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Kuk Soolers....opinions needed!!!

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Hi everyone,

It's been awhile since I have been here....hope everyone is doing fine.

Here's my dilemma:

I tore my ACL (23 yrs ago) but have trained with it with no major problems....until recently. A freak accident in class blew my knee out. I was fitted with an ACL Sports Brace,and had 2 minor blow-outs with the brace. One of which occured during my brown belt test(I did get up and finish)

Here's where I need some advice. Should I have my ACL repaired now? It will be approximately 8 months before my first testing for black belt. The Dr's say about 9 months at the most for 100%(I have alot of knee problems) I also have to get 4 tips during that 8 months in order to test.I will get one in 2 weeks. My other alternative is to wait until after my 1st black belt test,hope for the best,while strengthening the knee.

This is really frustrating,I don't want to wait to test. :kaioken:

I hope you can undertand this post.


Kyo Sa Nim in KSW

Certified Personal Trainer

Health and Business Consultant

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I know this isn't what you probably want to hear, but I recommend that you let your knee heal up before you do some really serious damage to it.

Kuk Sool will still be there after you heal up.

JKN Dean

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I don't do KSW...but I have a big mouth so I will answer anyway. As someone that reads alot about sports injuries all I can say is what are you THINKING? There is no choice...you should DEFINITELY be getting your knee fixed immediately...then rest it and do light therapy. If you continue along your current path you may not get to test for your black belt...you may not ever be able to work out again.

Long Live the Fighters!

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Thanks for the replies guys!

Maybe I should have clarified a few things. :) I already went through the rest period with it. Now I am strengthening it back up. My Dr and I both agree not working it would be the worse thing for it. I am back to pumping iron to build the muscles as much as possible. My Kuk Sool training has helped it.

Has anyone had their ACL repaired? I'd love some insight on that!

Thanks again guys! 8)

Kyo Sa Nim in KSW

Certified Personal Trainer

Health and Business Consultant

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I almost bagged my 3rd degree test to have knee surgery but I went ahead and took it and I have no regrets. I am 6 months post-op (partial ACL tear, meniscus tear, and microfracture procedure) and am doing light training-no lateral or rotational movements period! I can run without pain but still swell, can't handle deep stances yet, but can do kata. Doc says 12-18 months....still worth it if the knee turns out better than beofre the surgery. The question to ask yourself is this: How much more damage are you willing to risk? Pain is relative.


"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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Ninja, perhaps the reason you dont regret it is that you didnt damage the knee further and passed your test. Now had you blown it out while training for your test... and damaged your knee permanently AND not gotten to test I think you would have regretted very much not having taken care of it before hand.

Long Live the Fighters!

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Good point however I did take a on a bit more damage to the menisus during the test and was down for a few days afterwards. I knew going into it that I would go full out hence making the decision to test was a difficult one. Probably not the smartest choice by medical standards but definitely the right one for me at the time (due to other circumstances I would have regretted it more had I not taken the test). I did take some precautions though by wearing a brace to minimize the risk to the ACL.


"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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Work it out with your instructor.

My suggestion would be to omit all technique practice which puts too much strain on the injury (All kicking IMO).

You can continue practicing and learning your techniques with no take-downs, and use controlled training on your injury while practicing hand techniques.

Kuk Sool Won - 4th dan

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.

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