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MA broke me up witmy ex gurl..............

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yea so,what im about to tell u is either stupid loyal or just unnesessery. well my freindmy best freind angelo A.K.A"revolver"(they call him that because he is one of the best fighters most ppl have ever seen, quick and devastating kicks lightning punches,etc)(he takes shotokan karate,never knew karate could pack such a punch).well anywayz, he is defined as a "trouble maker" i knew him ever scince kindergarden, he always picked figh, and won yeah, but every now and then he has to start a fight; its like he feeds of ppls defeats.on friday, him me my gurl, and his went to the movies to watch blade 2, so any ways we were sitting down just talkin in the food court when sum four guyz just sat next to us. these guys were BIG mind u, well they werent even bothering us when angelo started insulting them. they kept ignoring them till they got fed up and told us to meet them outside, even though i never asked for this, i knew i had to fight..., my gurl begged me not to, her eyes were abit watery, but i went anyways, we got outside, they were waiting, angelo asked if they were ready with the biggest smile for someone that was about to get pummeled by these monsters, they said yes. then out of nowhere angelo gave one the fastest sidekick i seen my life, he dropped instantly. he was throwing punches knees JUMPING KICKS, all the thing u wouldnt ever use in a real fight. and i didnt even hae to do anything(i could hold my own,muay thai blue shorts).he came back to me, with a bigger smile, no sign of rage. then my gurl left me for even attemping to fight. the only girl i ever loved in my whole entire lufe, left me cause i was going to use MA on someone that didnt even wanted to fight because of loyalty and freindship. i dont know what to do, everytime i get n a fight it always backfires on me, i never have bad intentions,now i dont knw what to do, i know i fought for the wrong reason that time, i took MA to protect myself, not to fight over stupid stuff, now i miss her (like i lost and arm)over this, I AM SO FRUSTRATED


im angelos best freind because we knew eachother befor we knew how to talk, befor i started MA he always got me out of tight spots, we are like brothers. but i dont know what to do know,IM SIK OF FIGHTING, IM SIK OF EVERYTHING.






[ This Message was edited by: Jack on 2002-03-31 14:46 ]

Patrick gubek

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Blood Talon, this is quite the situation you are in. You can try to calmly explain this to your girlfriend, you may have luck. As for this Angelo... personally I'd recomend you think long and hard about how much this friendship means to you, and if you can really take further risk to other parts of your life because of it. And he needs to sort himself out, he cannot go around being offencive and beating people up. Thats not what the Martial Arts are there for.






Currently 'off' from formal MA training


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I agree Jack. I don't mean to "dis" your friend, but he shouldn't be pickin fights for the "fun of it." This might sound really harsh, but one day he could pick a fight with someone bigger, faster, and quicker and get hurt.



Laurie F

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you shoulda backed down then......girlz hate guys that have to try to act all macho, they were not bothering your girlfriend so you shoulda just let your buddy go and get his ass kicked and stayed outta it yourself

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I don't think your girlfriend should have gotten so upset for trying to help your best friend out but at least try to talk to her.


But as for your friend, I think you should just let him get into his fight, and you just stay out and watch or something, in case he gets badly hurt. :nod:





It is only with the heart that one can see clearly, for the most essential things are invisible to the eye.

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for real muay, i agree totally,


what prodigy-child said was so true, if you read my post about a similar situation, you will see that things didnt turn out how i hoped, my girl is pissed out at me, girls dont like this macho attitude,


but in no way did you show it, if i was u , i would have done exactly the same thing, defending a friend who you have known for all your life is your duty, that is what friendship is, your girlfriend however is some girl you have known for lets say 6 months max,


dont feel that what you did was wrong, your girlfriend's reaction was typical and unfair,


dont go crawling to her back, but i would still if i was in this kinda situation, cuz mann girls are fine :wink:


she will get over it

Brown Sash Hsing I/Lau Gar Kung Fu

Brown Belt San Shou

17 yr old


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