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Close-in sparring


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yea seems like he likes using his advantages. Exploit his disadvantages, when you spar make mental notes. Also with him getting in your face let him come into your techniques, make him adapt to you not the other way around.

"Time is what we want most, but what we use worst"

William Penn

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You can try to use kicks in combination with footwork such as pop up kicks and use his own body against him by launching techiniques off his torso. It may stop him long enought for you to go on the offensive and charge yourself.


"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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Shift back and as he follows, do an attack like a reverse punch.

"What we do in life, echoes in eternity."

"We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men."

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Work some clinch in secret and give him a nasty surprise :D

Or stop backing off, either come straight up the center back at him or circle off. And if everytime you step back he is stepping in, I'd say he is a little predictible, a predictable fighter is easy to beat when you think about what they are doing and set them up to do it.

Andrew Green

http://innovativema.ca - All the top martial arts news!

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Would you rather fight guys who take it easy on you or fight guys that challenge you? I think sparring your nemessis will bring the best out of you. The fact that you're asking advice on this forum indicates that he is pushing you to the edge of your creative envelope. If you were having an easy time sparring with black belts, would you bother asking for advice?

Since you ask, I'll offer my 2 cents. Your opponent has sensed your comfort zone and is exploiting it. You respond by trying to maintain your distance, backpedalling, or getting pummeled inside. I say, control the distance. As he advances, move forward and around. Jam. Move around and try not to be predictable about it. Vary your timing.

Also, while you haven't mentioned it, it appears that since you favor kicking from a distance, the opponent, may be waiting for you to throw your kick to then move in faster than you can follow up. Double up your attacks and vary your combinations.

All the moving around is going to tax your cardio. That's what it costs little guys when they fight bigger guys. You've got to be faster and fitter. Add some rope skipping or running to your training routine, if you haven't done so already.

Good luck.

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You should spend a free second you have sparring him. That's how a real fight is going to be, you may not realize it, but he's giving you very valuable training.

are throws allowed in your dojo? if you can get away with it, just step forward at an angle, shifting your body so that you're facing him at a 45 degree angle (a good place to be for fighting anyone) and put your lead leg behind his lead leg, then grab his obi with your back hand while you reach your lead arm around the front of his body, use your hips to roll him over your leg.

You can become a great fighter without ever becoming a martial artist, but no sir, you can not become a great martial artist with out becoming a great fighter. To fight is most certainly not the aim of any true martial art, but they are fighting arts all the same. As martial artists, we must stand ready to fight, even if hoping that such conflict never comes.

-My response to a fellow instructor, in a friendly debate

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Hehehe I know what you mean.I'm typically a long range fighter too.Aggressive guys who just push in close with hard heavy punches always really test my abilities. Theres been some good advice givin already.Heres my 2c:

Dont move straight back.Always circle to 1 side or the other and counter with hooks, low kicks etc.

Work on your balance and keeping a solid center of gravity.Often guys who kick alot tend to work from a high center of gravity and are thereby easily off balanced and pushed back.

Are knees aloud?They are a great counter against punches.Tie the guy up in clinch and use your knees. And how about takedowns? I used to spar with a guy who sounds a bit like your friend.I couldn't beat him at punching range but I had better takedowns and ground skills then him, so when he came in close I'd clinch knee takedown and lock/choke.We had alot of fun and I really learned alot from fighting him.

Otherwise theres the good old front kick.Work on really driving your hip into it and pushing your weight forward.After eating a few of those as he comes in he may loose a liitle of his confidence.

And of course work on your punch defences and evasion skills.

Well knowbody said it was going to be easy. But as previously mentioned be thankfull for him. He's going to make you a much better fighter.

"Today is a good day to die"

Live each day as if it were your last

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There's one particular guy in my dojo who i really hate sparring. He's not a big bad black belt, he's blue belt and just slightly bigger than me. The problem is he never leaves a big gap between us. If i step back, he steps forward and is right in my face the whole time and i can't really deal with it.

I like to have distance and shift about looking for a good opening for a kick or lunge punch and i'm ok at defending kicks etc from distance, stepping to the side blocking and countering.

When we fight so close he keeps hitting me and coming closer and closer and i end up out of breath trying to fend him off. I can't get far away enough to kick him and that's one of my strengths.

How do i spar close-in with this guy? It's honestly easier sparring the BB's!

you are dealing with what we call an infighter. you're gonna have to use your footwork against him. That, and make him not want to come into you. You CANNOT simply move backward - he will catch you every time. you have to sidestep him as well. use your long weapons - jab, lead leg front kick, etc. to make him keep his distance. he can only come in if you let him. When he does get inside, unleash a flurry of punches - make him not want to come inside anymore.

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im not very big..and usually not the agressor in sparring, but when i spar a large person like that, i like to through them off by coming in at them..and becoming more agressive..it will work somtimes because that person is not used to that situation...but not all the time.

your best choice IMO would be to quickly step to the side as he moves in with the attack, exposing his side.

"Cry in the dojo, laugh on the battle field."

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