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Crazy Idea...

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Even after that I'd still advise any1 to use it before any weapon.

Its a defensive tool. Plus, not everyone can handle a weapon well enough to use it to stop an attack. Pepper spray is just point and spray. Plus there are other types that are not as bad and have a shorter effect.

The second reason is this. If someone carries and uses a weapon like a 6 foot retractable bo, knife, gun, kobutan, night stick, etc... and acidently kills someone what happens then. If your a trained martial artist, you may go to jail, and there are posable comebacks from gangs, or the attackers friends. Its not worth the hastle.

"Turn to face the sun,

your shodows will fall behind you"

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why jus against you?

Not just against me, but i noted me because i have asthma and my allergic reaction to capsicum is slightly elevated from the norm (most everyone has an allergic reaction to capsicum... that's a large part of why it works).

Even after that I'd still advise any1 to use it before any weapon.

It's a tough call, but generally speaking i would disagree, for the reasons stated below.

Pepper spray is just point and spray.

It has the same limitations that a gun has, in that it must be prepared first. It must be removed from where it is (purse, pocket, belt sheath, etc), grasped correctly (with nozzle facing away), the safety must be disengaged, the weapon needs to be presented, you must target the assailant's eyes, and then you must shoot (and hope it fires). A multi-step process that really only works if you're given 'sufficient' warning of an attack. All this while ensuring your adrenal surge doesn't interfere with your ability to utilize this relatively complex weapon (that last issue is a big one).

On the other hand, any other weapon need merely be grabbed and used. Or, if already in hand, used.

The second reason is this. If someone carries and uses a weapon like a 6 foot retractable bo, knife, gun, kobutan, night stick, etc... and acidently kills someone what happens then.

Exactly the same thing that would happen if they were killed by pepper spray. A charge of excessive force if you're a police officer, a charge of 2nd degree murder (that would be plea bargained to manslaughter) if you're not a police officer.

If your a trained martial artist, you may go to jail, and there are posable comebacks from gangs, or the attackers friends. Its not worth the hastle.

In order to use pepper spray, you have to undergo a small training program. This program makes you liable for using the pepper spray inappropriately, or for any death or physical injury caused by its use.

Consequence applies regardless of the type of weapon you use, and the outcome of the initial incident need not be lethal or disabling. The secondary factors, that of retribution or otherwise, are solely under the 'choice' of the other persons and may or may not be mitigated by the type of weapon used.

My thoughts

"When you are able to take the keys from my hand, you will be ready to drive." - Shaolin DMV Test


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Ok I retract my comment about "pepper spray" but I deff believe that ppl who can't/or dont feel thay can use a deffensive weapon should use a deterrant spray. As I said in my last post, there are alternatives to pepper spray, and i believe they should be used.

as for your comments on avalibility... Thats the same with any other weapon. Id rather take my chances trying to hit some1s eys from 4-6feet than wait till they are on you. Of course, all of this is out the window if its a surprise attack.

On sim note, I my sister has a very small thin spray canister, with an electric horn and a kobutan. I think thats great.

"Turn to face the sun,

your shodows will fall behind you"

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OK, so don't get me wrong I'm not going to argue that people should carry a bo around with them on the street but it really seams to me that people here are using a rather limited view of what can be done with one.

For example, in one class my sensei was teaching we spent the entire class working with just the last 6 inches of the bo. That is to say, utilizing just the end for locks, pain compliance, and assisted strikes. In other classes we've worked defenses against grabs that throw an opponent or pin him against a wall. Very little space is required for these maneuvers.

I think it is important to remember that a bo is more then just a striking utility, it also offers leverage and a hard unbending surface. The latter two can be used very effectively in small or restricted spaces.

There's nothing ineffective about the bo in a self defense situation. In an open area one man with a bo can be more effective then 6 people wielding swords. If you know how to use the weapon it can be used anywhere. When used lethally it is simply down right scarey.

The only two things that stand between an effective art and one that isn't are a tradition to draw knowledge from and the mind to practice it.

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Sure I compleatly agree.

But this guy would have to be pretty good if he was to beat 6guys with swords.

Ive never got that in films when the guy with a bo deffends against a sword, I know it wouldnt cut through but it would do damage and cause splinters. I dont know how effective wooden weapons would be aginst sharp weapns.

"Turn to face the sun,

your shodows will fall behind you"

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Thats great if your in a kitchen, but if your wlaking through a field, the only weapons are you and the ground and you gotta get close to use ether of them.

"Turn to face the sun,

your shodows will fall behind you"

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Sure I compleatly agree.

But this guy would have to be pretty good if he was to beat 6guys with swords.

Ive never got that in films when the guy with a bo deffends against a sword, I know it wouldnt cut through but it would do damage and cause splinters. I dont know how effective wooden weapons would be aginst sharp weapns.

Please let me explain. First of all a bo works very well to catch swords. A blocked swing of any significant strength will lodge a sword deep enough into the hardwood to cause it to stick, if even for a split second. This is enough time to rid the poor fool of his weapon or his life. Secondly the positive advantages of reach cannot be overstated. Thirdly having two available ends makes it even more effective against multiple opponents. And lastly I think people underestimate just how deadly a full force strike with a 6ft hardwood bow is. Helmet or no it'll take a guy down. It'll crush a collar bone like it was a twig. It'll collapse a ribcage just as effectively when used as a spear. And then there's attacks to the legs which are particularly difficult to defend against when you have a sword.

There is historical record of these advanatages being sucessfully used in europe with the quarterstaff, which was considered a very favorable weapon agains one weilding a sword. There was one instance on a ship that was recorded where one man killed 6 sword weilding opponents, though I forget the date and place where it occured.

The only two things that stand between an effective art and one that isn't are a tradition to draw knowledge from and the mind to practice it.

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