ten years now, I'm currently a Nidan in Shorin-Ryu under him, and a Shodan in Kobudo. I am an exception to how he tests people for rank.

Now, as for ataining a sixth dan in four years, under anyone. That just sets off a red flag for me. I'd see what kind of lineage your instructor has and what branch and style your instructor learned 'traditional karate' really isn't much of a point at all on the other hand Goju-Ryu, Shito-Ryu, Uechi-Ryu Pangai Noon Ryu, etc. And a viable instructor's name mean something.

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I have been training in MA for 25 years, since the age of 11.

I have a 1st Degree (TKD), a 2nd Degree (GJR), and a 4th Dan (SNK), the highest possible in the system...

During this time, I've cross-trained with others of exceptional skill in Muay Thai, JKD, SK, WC, Taijiquan, Baguazhang, and JJ.

It's not my rank or title that dictates my experience, it's my knowledge, ability, capacity, and willingness to continue training myself and others to apply such skill that means the most.

We stop learning, we die.

Your skill might speak for itself, but the rapidness of rank obtainment proves the age old saying, that rank in any one style equivalates to very little in others.

I do not believe that any system or person or association has the right to tell someone how fast they can move people up in rank or title, nor should those who do fully grasp the philosophy of such systems say anything or think anything negative toward such systems.

Their own methods, and production of quality students (or lack thereof) will speak wonders above and beyond any speculation or conjecture or 'tradition'.


Just some thoughts...

Current:Head Instructor - ShoNaibuDo - TCM/Taijiquan/Chinese Boxing Instructor

Past:TKD ~ 1st Dan, Goju Ryu ~ Trained up 2nd Dan - Brown belt 1 stripe, Kickboxing (Muay Thai) & Jujutsu Instructor

Be at peace, and share peace with others...

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