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I've done some reseach. Been to several classes. I'm just curious what people think? How many people are ATA here? Or have been at one time. I'm not looking for a flame fest. :argue: I would ask that you respectfully post you opinions.

Thanks! :karate:

My opinion:

Camoflague belts = Mc DOjo

Did you see the explanation of the camo belt that I posted earlier?

And, if that is your only criteria, then I don't really consider it an informed opinion. I know of a very excellent dojangh (Not ATA, karate actually) that has some "non traditional" colors as well.


There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.

-Douglas Everett, American hockey player

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I've done some reseach. Been to several classes. I'm just curious what people think? How many people are ATA here? Or have been at one time. I'm not looking for a flame fest. :argue: I would ask that you respectfully post you opinions.

Thanks! :karate:

My opinion:

Camoflague belts = Mc DOjo

Did you see the explanation of the camo belt that I posted earlier?

And, if that is your only criteria, then I don't really consider it an informed opinion. I know of a very excellent dojangh (Not ATA, karate actually) that has some "non traditional" colors as well.


My opinion:

Most TKD schools = Mc DOjo

No matter how fashionable it is in Krypton, I will not wear my underwear on the outside of my Gi!!

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im a nice guy so i dont want to come off as a jerk but i have never had a good experience with the ATA not one, im shure there are decent MA's in the organisation but where is the contact? look i just think that if i can beat all the ATA blackbelts in my highschool (there are 9) with just my wrestling (and little effort) there is something seriosly wrong with the way they are teaching there students. not to mention that although i respect the charicter development i think the whole weapons and ground fighting is terrable im more qualified to teach ground fighting than the ATA school in my town. also although ATA is better than no MA there is nouthing at the ATA you cant get better someware else. better ground fighting = wrestling,BJJ,ect better strikeing = boxing,muay thai,ect

better self defence = krav maga, scars,ect

phisical fitness = any of the above arts,

look i think a person would get in better shape and better self defence skills from joining my highschool football team than joining the ATA, on the lighter side i think the world is a better because of the charicter development in the ATA. sorry if i offended anyone but its the truth.

also why dont you let non ATA members compete in ATA tournaments.

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sorry if i offended anyone but its the truth.

also why dont you let non ATA members compete in ATA tournaments.

I don't know the BB's in you high school, but I do know you - through your posts, and you seem to be a stand up guy. Remeber there is the truth and there is your truth. You havn't faced me........... :P

Joking aside the ATA is a closed org, meaning you must be a paying, practicing member to compete. It's not because they think they are better than you, or are afraid of you. They have set rules and attitudes that would probably not be followed if "outsiders" were allowed in. I'm an ATA 4th Degree, I have not been a practicing member of the ATA for around 5 years, I can not compete in an ATA tournement. Not that I could not win or maybe loose (fat chance) it's just the ATA circut is for members only. WTF has closed tourneys, so does the ITF and the USTF. Can just anyone compete in the UFC or K1 or Pride matches? It's just a closed tourney circut, and that's it.


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im a nice guy so i dont want to come off as a jerk but i have never had a good experience with the ATA not one... sorry if i offended anyone but its the truth.

You are not coming off as a jerk, just someone making rash judgements. You've not offended anyone, but you should realize this is the truth from your perspective - which simply makes your statements your opinions.

If you were closer, I have more than a few students that would be more than happy to spar you with increased contact. And they aren't even black belts.

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there is nouthing at the ATA you cant get better someware else. better ground fighting = wrestling,BJJ,ect better strikeing = boxing,muay thai,ect

better self defence = krav maga, scars,ect

phisical fitness = any of the above arts,

look i think a person would get in better shape and better self defence skills from joining my highschool football team than joining the ATA, on the lighter side i think the world is a better because of the charicter development in the ATA. sorry if i offended anyone but its the truth.

also why dont you let non ATA members compete in ATA tournaments.

Better ground fighting in BJJ, sure. But it's also better than any stand up striking art. Better striking in boxing, sure, but you don't get the kicks that you do in any martial art. Better self defense in Krav? Possibly, and I don't know scars.

You could take the same arguments as above, and apply them to just about any MA. Muay thai? Great striking, but poor ground fighting.

