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well now a days ppl have no respect for the martial arts so little chance that it will work cause a person who watches ufc will try to copy that stuff (which is one of the problems i have with ufc and stuff like that) or will take out a weapon

White belt for life

"Destroy the enemies power but leave his life"

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I went to my sisters house one day, and there were two guys I didn't know there. I was sitting in the living room alone with them, waiting for my sister. They said, so you are a kickboxer huh. I said, ya. I was keeping my trophies at my sister house, so I am sure she told them when they asked. I didn't say anything else, just sat there. They meanwhile went into this discussion about how a MA couldn't come against a bullet, and how they would shoot them down. I almost felt like they were threatening my life, so I had to fight the urge to rip there throats out. I just sat there with my mouth shut though. I eventually got out of there.

Personally I don't like people to know that I am in MA's, because they act funny. Men act funny. They get all macho on me. Some of them get recessive. I hate both of those reactions. I don't like being treated different, because of what I do. It is for defense only. Period.

So I don't like the idea of telling anyone, in that situation. because it can start something that otherwise wouldn't have happened.


By daily dying I have come to be. ~Theodore Roethke

Each forward step we take we leave some phantom of ourselves behind. ~John Lancaster Spalding

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Agreed Justful, i've made the mistake of mentioning such things at previous worksites, and it undermines things. People who are not self-confident become difficult, posing the extremes you mentioned.

On the other hand, i've learned that by openly talking about it, i cut through the tensions. For example, when those two guys asked, they were trying to start up dialog, but you clammed up. Probably the best thing you could have done at that moment was ask them if they had any training. By their answers, you could determine if they were interested, or simply needling you. I gather they were curious, and you could then have gone into chatting about some of the various nuances, and a few of the bloopers. It could very well have turned into a friendly & fun educational seminar. That's how my scenes turn out nowadays... in most cases.

Sharing presents trust and friendship. I.e., by sharing your knowledge you are 'entrusting' to them something they would otherwise have to obtain by training. By trusting, you open up the doorway to friendship. At any point you can opt to close that door, but a discussion isn't going to make them adept, or any more of a threat than they were thirty minutes prior... so the risk is virtually non-existent and the gains can be great.

"When you are able to take the keys from my hand, you will be ready to drive." - Shaolin DMV Test


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1. Call the authorities first. If the fight does start, and get outta control, help is on the way.

Hooligans: Yo, I'm gonna rip you apart.

You: Can you hold on a sec, I need to call the police.

Hooligans: Oh, yeah ok, sure man, take your time.


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I'm reasonably sure he was inferring that if the opportunity presents itself, call the police before getting into a conflict. I.e., if you see the problem in advance, 911. If not, well then of course you can't make a phone call. However, someone else can.

I'm not sure i see the purpose in your post...

"When you are able to take the keys from my hand, you will be ready to drive." - Shaolin DMV Test


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1. Call the authorities first. If the fight does start, and get outta control, help is on the way.

Hooligans: Yo, I'm gonna rip you apart.

You: Can you hold on a sec, I need to call the police.

Hooligans: Oh, yeah ok, sure man, take your time.

In this day and age, actually easier than you think. Take out the cell phone, press 911 while backing up, watching your opponent, then toss it aside. Most cell phones anymore have a special "911 locator" status, and if the 911 operator gets connected, and hears scuffles, "fighting" type words, then they will send a car.

And, if they rush you before you can press 911, then the phone makes a decent striking implement as well.


There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.

-Douglas Everett, American hockey player

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And, if they rush you before you can press 911, then the phone makes a decent striking implement as well.

I s'pose you could also press the phone up to his groin and hope the RF renders him infertile.. :lol:

I dunno.. for me, the last people i want coming if i'm about to be attacked is the cops.


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If its a serious situation, I would shut up and do my best.

However if its one of those fights that starts as pushing and pulling, or its an argument that looks like its turning nasty I'll say

"I'm trained and I will deffend myself if you come any closer."

That way, 1) you have warned him, and legally you have done the right thing by warning him.

2) you may have agrivated the situation but If he steps up to you again you can legally strike 1st. rather than wait for him and risk getting hit.

I think the key to any fight is to stop it before it starts. Weather that means striking first, or running away. This does not apply if your the one in the wrong!!!!!!!!!!!

"Turn to face the sun,

your shodows will fall behind you"

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