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The guys Jiu-Jitsu is sick! I know he is a fighter and gets paid more for fighting then doing some jiu-Jitsu or no-gi tourny. BUt I still would love to watch him compete in it. Say abu dahbi against roger gracie or against marcello garcie. any one else would like to see that?

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Yeah I have that also. I am going to go for vol. 1 as well.

You know who is also a good teacher. Roy Harris! I never met the guy but I seen one of his instructionals and looked through his site he is very detailed and able to convey the concepts and moves across to some one.

You seen any Mario Sperry's stuff before?

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Yeah I know that about bj but has he since then competed in grappling/or jiu-jitsu events. Mostly he is concetrating on fighting. I would love to see a rematch against Hughes but I doubt Dana would let him back in the UFC any time soon.

I have looked into the other guys they are good. I haven't seen Gustavo's instructional tapes. I lived in arizona for awhile and been by his academy and watched the classes and competed against his guys before. He seems to be a very solid instructor and his guys are really good!

I plan on going out there and training when I am visting my familiy for two weeks of my military leave next month.

You seen some Gustavo's stuff before? What did you think of it?

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Yeah I know that about bj but has he since then competed in grappling/or jiu-jitsu events. Mostly he is concetrating on fighting. I would love to see a rematch against Hughes but I doubt Dana would let him back in the UFC any time soon.

I have looked into the other guys they are good. I haven't seen Gustavo's instructional tapes. I lived in arizona for awhile and been by his academy and watched the classes and competed against his guys before. He seems to be a very solid instructor and his guys are really good!

I plan on going out there and training when I am visting my familiy for two weeks of my military leave next month.

You seen some Gustavo's stuff before? What did you think of it?

Any idea why he is not in the UFC now ?

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Shogun of Harlem, BJ Penn isn't in the UFC because he had a contract with the UFC not to fight in other promotions. He broke that contract so Dana White President of the UFC had him black balled. Or basically told bj if he appoligzes he would let him back in. BJ wouldn't do that. SO basically it was contract agreements that lead to a dispute in which BJ Penn is no longer ckompeting in the UFC. He does compete in his own promotion from time to time "ROTR" Rumble On The Rock. He probably be fighting in a k-1 mma show, or pride some time soon is my guess. He was awesome. Defeating, Matt Hughes, rodrigo gracie, and Duane "bang" ludwig.

What DVD's do you got of his. I only have a Highlight video of him diong some tournaments and then a MMA match he did. what video's you got of him?

Edited by Adonis
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Shogun of Harlem, BJ Penn isn't in the UFC because he had a contract with the UFC not to fight in other promotions. He broke that contract so Dana White President of the UFC had him black balled. Or basically told bj if he appoligzes he would let him back in. BJ wouldn't do that. SO basically it was contract agreements that lead to a dispute in which BJ Penn is no longer ckompeting in the UFC. He does compete in his own promotion from tiem to time "ROTR" Rage on tmihe River. He probably be fighting in a k-1 mma show, or pride some time soon is my guess. He was awesome. Defeating, Matt Hughes, rodrigo gracie, and Duane "bang" ludwig.

What DVD's do you got of his. I only have a Highlight video of him diong some tournaments and then a MMA match he did. what video's you got of him?

Thanks for the info i did not know any of that. Seems like there is a lot of politics in the UFC BJ, and Tito are interesting stories. I have the fight of him and Hughes.

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