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Ever used TKD "on the street"?

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Many people talk about sparring in this way:

"Well, if I get attacked on the street . . . "

How many of you have actually gotten into a fight, gotten attacked, or gotten mugged and used TKD?

How many of you are taking TKD mostly for this reason (to learn to defend yourself on the street)?

How many of you have used skills learned in TKD to AVOID a fight?

(At my school, we are supposed to "never misuse TaeKwonDo, be a champion of freedom and justice, and build a more peacful world" according to the "student oath.")

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I have yet to meet someone that has used it. Personally, If someone asked for my wallet, and had a gun, they would get my wallet. Now, if somoene pointed a gun at me to hurt me, or my wife or any loved one, I would beat the living crap outta them, or die trying. But, I would never use a high or an aerial kick to defend myself. I guess it's another main reason why I'm thinking of leaving TKD. It's an awesome sport, great workout, and fun, but I just don't see it being useful in a streetfight (My opinion). I first started TKD (only been in it for 3 months now granted) for the workouts, fun, and to learn a MA... however, I now what to try something different.

I don't have to be the best, just better than you!

Working towards 11% BF and a Six pack

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One of my fellow students had to use one of the self defense moves to prevent a choking hold and to hold the person confined while help arrived. She was able to avoid being injured by a larger person, and was able to avoid hurting that person as well.

what goes around, comes around

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Well, I used TSD, not TKD (which is similar in some ways) on the street. I haven't had to use martial arts since, but it worked. I walked away without a scratch (thank goodness). I do TKD now, but I never had to use it.

Laurie F

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Many people talk about sparring in this way:

"Well, if I get attacked on the street . . . "

How many of you have actually gotten into a fight, gotten attacked, or gotten mugged and used TKD?

How many of you are taking TKD mostly for this reason (to learn to defend yourself on the street)?

How many of you have used skills learned in TKD to AVOID a fight?

(At my school, we are supposed to "never misuse TaeKwonDo, be a champion of freedom and justice, and build a more peacful world" according to the "student oath.")

That line, "Well, if I ever..." is classic. But, its similar to Mark Twain's quote, "A classic book is one that no one has ever read." I think for most martial artists (and I'm thanking God for this!) they've not had to use what they've learned on the street. Most folks who use that line are just using bravo to describe a practical situation that they secretly pray will never come.

I have a personal opinion, developed over 20+ years of training, that when one spends a great deal of time learning martial arts techniques (& get bumps & bruises etc. in the training hall) that the lat thing folks wanna do is fight on the street. If one goes looking for a fight (in other words, their not listening to how the techniques are being taught to them) they're gonna find one.

Being a good fighter is One thing. Being a good person is Everything. Kevin "Superkick" McClinton

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Many people talk about sparring in this way:

"Well, if I get attacked on the street . . . "

How many of you have actually gotten into a fight, gotten attacked, or gotten mugged and used TKD?

How many of you are taking TKD mostly for this reason (to learn to defend yourself on the street)?

How many of you have used skills learned in TKD to AVOID a fight?

(At my school, we are supposed to "never misuse TaeKwonDo, be a champion of freedom and justice, and build a more peacful world" according to the "student oath.")

I have been attacked on the street, and TKD saved my butt more than once... Then again, I am one of the strongest people in my high school... But with out my knowledge, I would have been killed.

The reason that I began taking TKD is to build a stronger body, work off alot of stress and agression, AND learn to defend myself... All aspects have worked so far.

Most people that know that you study TKD run thier mouths alot and talk about fighting you, but in all reality, they don't have the courage. I am GLAD that they don't have the courage, because I am not the type of person who likes to fight out of anger IF I DON'T HAVE TO... There is always away to avoid battle, even if it makes you look weaker than you are.

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well I've posted this elsewere,but when I was in high school two guys got into a fight after getting of the bus.The first was just ready to attack,but didn't do anything.The reason is that the other guy just finished him off with roundkicks.The other guy wanted a fist fight , but since he saw that he was going to loose he just left screaming profanities at the other guy.

https://www.samuraimartialsports.com for your source of Karate,Kobudo,Aikido,And Kung-Fu
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I was not in a fight actually as I am apretty big guy. I was leaving a club and in the parking lot a guy was arguing with a female. I sort of walked around about way to make sure all was OK with her as the things being said were not pleasent. As I was walking he shoved her around and I could not take it and I went to make sure she was OK. After helping her up I asked if she needed a ride home and turned to the guy who was about to punch me. I grabbed his qrist and elbow and drove his face to the ground. I held him there till others (bouncers) came and helped. I am not sure what happened to him (and her) but I feel I did help her out. The reaction later was shocking that I can move like that without thinking. The element of surprise is all that and then some more when trained to handle yourself properly. BTW, I did not break his arm although I do regret it a very little.

February 24, 2007 I received my Black Belt in WTF TKD.

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These last few entries have been especially interesting to me. I like the attitude that you have, Iceman, Rokushu Tao, and Goju boi. It seems that you have that ultimate skill that I want, peace with strength and unselfish self-confidence.

And frightmaster, you were very brave to use your TKD skills to help someone you didn't know. I think it's good you did not break the guy's arm. You showed more mercy and true strength than he did, picking on someone weaker than he was.

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