As with anything, I would guess that about 75% of the people in it are in the range of just getting by to competent. There are about 10% that just plain suck, and about 15% that are very good, and supplement their training for any perceived lack. Blanketly indicting an entire MA does a disservice to both the art and yourself.

Better self defence and fitness from the local football team? Please, at least be realistic. Take a 6', 240 lb 17 y/o center, or any one of the overweight lineman. They know how to hold you up, and push. The only danger any martial artist would be in is if they fell on him. The rest may have speed and power, but they still wouldn't know how to defend/attack against a MA. Fitness is what you make of it. I see overweight people in ALL ma's, not just ATA.

Also, ATA is a closed tournament circuit because you must know ATA forms and protocols to compete. We also completely promote sportsmanship, so if you throw your arms in disgust from a bad call or losing a fight, we can address it with your instructor. The typical pouting, cursing, kicking things attitude I see in a lot of open tournaments doesn't fly in the ATA.

I will give you this as a perception thing. ATA has one of the highest numbers of total members of any MA organization. Because of that, given the percentages above, there will be more people that are mediocre to average, so the likelihood that you meet one of the average people is greater.

Oh, and while ATA tournaments are closed to ATA competitors only, anyone can come and watch. Nationals are March 4 of next year in Vegas, Fall Nationals is usally late October in Florida, and Worlds is in Little Rock each June. Come and watch some of the black belt rings, especially the higher ranks.

Oh, and I'm not taking any offense. I know the perception that ATA has, and I understand why it comes about. :D


There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.

-Douglas Everett, American hockey player

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you guys seem on the leval and i appologise for being harsh on the ATA but its just that it seems so... wrong to me i mean i do martial arts to be a professional fighter and i just dont see much quality in the ATA in terms of actual fighting abilaty.

i will ask some questions

what is the ATA's goals? i mean they dont train great fighters and they dont have great self defence so what is the ATA's contribution to the martial arts?

also how can you justify giveing a 6 year old a BB at that age it is impossible for them to even have a remote grasp of the techniques needed to be considered a BB. or the philosophy behind it.

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We just had an all city tournament in our town last weekend. Form competition, sparring, ground fighting, etc. Only two kids from our ATA school participated. Neither participated in ground fighting, but both won their sparring and form competitions. It wasn't just Tae Kwon Do, but various forms of Martial Arts. So as far as ATA members not being able to compete, I would totally disagree.

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I am a little confused at some of the Martial Artists in these forums. I have had many street fights in my life, and I am not proud of it. I was always able to protect myself, and almost always came away without taking a hit myself. I credit this to my strong wrestling background. THerefore, I did not take up Tae Kwon Do, (ATA), to protect myself. I joined along with my wife so we could be involved with my 9 year old son in something, and I believe it teaches our family great values, setting goals, respect among other things. Now I have the control along with the ability to walk away. Why I am I confused? Seems like everyone here is worried about who can beat up who, and if that is your reasoning behind be in the Martial Arts, then I would not want to be a part of your Dojo. Kind of reminds me of the original Karate Kid. Mr. Miagi (sp) said " Karate is here (pts to heart), Karate is here (pts to head), Karate is never here (fists).

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I am a little confused at some of the Martial Artists in these forums. I have had many street fights in my life, and I am not proud of it. I was always able to protect myself, and almost always came away without taking a hit myself. I credit this to my strong wrestling background. THerefore, I did not take up Tae Kwon Do, (ATA), to protect myself. I joined along with my wife so we could be involved with my 9 year old son in something, and I believe it teaches our family great values, setting goals, respect among other things. Now I have the control along with the ability to walk away. Why I am I confused? Seems like everyone here is worried about who can beat up who, and if that is your reasoning behind be in the Martial Arts, then I would not want to be a part of your Dojo. Kind of reminds me of the original Karate Kid. Mr. Miagi (sp) said " Karate is here (pts to heart), Karate is here (pts to head), Karate is never here (fists).

The average age of this group is in the high school range. So that's what MA is to them. I remember when I was in high school, you just accept it, that's there opinion, share your opinion, then move on.

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