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Politics in your Dojo, how do I stay out of it?

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I am currently training at 3 different schools with 5 different instructors. Like most of u I have a stupid schedule and this allows me to squeeze in training at different times and days. Problem; these schools compete for a limited number of students and the instructors don't necessarily like one another. I love the fact that I can learn these MA's from different teachers because it gives me deepr insight and is vastly helping me improve my game. Problem, I don't want to have to choose between them, no one has said anything yet although I'm upfront about my other associations. There r always "side" questions about the other schools and worse yet when competitions come up I am only going to compete for one. Do I have a problem? I'm not sure! I want advice on how to AVOID problems! :bawling:


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I train in 2 MA's now. My TKD instructor wouldn't be happy about it. BUT I don't think he would stop me. But I don't talk about Jujitsu in my TKD dojang at all. No one knows except for a select few that I KNOW won't "blab." What they don't know won't hurt ;)

Laurie F

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Yeah my instructor would have a FIT if I went and trained in another MA...he'd probably even have a fit on me if i went and watched another MA! he's not really strict but u just gotta know my instructor!


Student of the Han Method

"Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's allready tomorrow in Australia" Charles Schultz


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When I started I trained multiple dojos during the same period. I always made sure that the "other" schools knew what my "primary" style/school was and I was here only for self-improvement. In competitions everyone knew who's "side" I was fighting for but I also would a cheer on my classmates in the other schools. Being upfront, consistant and true to my word gained me respect and friends in all the schools. This avoided any "uneasiness" when I would meet anyone in the ring.

The other thing that was important in my view was to keep the trainings, and the ideologies of all the school separate. I consciously made sure techniques or kata of one school not creep into the practice at another. Only later when I became an instructor did I pick and chose what I would introduce into my own classes. Even then I still always identify it as either a ueichiryu, gojuryu, shitoryu, shotokan or whatever technique or kata.

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Politics suck in any environment. It is especially sensitive in a dojo because of the bond that develops between a student and teacher.

As long as you stay true to the instruction going on, there shouldn’t be a problem. But as we all know, what should and what does happen are two different things. I’d suggest bringing your concerns up with each of your instructors. If one has an issue with it, you may have to cut someone loose. Feelings are like weeds, sometimes. They can get wild and out of control.

The only thing for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

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I can see why an instructor would get upset. I look at it from a parents point of view. You would want to teach your child the very best of discipline, respect, and love. You wouldn't want some other parent trying to teach your child the opposite, or a shortcut to it. Being an instructor (not that I am one, just putting myself in their shoes) is much like being a parent. Students come to you empty, unknowing, but much like a sponge, ready to soak up information.

I plan on cross training one day, but never a striking/striking art. I would do a striking/grappling art. So many styles have different stances, and I don't want to disrupt my current teachings.

My 0.2 cents :P

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I train in 2 MA's now. My TKD instructor wouldn't be happy about it. BUT I don't think he would stop me. But I don't talk about Jujitsu in my TKD dojang at all. No one knows except for a select few that I KNOW won't "blab." What they don't know won't hurt ;)

Believe me any good instructor would know. My Sensei asked me what was up after less than a month taking another style. Multiple arts tend to bleed over into each other which is not a bad thing. Your regular instructor would pick up on the subtle changes in you without much difficulty.

I also trained my son and 2 of his friends every weekend for an entire summer before they returned back to their TDK dojang.

Their first class back their instructor asked who have you been training with and I see it's a Japanese art. LOL!!!

Pain is only temporary, the memory of that pain lasts a lifetime.

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Politics is the work of satan!!!! :kaioken:

Now having said that, I am training in four martial arts, anytime I have a function I invite them all to my home. I chose my instructors very carefully and am glad to report that they do join me in training with the other masters. Also when the changes take place in my style, the subtle shift of the feet when you excecute a throw or kick, my masters actually ask me why i excecuted that way! This makes me question it and learn it better!!

If I trained with closed minded individuals, i would find a new trainer! :karate:

No matter how fashionable it is in Krypton, I will not wear my underwear on the outside of my Gi!!

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