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A few threads in the Korean section, and ones that pop up here have gotten me thinking.

Everyone debates which art is better, which people should study, and people often get pretty heated in defending their art. By taking the stance that your art is the best, and that all others are not worth it, then you are inherently limiting your growth and potential in martial arts.

If you close your mind to new possibilities in different arts, then you can potentially miss out on something that could improve your own art.

I look at it this way. Martial arts is like a picture. Theres lots of different pictures, and you may like one, or two, or more, but you've always got your favorite. That is your primary martial art. Everything else that you add (Weapons, grappling, striking, joint locks, etc) is like adding matting and framing to the picture. You can take the basic picture and enhance it in several different ways. The basic picture is the same, and the additions improve it according to every persons personal taste.

I am in the ATA, and I am perfectly happy with TKD. I feel that it gives me most everything I need to defend myself. I am also starting to pick up groundfighting, because I don't think the ATA goes far enough in that aspect. I don't, however, close my mind and say that "Well, I've never seen savate, so it must be no good". Doing so stunts my potential growth.

Attitudes of certain practitioners are a different matter, but we won't go there much. :D :D

So, the next time you either hear someone bashing, or start to bash yourself, stop and think if there is anything that you can learn or take from what you are bashing to make your own arts stronger.


There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.

-Douglas Everett, American hockey player

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I think a more apt metaphor would be that of food. There are different types of dishes, which vary depending on who presents/prepares it. All of it can be nutritious, but if your body rejects it, i would say stay away from that type of food. Different dishes complement each other, while others contrast so sharply that it leaves a bitter taste in your mouth for one or the other.

Yet, in every meal, regardless of its origins, there are fundamental principles to preparation. Learn these fundamentals and you can make almost anything out of almost anything.

etc etc...

"When you are able to take the keys from my hand, you will be ready to drive." - Shaolin DMV Test


  White Warlock said:
I think a more apt metaphor would be that of food. There are different types of dishes, which vary depending on who presents/prepares it. All of it can be nutritious, but if your body rejects it, i would say stay away from that type of food. Different dishes complement each other, while others contrast so sharply that it leaves a bitter taste in your mouth for one or the other.

Yet, in every meal, regardless of its origins, there are fundamental principles to preparation. Learn these fundamentals and you can make almost anything out of almost anything.

etc etc...

That's a good analogy too! Nice comparison, war.


There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.

-Douglas Everett, American hockey player

  Aodhan said:

If you close your mind to new possibilities in different arts, then you can potentially miss out on something that could improve your own art.

Or save your life :karate:

No matter how fashionable it is in Krypton, I will not wear my underwear on the outside of my Gi!!


This is the very reason I love my current school. Kuntao is considered a "live art" as it was termed to me. This means it changes all the time. If someone shows us something we like, we adapt it to our style and use it.

36 styles of danger

  fallen_milkman said:
This is the very reason I love my current school. Kuntao is considered a "live art" as it was termed to me. This means it changes all the time. If someone shows us something we like, we adapt it to our style and use it.

Very sensible :karate:

No matter how fashionable it is in Krypton, I will not wear my underwear on the outside of my Gi!!

  Aodhan said:

That's a good analogy too! Nice comparison, war.

Unfortunately, shortly after typing that, i got really friggin' hungry! :o

"When you are able to take the keys from my hand, you will be ready to drive." - Shaolin DMV Test


  White Warlock said:
  Aodhan said:

That's a good analogy too! Nice comparison, war.

Unfortunately, shortly after typing that, i got really friggin' hungry! :o

:lol: Me too!

I don't have to be the best, just better than you!

Working towards 11% BF and a Six pack

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