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How do I get myself in this much trouble and so quickly?


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your wado ryu art should take care of standing fight,just keep moving. against BJJ this is what we do to our friends , of course they don't like it and they call us cheaters but what the heck

1- they put us in a gaurd , we straigh out our legs then we drop our knee to their groin area,

2- put us in arm bar , you gotta stand up while they are hanging then drop every thing down , and i mean everything include your whole body

3- we pinch them, we push our fingers under their ribs , what ever can distract them from their set up

what is done is done , you accepted the fight so don't forget your mouth piece.and remember any one may lose a fight ,it's not a big deal.

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so again how did you get your self in trouble

you ran your mouth

what you say?

Any way yeah I like to offer tips but pretty much I am thinking your going to be getting a beat down.

Hey see if you can get it video tapped. At least then you can review it and learn from the mistakes.

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Nobody has to fight. Forget anything anyone says to you online. You are the only one that has the chance of getting hurt, not them. So, it's your decision. Fight, or not. If you choose not, and you are attacked by your "friend", then it's assault and you need to press charges. Regardless of any naysayers, martial arts is not about machismo, winning or losing, it's about survival...yours.

Good luck in your journey, but remember to use your head next time. And, talk to your instructor about this...please!


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first of all...i am NOT backing out of this fight...neither would you if a guy comes upto your face and tells you are weak and thats why he's fighting you.

anyways...heres my specs

i am 5'7

i do 10kgs at my own house (bicepcurls.etc)

i am the best kicker at my dojo...

which leads me to my techniques:

attacks: dash towards him...fake a punch and knee to his face

or dash towards him and do a low high(shin and nose level)sidekick

or dash towards him do a scissor kick(fake) and while landing a very

real hammerfist on his nose

or dash towards him with jab-reverse-uppercuts-elbows...everything i have...

counters:he shoots for my legs>>>knee or uppercut to the jaw or nose

or he tries to grab my gi...reverse punch to his solar plexus

thats all i need...

btw...anyone here thinks the following stuff won't work plz let me know as early as possible...


control is the key to winning

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well i can tell u the exact same advice that i do and have been given, come fight night go about ur normal business try to avoud him as much as u can, but do not let the fact u might have to fight him scare u into running away everytime u see his shadow, dont let him stop u from doing ur normal activities or ruitines, that is when the fear of fighting him is running your life and U ARE being a coward, plus u should neve fear ANY1 except the one who made u. :angel: if he corners u still do not fight him unless he puts his hands own u, then it is self-defence and its time for a woopin. DO NOT I REPAT DO NOT fight angry because chances are he is going to be, and start of atleast calm, so be very calm when u fight so ur mind will not be clouded, as for fighting paterns it almost impossible to ever deturman what someone's going to do in a fight especially over a forum. just fight like u normally would but be able to adapt, to his fighting style,when u get him down do not let him get up. oh and if it seem slike u have no chance of winning the fight, or it seems like unfair odds then there is never any shame in retreite and fight again another, day.

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Hi, I'm a dork

I never been in a fight my entire life but I could have been in a hundred of them. But as a smart coward one can never get hurt. :D

Aikido have names for techniques like "heaven and earth."which represents the creation of the universe along with a philosophical meaning.

Muay Thai have names for techniques like "closing the lamp", which means "punch him in the eye."

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don't hit him too hard in the nose, the nosebone would splinter to his brain and he'd be dead. just beat the guy quick and stay aware before he breaks your head.

I slayed 200 flies with my foot and I got to poke a bird before it went away. I always wanted to do that...STICKAAY!

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