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martial arts in publi schools could it work?

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That would seriously depend on what you're teaching.

If you're teaching traditional martial arts in true form, no, that's a terrible idea. This is obvious, because it'd be irresponsible to teach the fatal/crippling techniques that martial arts use.

I feel that if a kid wants to learn martial arts, he'll go out and find a school, and with a good teacher won't use it incorrectly.

Ask yourself if your average gym teacher has the same commitment as an average Sensei/Sifu has to his students.

Fighting has reached almost epidemic proportions in our town amongst highschoolers, and I would never teach martial arts to a mass of students like a highschool gym class.

I hope this post comes out sounding logical as I tend to type as I think.

The game of chess is much like a swordfight; you must think before you move.

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I believe karate in public schools is a good thing and will work. Why is that you may ask? Because traditional karate training as I know it, develops self-discipline, self-worth, strong character and leadership qualities. Not to mention some physical exercise thrown in for giggles.

I know of several students that have had their lives "saved" via karate practice. Not because they could kick-butt, but because it gave some meaning to their life, some direction. They could concentrate on their studies, developing real friendships, and ignore or cope with alot of the peer-pressure garbage thrown at them.

Karate as I know it is more than just a physical activity, it is a life choice. School kids I think need strong guidance, strong and accessible role models. They need stability, a "rock to cling to" in this faster and faster changing world. Karate practice offers this. Happy students who have some direction to their life will do well in their studies. Life is getting way too complicated. I believe Karate training teaches how to deal with the unexpected road-bumps of life.

It will work in a public school, if the school has the mind to support it and to utilize the opportunity and tool as presented. Some public schools don't care. Teachers have their tenure and they are coasting. Administration just wants to keep the teacher unions off their backs. I've seen it, I know it's there. On the other hand, some schools do care. Teachers and parents are involved. Here a karate class will succeed and add extra value to "education".

Ok I am leaving with my soap-box now... :D

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I studied martial arts at my high school in the late 90s, it was extra-curricular, and open to students from other schools. It wasn't bad, I learned the Yang short form, and began foundation training for hung gar. I had a good relationship with my Sifu, and developed good relationships with other students I wouldn't have normally associated with.

We all know about the practical applications of martial arts training, but honestly, how many of you have 'picked a fight' with someone after learning your martial art?

I think it should be taught in schools, as a P.E. class, tai chi, qi-gong, and kung fu, starting in elementary school.

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one year exp. is deffinately not enough years to "teach" karate

esspecialy in high school and only grade 10. NEVER advertise you know any martial arts. That just opens you up for fights and the chances are some kids know things you don't. If you want martial arts do wrestling. Your school does have a team, right?

The whole idea of trying to "teach" martial arts. I don't know what kind of school you go to but at my school you would get yourself in so much trouble. When I was in junior high I used to talk karate, think karate, breath karate. Untill one day I got in a fight and got dropped. That is when I develloping new ways of thinking such as

1.white belt mentality"

2.be humble"

3.martial arts is like your credit card number. Keep it secret or your in a lot of trouble.

but trying to teach martial arts in high school could be really funny. Imagine a new way for kids to fight with other kids. Actually I think I am going to challenge my science teacher to a fight at my dojo right away :brow:

EDIT: and in China some schools are required to teach martial arts (saw it on the news a while ago.)

YAY pepto bismol

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i like all ur posts and im glad people can argue this point, i would love to go to that school where they taught martial arts too, at my school theres a lot of people i dont like there and to teach them martial arts i think would be like giving a demon a pitch fork, and i forgot who said it but about practicin martial arts but not saying u do is incredibly difficult i thinks, i mean i only tell my really good friends or nice people i know who take martial arts but i never say "oh ya i can break 8 bricks w/my head or beat up black belts" i say i do it but i just keep it like " ya i take karate its really fun" and if they(people) ask me kould i do this or kould i do that i just say maybe i kould, also a thing i would recommend not doing is telling ur teachers that u take martial arts cuz then they bring u up in stories and senerios but if u like that kind of thing then by all means go ahead i just dont want me doing martial arts to be exploited as hey i take karate i can kick ur butt, i hate that and you are about it leading up to fights and people sayin oh well hes only this color i can still take him in a fight, thats happen to me a couple o times and i just say ya u probly kould then there just like ......ya thats right (stupid jock laff) lol jk its a good activity i think do have at school but i think only for people who need it or are mature enough to handle it should be taught it, u know wht i mean some people are so ignorant there like " oh u take karate wht with like 5 year olds i loath when people talk like that or if u do tell themur in martial arts then they atart laughing.

just thought i share a few things on my mind,


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ya thats just dumb to brag that u know an art , ya it is good that if u tell people and they dont care then its no big deal

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Personally i doubt even if i did surpass the political aspect of it all, it would still fail because the students wouldent be dedicated to what they were involved in. All MA take a very large amount of dedication, but i feel it could work as a option instaid of the traditional PE, where a some sort of special martial arts PE would be held.

Class of 08'

EBAL Wrestling Champs 3 years Runin'


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