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a martial artist's girl problems

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Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt. I have more "friends" than you can shake a stick at.

Whoever you ask that says "yes", just please remember to do one thing...show respect. You need to treat her right and not have your mind on another girl while you are hanging out with or dating another girl. That's social sucide! :x I was guilty of that myself. Word got out and I couldn't even bring my cousin to the prom! :D

Actually, if you treat the girl you're dating with respect word will get around how good of a guy you are (come on girls, I know you gossip worst then us guys :brow: ) and maybe one of the girls you'd really like to be with would be more open to accept an invitation for a date.

Good luck.

when you create the world's largest trailer park, you're going to have tornadoes

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Don't let yourself get worried too much...if she's with a guy now, remembering how highschool was...she probably won't be with him forever.

I had a similar situation...which has fortunately worked out in my favor ;)

was best friends with a girl through highschool, the two of us actually trained together as well...we met on our yellowbelt test *we're one year apart in age, she spent her white belt days in the "children's class" and I started up in the "adults class" (I know that sounds bizarre...but I was 13/14 and she was 12/13 when we met)

during the summer after i graduated, I asked her who she was taking to her prom...I was out of town, and didn't know she had a boyfriend..untill she told me that "nigel" was going to go with her...after reading the email all I could ask was "what the h*** kind of name is nigel" (sorry if there are any nigel's in the crowd here...nothing literally against the name...i really don't mind it...honestly... mostly i was choked that this guy was dating her, and not me)

I stayed close friends with emily as time went on, and got to know nigel...sure I was a little more extroverted towards him than I normally was with other people...but only by a little bit...I didn't want to make it absolutely obvious I was jealous.

One day, Emily told me that her and Nigel broke up..i said "gee..that's too bad" and gave her a shoulder to lean on.

The true kicker...which I generally dont' reccomend planning for...but a major event that made Emily and I realize how much we liked eachother was me nearly being killed in a car accident(another story in itself)...after I got home out of the hospital, the two of us were inseperable, spent hours of each day hanging out *lots of time considering we both worked full time*, and eventually we decided to give it a shot, just to be sure...and so we wouldn't have to think down the road, when we're trying to keep a rocky relationship going..."what if..."

With friends, i reccomend to TAKE YOUR TIME in the relationship...don't try to rush stuff...just let the relationship take it's natural course. If you two are great for eachother..you'll find that out soon enough. Communicate with your girl, and be sure you both have a solid knowledge of eachother's expectations, needs, and desires...helps to keep these all within reason as well :D

Emily and I just had our fourth anniversary as a couple...are moving in togeather this august, and will be getting married in...well..dont' know exactly when...but probably sometime near 2010 or so(but we like to avoid 'pinning' an actual date, or at this point, year to the event)...like everything else...we're not in a big rush.

Confidence is key as well....but for god's sake, don't be arrogant :)

*hope the rant helps*

Think before you act, but act before it's too late.


(Images aren't allowed, but if you want, take a peek for yourself ^ )

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Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, that was such a nice story. Great rant, really great rant.

And it helped, really did, cause like I said I have a similar situation with a guy friend, I like him, he knows that now ... just waiting for him to realise I'm the love of HIS life, LOL! Just joking, I'd rather be friends then nothing at all but. That'll have to do.

Oh and humanTyphoon ... LMAO! Your so funny, wont be long now, I know there's some space aliens on there way RIGHT now! Lol!

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*afterthought that shouldn't be an afterthought*

As with anything in life, keep it simple! Complicating things will...well...only make things more complicated. Keep honest with yourself, and with her...usually a good policy to live by :)

Think before you act, but act before it's too late.


(Images aren't allowed, but if you want, take a peek for yourself ^ )

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Well if this girl has a man and you cant get her then move on to other people. You can get alot of "no"'s but so what you find someone else. Consider a "no" practice so yo'll just get better. I remember my freshman year I was happy there was this girl yu.... some wierd dominican name who was like 17 and I had her so I was the man until I kind of grew up.

BTW: having a girl is a big problem and big money. every occasion they want some jewelry, sneakers, etc... at least in the bronx

im G A Y and i love you i W A N K over you EVERY DAY!!!

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you're right in the middle of a dating pool and don't even realize it.

It's funny how so many guys kick themselves when the girls who were relatively plain in grade nine turn out to be foxes when they grow older.

Look for the beauty within.

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It's funny how so many guys kick themselves when the girls who were relatively plain in grade nine turn out to be foxes when they grow older.

Look for the beauty within.

hehe...too true

My girlfriend had the whole headgear setup back in grade 8/9, and wasn't the 'hottest and most popular' girl in the school that all the guys drooled over...but times do change :D

*and to boot, she's not self centered, nor does she like shiny jewlery (don't know how I lucked out on that one)*

Think before you act, but act before it's too late.


(Images aren't allowed, but if you want, take a peek for yourself ^ )

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There was a very interesting study I read about when I did Psychology, where a women (whose beauty is unknown) was made to interview local men on a bridge. However the bridge was varied in its height, from very high to very low. Findings showed that a lot of men who were interviewed on the high bridge fell in love with the women, compared with the men on the bridge of intermediate height and floor level.

This was apparently because the men misattributed their feelings of anxiety (from the fear of height) for love. This does not explain why people bond in high stress situations, as that apparently occurs due to the need for support from an individual who can empathise. And who better than a person in the same situation. Im not saying if you want to be with a woman you gotta push her into a puddle, save her, and hope she misatributed her fear of drowning for love. Just that sometimes love can be purely situational or circumstantial. Whether or not you beleive it to be "real".

Now then. Not to digress from the topic, but given that many people are talking about characteristics that make a person stand out and be comfortable....what is the attitude (from both sexes) towards singing to a girl? You could have your guitar, and play out the song Broken by Seether (get that people), and even though you can make it look like a joke, deep down, she might like the sound of your voice, or possibly be impressed by the fact that you have a craft that not many people do.

"I wanted you to know

that I love the way you laugh

I wanna hold you high

and steal your pain awaaaaaaaaay"

"I keep your photograph,

and I know it serves me well

I wanna hold you high and steal your pain"

"Because I'm broken.........."

(takes bow)

The singer Amy Lee from Evanesence also sings on the track, so your lady can join in too.

Apologies for the long post. But I'm revising, and nothings really sticking. So I thought I'd take a break until my brain gets back into the dojo -- I mean gear!!!



Perfect Practice makes Perfect.

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