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How do I get myself in this much trouble and so quickly?


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hey guys wassup?

guess what i somehow managed to get myself in more trouble! this guy in my school, whom i barely know, challenged me to an ufc style fight due next week.jeez i barely know him...

As far as i know, he's been bodybuilding for 3 years now, and learned boxing and brazilian jujitsu for like a year. i asked him why he wants to fight me...he said he wants to be the best fighter in school and thus starting with the weakest...me!!!

ofcourse i accepted...

so...help...anyone...i can't backout cause he told the whole school...

the worst part is...i have absolutely nothing to gain from the fight...but i am stuck with it anyways...

so help...anyone? tactics...strategies...techniques against a boxer and Bjj practitioner?

control is the key to winning

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How long have you been training in martial arts ?? What's ur primary style ?? What about your height & weight ?? You must tell us a little about urself first

Moon might shine upon the innocent and the guilty alike

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Well, obviously your first mistake was letting people know you study anything at all. Your second mistake was bragging (as noted by reading your previous posts in this forum), Your third mistake was to accept the challenge. From thereon, you're right... you got yourself into a bit that it looks like you're going to have to bite down on.

A few things:

Is this ufc-style fight a legitimate event, or something in his backyard? If it is the latter, you should decline and state you thought it was an organized event, not some joke backyard scene.

Another thought is... do you know where he studied and is he still studying there? If so, i recommend going to the class and 'practicing' with him. If not, i recommend going to the class and practicing ... period. Understanding what it is your opponent may present to you gives you more than you presently have to work with (i'm making assumptions right now, because as y2sub indicated... we know nothing about your body type or background in the arts). It could also 'deflate' the scene, since you've opted to 'join' him in his studies, rather than remain an adversary.

Seriously, if you're intimidated by this challenge, then you need to do some cross-referencing, and get into the arts behind the man (or boy) you fear. Elsewise, take this event as an opportunity to obtain a degree of humility.

"When you are able to take the keys from my hand, you will be ready to drive." - Shaolin DMV Test


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Buy a good pair of running shoes - thats my recommendation :D

Seriously though, if he really is a big guy and you really are a weaker guy, you would be mad going along with it just to save your face - because you won't be saving your face at all - you'll be getting it kicked in.

Don't worry about being a coward, tell the guy that your no challenge for him, and you really don't want any part of it. If he wants a challenge, then start on one of the bigger guys. If that don't work then tell a teacher, you will be mad going along with it :bawling:

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I say go through with the fight. If you back down, you will feel like a coward for the rest of your life. As long as you are not in danger of actually being killed, then fight the guy. Find out what it is like to be in a fight. You won't really hurt till the next day anyway, thanks to adrenalin. As you said, you have nothing to lose. If you win, you will be "da shiznit" of the school. If you lose, then no one will be surprised.

He will of course come running at your with his head down and try to grab your legs as his first move. You might have a friend come running at you like that and practice grabbing his hair as he gets in range and pounding his face with your knee - or grab his hair as he comes in and back up as you push his face down into the ground and keep your feet back and spread out kind of wide. Some guys grab their shirt and pull them in and push down at the same time like we do in American Football, but I think that's a little too close to a grappler with someone of your level.

The instant he hits the ground, back off and go in and kick the ever lovin' heck out of him every time he tries to get up. Don't get suckered into jumping on him, because he will turn around and wrap you up, and then you are meat. When trying to get up is when ground fighters are most vulnerable, I've found.

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It's generally not a good idea to fight if you have no motivation to whatsoever. Just dont fight. Sometimes the best thing to do is not always the easiest. Don't fight him. If he picks on weaker people deliberately, then don't let yourself be one of those "weak" people, and decline. You most likely will be a weak person if you accept.

Fight if you really must.

Perfect Practice makes Perfect.

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If you do end up on the ground, squeeze his "man" parts or bite him.

Biting is a really bad idea. It is probably one of the easiest ways to contract some rather horrible diseases.

"When you are able to take the keys from my hand, you will be ready to drive." - Shaolin DMV Test


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hey guys wassup?

guess what i somehow managed to get myself in more trouble! this guy in my school, whom i barely know, challenged me to an ufc style fight due next week.jeez i barely know him...

As far as i know, he's been bodybuilding for 3 years now, and learned boxing and brazilian jujitsu for like a year. i asked him why he wants to fight me...he said he wants to be the best fighter in school and thus starting with the weakest...me!!!

ofcourse i accepted...

so...help...anyone...i can't backout cause he told the whole school...

the worst part is...i have absolutely nothing to gain from the fight...but i am stuck with it anyways...

so help...anyone? tactics...strategies...techniques against a boxer and Bjj practitioner?

Get out of the fight if you can. Of course having said that I have no idea of your fighting capabilities which include your punching power. If you can't get out of the fight then take the fight to the street. Tell him that if he really wants to fight you then he must fight you in the street. I believe that in a street scenario he is less likely to go for takedowns and ground grappling. This is not to say that he won't, nor that the fight won't end up on the ground naturally, but only that it is less likely that he will want to hit the concrete in a street scenario than in an indoor one, at least in the beginning of the fight. He may then be tempted to finish the fight standing up and that should hopefully give you enough time to use what you are best at, which I assume is stand up fighting.

I don't know much about him, but I know that he is underestimating you as he considers you the weakest of his challenges. USE that against him. Generally I would say practice as much as you can in the week or so that you have. You need to train to hit his weakest areas with you most powerful strikes. Get a training partner and just train as much as you. Alternatively, if you can delay your confrontation then do so. This will give you more time to train and gain confidence.

Other hints. Use only low kicks aiming at knees, chins and the groin area. Keep kicking him and don't let him close. If he gets close and grapples you to take you down use finger, fist or open hand strikes to the throat/kneck and eye region. Scratch his face if you have to. If you get hold of a finger then snap it.

Remember that he is the one who is bullying you into this fight and his intention is to use your defeated body as a trophy.

If are taken to the ground then try to relax your body as much as you can and continue hitting vulnerable areas. TRAIN this with a partner if you can. The more you tense and panic the easier it will be for him.

I have said all that without actually knowing who you are and nor your adversary for that matter, but I hope you find something useful in what I have said.

Good luck.

Use your time on an art that is worthwhile and not on a dozen irrelevant "ways".

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