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New guys, looking for alittle advice.

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Hey everyone,

Well I'm starting a martial art in January. I have narrowed down my choices to either Judo, BJJ, or JJJ. I know alot of this depends on the school/instructor were your learn. But, which one do you guys think is best for self defense? I am not look for a sport, but an actual way to defend myself.

P.S: does anyone know good schools in the Worcester, Mass area?

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they all compliment each other nicely, but for some good stand-up for self defense only, id go for JJJ. i take BJJ and its very good for self defense if the fight is on the ground, but if your looking for standup like wrist locks, and the such, then JJJ is good. Judo is good for throws. ill stcik with BJJ, its too much fun.

Im brasilian, but live in the united states. Really enjoying martial arts.

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I do JJ (traditional). I feel it's well rounded. It's got everything from striking, joint locks, throws, self defense in general, ect. It's not "grappling" per-say, but it's got some "sweet" ground defenses. And it's definitely not made for "sport" like TKD (but I enjoy that, too :D ).

Laurie F

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I think it depends on how your class trains you. The cool thing about BJJ is that you do a lot of live training I think it is the live traing that makes this style more effective in a real fight. Try hitting strikes and submissions when your in a stress situation like a real fight and you might freeze. Live traing teaches you to relax even though some one is trying to choke you. If you train in live traing then most of your moves are already battle tested. Like the navy seals say: "those who bleed the most in training cause the most bloodshed in combat", something like that, my dad was a seal and they love mottos! My fave is " you don't have to like it, you just have to do it".

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