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i dont think he will ever eye-ball my girl again

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It's a little thing called chivalry that seems to have died when the Vatican 2 meeting was held and satan somehow penetrated the ranks of the church and allowed the 'novis auto' to be created. Man has never been more slack or evil than he has in recent years, and this *walk away* rubbish is making the world a hellhole by making people think that they can say anythng or do anything and get away with it. That's why we bloody well have rednecks.


There's insults to onesself and then there are insults to a defenseless person/woman. I can take beeing called a dorkhead (heh) but if someone says something to my lady then there in for a good old time whalloping!


Angus :karate: :up:



Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.

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Angus, not fighting in front of ladies is chilvalry.. Chilvalry means being a gentleman. Would you agree that entails making a lady feel secure ? Ladies don't like fighting, even more so when it concerns them!


It doesn't matter how gooder fighter you are, the best man is the one who can walk away, they see him as the stronger man, even if the other guys gets beaten to a bloody pulp.


Ask me a few months ago, I would have agreed with you. But, you are just too narrow minded I'm wasting my time, right ? You're stuck with this philosophy that it's chilvalry and tell yourself rational lies. Bit of pyschology there for you to ponder. Never the less, I know of a couple of girls who like a guy that is strong and tough, yet they hate it when he gets violent and physical. They like physical toughness and strength, but I think they admire emotional and mental toughess more.


I just hope you don't learn too late, I was luckily given another chance.


Lose this macho attitude, stop masking it behind 'chilvalry' and stop telling yourself rational lies.. Chivalry can be shown in many other forms by showing respect such as not swearing, not fighting in front of them. To be blunt, you'll come across as arrogant egotistic to the ladies.



It takes sacrifice to be the best.

There are always two choices, two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it's easy.

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Angus, sorry bro.. That might have been a little harsh..


I understand what you mean perfectly though. I used to be the same myself and still am.. I find it very hard not to hit someone, especially when they use a girl in any way.. but I have my integrity intact don't I ?


You're protective, eh ? Same with me. An attack on a close friend/relative of mine is an attack on me and I'd be the first person to defend them. There will be people that talk all through your life, dude.. You can't hit them, unless you want to end up in prison getting anally raped every night. You're worried about them emotionally, mentally not to mention physically.. The fact they can't quite throw a jab like you, or throw a roundhouse as hard or fast leaves them almost defenceless doesn't it ? I think when you dedicate a lot of your time to training and it becomes your passion which can be used so effectively in inflicting damage, everyone else seems defenceless compared don't they ? The best weapon is the mind, my friend. The most dangerous person I've ever known was emotionally and mentally the toughest person I'll ever know. It was also a girl... Sticks and stones can break the bones, words can shatter the soul.


Think about it, man.



It takes sacrifice to be the best.

There are always two choices, two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it's easy.

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Women are sacred beings who are to be respected, and any offense against them is wrong... Hitting, swearing, whatever. Even if a woman doesn't want it i will defend her honour - ' a knight of the old code '. I won't beat the guy to a pulp - gees the most i'd want to do do is push him and give him a talking to, but if he has a go back then he is put in his place.


I don't care what the woman thinks of me. Most girls this day have no idea about virtue anyway, and if they see me as anything like a moster then that's there fault. Knights used to duel to the death when a woman was insulted. THAT was chivalry, and the woman understood that her honour must be upheld. This has been forgotten in the last 50 years and this emotional and sensitive crap has taken over.


On the guy being defenseless: it's his fault if he starts something without having the guts to finish it, or the skill to deal with it.


BTW, that little piece of yours wasn't psychology, that was a clear statement that made no sense.


Angus :karate: :up:



Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.

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im sorry bon but i just dont agree with you,


whether the girls come across me as being arrogant and egostic, i dont really care,


if i walked away and that guy didnt take no for an answer, and raped her when i wasnt there, then i couldnt stare myself in a mirror again, i would be constantly saying to myself, "why didnt you do something when you had the chance", you may think that if you walk away and that is the best solution, but how do you know it is, how do you know that walking away is the safest oppurtunity,


neutralise all threat, that what i say,


dont live your live being scared and fearing every corner, that why i learn martial arts, so i wont have fear in me



Brown Sash Hsing I/Lau Gar Kung Fu

Brown Belt San Shou

17 yr old


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