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Adrenaline question

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I know that boxers are adviced not to have sex 2 weeks before a game because it lowers the adrenaline, but whats the relationship between fighting and adrenaline?

Any tips on how to increase your adrenaline?

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Really? I thought the rule was that having sex lowered sexual tension, which is also another cause of aggression which is one thing a boxer needs.

Tips on how to increase adrenaline. Tough. Since the secretion of catecholamines like adrenaline (Epinephrine to some) is an automated response, I think the only real way is to "hype yourself up". This might work, if will most likely vary for some people. It's much easier if you feel a genuine sense of anticipation and excitement and if those combine feelings outweigh that of fear or nervousness.

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The latest i've seen is the 'sex before a game' thing is superstition. Won't affect anything. There was just as many people swearing by a good luck romp as the reverse and there's no apparent correlation. Well, unless you go at it so much that your muscles are tired and and stiff when you get to the match or some such thing.

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We removed a post in error. It is quoted below. I apologize for the confusion.

The latest i've seen is the 'sex before a game' thing is superstition. Won't affect anything. There was just as many people swearing by a good luck romp as the reverse and there's no apparent correlation. Well, unless you go at it so much that your muscles are tired and and stiff when you get to the match or some such thing.

Who would settle for anything less?

Yeah, much of this sex-drain is mostly hype and many researcher tell of it's fallacy. But some people (e.g. Rickson Gracie) heavily support abstaining from sex before a fight. In fact, on MMAEvolution, one of the presenter stated that Rickson will not have sex from at least 2 montsh before a fight.

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I've never heard anything about sex and adrenaline connection either...but that's interesting about fighters not having sex for months before a fight.

Anybody know where boxers (and White Warlock) and their ladies hang out? :brow:

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No sex is supposed to make males more aggressive as stated.

Kinda one of those things that has got to be rather tricky to actually do good research on, can't give a placebo for sex ;)

If you want to increase the effectiveness at getting the "fight" out of the fight or flight response you need to fight more, and fight hard. Really push it to the limits in hard sparring once and a while.

Adrehnaline can make you strong and let you ignore pain, or it can make you freeze up and go into panic mode. If you want to control it, you first got to get used to it.

Andrew Green

http://innovativema.ca - All the top martial arts news!

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but that's interesting about fighters not having sex for months before a fight.

There is some logic there, ever notice how sexually frustrated people are more "active", they run more, go to the gym more, etc. All to keep busy and null the urges?

Basically you can think of it like eating, and help avoid getting moderated at the same time.

When we don't eat for a while we get hungry, we spend lots of time looking for food. The hungrier we get the crankier we get, and the more aggressive we get. Our bodies need food, and they will trigger a response that aids in the getting of the food.

When we are well fed we lie on the couch and watch tv, not really feeling like doing much of anything.

So the jist of it is, deprive fighters of food, triggers an aggressive "go out and get some" response. Caveman roots start showing and men start wanting to hurt other men more to impress the cave ladies.

The last part is a little off and "old" thinking as women get the aggressive "Come get some!" (Said in there best Bruce Cambell voice) response too. They just aren't as good at doing the Bruce Cambell impression as they're voices are higher.

Andrew Green

http://innovativema.ca - All the top martial arts news!

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