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i dont think he will ever eye-ball my girl again

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hey all,


i was leaving school one day, with my girlfriend, when i got some guy looking at her, not much of a deal, she's hot, could i blame the guy?, so anyways i kept on walking and he came up to us two, he then said to the girl, with words to be precise


"oy *****, fancy a shag", i was of course very angry, so i pushed him and told him to watch his mouth, but then he punched me back in my jaw, now as most of you know the adrenaline was pumpin and i couldnt think, it was so bad that when i went to punch him, i missed and hit above his shoulder, put then i managed to hit him with my left hand, which caused him to bleed straight away, then i did a front kick to the stomach, this actually caused me to bounce back of him since he was against a wall and i bounced back unbalanced, then i got up and did my favourite step sidekick, but i missed!?,


in the end he ran of, and i was the saviour of knight and shinning armour for my love




however, when i got home, i found there were a few deep cuts in my left hand, this was because i smacked him in the teeth probably, what do you guys think is the best place to hit guy in the face, where you will do max damage and least damage to yourself,


also what do you guys think about my response to the guy

Brown Sash Hsing I/Lau Gar Kung Fu

Brown Belt San Shou

17 yr old


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As much as I dislike to admit it, I probably would have done the same as you Ad. You pushed him, but if someone said that to my girl (before we broke up, heh) I most likely wouldn't have been able to help myself from doing the same. He did hit first though, so after that you were techincally fighting for defence of yourself and girlfriend.


But man, you seem to be getting in too many fights recently. You don't want to be getting a high profile. Be careful. :smile:




Currently 'off' from formal MA training


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Way to go Ad!! i would have done exactly the same thing!! I love defending women, it makes me feel oh so manly... hehe.


Best place to hit a bloke (in the facial area) is the nose. It might bleed, it makes his eyes water, plus it bloody well hurts!


Angus :karate: :up:



Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.

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Ad - violence is never the best answer in a case like this. You did the wrong thing.


I would have done the same though.




2nd Degree Black Belt : Doce Pares Eskrima https://www.docepares.co.uk

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Rofl... yeh, need to stay calm, man!


I never learnt this recently until BJJ where if ou get angry and resort to strength, you end up wasting all your energy and being puffed out while the guy's still on top of you.


I don't think I would have hit him, dude... If I got angry and felt threatened I most probably would have, but if I kept calm I wouldn't have... Girls don't like violence, and I don't fight in front of girls if I can help it, especially girlfriends!


Hitting people does hurt.. I've busted my knuckles a couple of times and didn't even know at the time, kind of realised later though =p



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I would have left out all the pre-fight pushing each other stuff, it just builds adrenaline and makes it harder for you to hurt him. What does pushing achieve?


I would have just punched him out, thats no way to speak to a lady!


and use open handed strikes, they don't hurt you hand or mark the person you hitting as much, and if hitting to the face i'd aim for the Chin/throat/nose area. and thats about as precise as you can get in a real fight.


I hate violence!!



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I'd have to agree with Angus about the nose. But be DAMN careful with the nose too. If you strike too hard at an upward angle, you can drive thebone and cartilage up into the brain! You don't want to hurt anyone that bad.


I also have to agree with YODA. It was the wrong thing to do, but I would probably have defended my lady's honor as well.

Kuk Sool Won - 4th dan

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.

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Hey..this is quite an interesting tale.I would never fight infront of a girl


1)Girls dont like violence (well nice girls dont.)


2)If you get beat up in front of a girl..you feel like an idiot.


3)Girls aint nothing to fight over..unless she proper buff.


:nod:So thats what i think.As for hitting people in the face..give him a black eye..and punch him in the nose..but not too hard..coz it can be rather dangerous.If you can kick him in the face..you could hit him in more than just one place with a kick.


(Never hit guys in the balls...its just not right)

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