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To go off of what TangSooGuy said

I would hate to be judged by any of the black belts from my school not because they arnt good at it but because they are good and they wouldnt cut me or any one else from my school any slack


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Quite honestly, I hate juging the students I work with.........I only see the flaws, so I'm much harder on them. I can sit there and actually start a mental list "we need to work on that , and that, and that.........."

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We actually have a tourny coming up, and we were doing "mock" judging in class tonight (we all took turns doing judging and forms). A few of us actually judged in tournies, so it came easy. But some didn't know how and scored very high or very low. But we usually use a "sliding scale" and have a "middle" score for the first person, and go slightly lower or higher, depending on the person doing the form and so on.

Anyways, that just reminded me that if someone is new at judging, they can definitely make a "bad call/score." That can effect the overall score.

I am also judging for the next tourny. It's an "inter-school" tourny, so all that are competing are from our 4 schools, that's it. It's a new challege for me. Because I have to rely on how they do that day, not how well they do in class.

Laurie F

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Any tournament you go to will have its share of bad judges.

It doesn't have to be that way. Our organization does not allow more than one judge from the same school in a ring. We also have a high ranking supervisor (who is not judging) monitoring each ring for consistency. Of course the judges are only human and make mistakes, but I have not seen any "bad judges" in any of the dozens of tournaments I have been involved with.

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great... a new excuse to add to my list.

Reasons I lose tournaments:

1. Allergic to Onions in peoples breathe

2. He is Qi vampire

3. I had an extremely bad case of dierria

4. He was a super saiyan

5. I was going to hit him but the floor was slippery, so I fell kicked him in the groin and got disquallified

6. No I was NOT carrying a weapon in my belt "hides switchblade"

and now


( I am not making fun of this post at all, I know there is going to be corruption in every area of life, but to focus on it is sort of negative and not really productive. :dodgy: )

YAY pepto bismol

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How do you judge forms? How many judges do you use? What scale do you use?


We do the "sliding scale" thing, like I mentioned above. The first person comes out and automatically gets a 7.0 or so. If the second person does better, they get a 7.5. If the third person does worse than the first two, they will get a 6.5 or so If the fourth person does REALLY well, they will get a 8.0 or so. And so on. The scores are added up later. If it's a tie, the lowest and highest scores are dropped. If it's still a tie, a "sudden death" match of the two goes on and are rescored. But the more people competing the harder it is to score. But I've been lucky. I only had to judge 4 to 7 kids at the most.

We usually have 4 judges (sometimes 5), most of them black belts, but some of us red belts went through a "training class" for this. There's only three or so red belts that are actually allowed to judge (I'm one of them), but we can't judge BB's (adults). I can judge beginners, intermediate (adults) and kids of all ranks.

The way I judge forms is on technique #1 and presentation #2. Not all schools will do the same forms, so I go with technique first (I'm a technique geek LOL). Are they sharp? do they look like they know what they are doing? Is their technique good? And how "confident" are they/do they look? And so on.

I try to be as fair as I can. It doesn't matter if it's one of my kids (from my school) or someone elses.

Laurie F

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I fought in a tournament where two of my opponents were from the same school as two of the judges. Even when I knocked my opponents backwards with my strikes, the two judges claimed that they never saw it. On the other hand, my opponents were scoring points with strikes that were on my arm. Oh, by the way, this tournament was put on by the same school. I never went back to any of their tournaments again.

that didn't happen in NY by chance did it?

"Question oneself, before you question others"

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So do you normaly give a max score in the ring, or is it an over all score. Meaning if the scale goes up to 10, do you give at least one 10 per ring?


I haven't yet, but I have seen another judge give one kid a 10. So yea, it can happen. But we usually add up the 4-5 scores and get the over all score.

Laurie F

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