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I need to know how to say " Please Teach me " and " Thank you for teaching me "

Onegaishimasu is what people will respond with, but that is not really what onegaishimasu means. "Negau" means to ask, and onegaishimasu is the humble form of the verb. You can make it more humble by saying onegai-itashimasu.

Please teach me is "Oshiete kudasai" in the most basic form.

You might want to ramp up the politeness a little bit though to appear more refined and create distance between you and an instructor that you do not want calling you at home every day:

"oshierarete kudasaimasu ka?" is more polite - perhaps a bit odd.

"o-oshie ni natte kudasai" is respectful and polite

"o-oshie ni narimasu desho ka" is very soft and respectful in that it only implies perhaps they might teach you while speaking up to them as a professor or doctor.

And I feel one of the most pleasant ways to ask something is "karate o benkyo sasete itadakenai desho ka" which essentially says "May I humbly receive the honor of you allowing me to study karate?

I would not say this: "oshie-agaru na", because it basically says "You dare come into my presence and teach?" in a very insulting and arrogant way. If you can run fast, it might be pretty funny.

Thank you for teaching me is easy. "gomendousama deshita" - thank you for going to the trouble


"otsukaresama deshita" you must be tired


"arigatou gozaimashita" thank you for what you have done for me.

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The Sumo wrestlers say "Gosan desu."

Does that translate to, "hi, i'm going to sit on you" ?

"When you are able to take the keys from my hand, you will be ready to drive." - Shaolin DMV Test



The "formal" is Domo Arigatou Gozaimashita which is Thank you for what you have done or presented to me. This is used frequently in corporate business.

Less formal amognst equals or friends is Domo, Arigatou, Domo Arigatou, etc.

Osu is used in a wide varitey properly and improperly - but mostly an aknowlegement to a higher rank in karate or military, or a greeting with fellow ranks and friends as hi or what's up.

- Killer -

Mizu No Kokoro

Shodan - Nishiyama Sensei

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