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Any "LOST" fans here?


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Well, tonight's the big night for the finale. I can't wait. We should get to see Kelvin and find out why the plane crashed. And also find out more about the connections amongst the characters, both the losties and the others. LOST party tonight at my place. :)

"If your hand goes forth withhold your temper"

"If your temper goes forth withold your hand"

-Gichin Funakoshi

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You should never mention parties around me - am a bit of a gatecrasher lol!!

Cant wait for you to watch it so you can tell me all about it!!

Karate Ni Sentinashi

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Cant wait for you to watch it so you can tell me all about it!!

You don' t even want to know about this one.

I had to lose my mind to come to my senses.

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OK, KarateK. I tell you about it but first I have to go to my sons awards ceremony at school. Be back in a couple of hours to give you the low down. Not sure I've quite figured the whole thing out yet however. You know LOST, more questions then answers.

"If your hand goes forth withhold your temper"

"If your temper goes forth withold your hand"

-Gichin Funakoshi

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OK, I'm back. :) Well, where should I start? Desmond does get out of a military prison and is meet by Mr. Widmore who tells him to disappear. Desmond and Widmore daughter Penny had something going before Des went to jail. Mr. Widmore intercepted all the letters that Desmond had written to Penny and she was now going to marry someone else. Desmond runs into Libby (Elizabeth) at a coffee house and and they talk about Desmond race around the world which apparently is sponsered by Widmore. Libby says her husband (David) passed away and he had a boat that she would like Des to have. In a storm Desmond falls and is knocked out. He awakes on the beach and is dragged into the hatch by Kelvin. Kelvin is the CIA guy the tells Sayid that "one day you'll need information and now you know how to get it" as he drops Sayid off in the desert. Kelvin does die by Desmond's hands, a accident as they struggle. Kelvin hadn't been truthful with Desmond and had planned on taking Desmond's boat to get off the island. Kelvin had a partner too, don't recall the name, who killed himself. Present day Desmond is back on the island, very drunk, and is convinced that there is no way off the island. He had traveled for 7 days West and still ended up back at the island. Locke convinces Desmond that the button was just an experiment and nothing would happen if it counts down. WRONG! :) Locke and Desmond trick Ecko into leaving the room where he has taken over the button pushing duty. They cause another lockdown to keep Ecko out. Desmond knows how to cause the lockdowns.

Inside the room Locke and Desmond talk about the Pearl station and the new orientation film and other stuff that was found there. Locke has the print out taken from the Pearl that shows the times the button was pushed. I forgot to tell you that when Desmond and Kelvin were both out of the hatch Desmond barely got back in time to push the button. It had really counted down all the way and "System Failure" was all over the computer screen. Looking at the print out Desmond notices that the time and date of the system failure was the day that Locke's plane crashed. Desmond had caused the plane to crash. Desmond is ready to push the button but Locke still not convinced destroys the computer. In the mean time Michael has gotten the choosen four to go and help get Walt. On the way Kate spots two of the others following them and she and Sawyer open fire on them. They kill one but the other gets away. Kate say they have to go after him or he warn the Others they are coming. Jack, looking at Michael say they already know and confronts Michael. Michael admits his guilt saying it was the only way he could get Walt back. He also admits to killing Ana and Libby. Jack says he and Sayid have a plan and they continue on. A little future on their journey they here the whispers and are attacked by the others with sleeping darts. They are all captured. Sayid, Jin and Sun are on Desmond's boat coming around the island to help Jack and the gang but they aren't in the Others camp where they thought they would be. It's deserted. On the way there they see the remnants of a huge statue. Just part of a leg and foot (with four toes) is left. The Others take Jack and the gang to a dock where Kate telss Zeke that they know his beard isn't real. He takes it off and we find out his real name is Tom. At the dock the Others boat comes in with Henry on it. It appears that Henry may indeed be "Him". He seems to be calling all the shots. He tells Michael that he had keep his part of the deal and that they would keep theirs. He gives Michael the boat and Walt and tells him to keep the heading of 325 and they would find rescue. During this time the timer has counted down and all heck starts to break loose in the Swan hatch. A very loud noise and a very bright light appears in the sky all over the island. Desmond remembers a key that he had taken from Kelvin. Kelvin told him it was a Fail Safe key that would end it all. Desmond goes down under the floor where he had found Kelvin one day not having the guts to use the key. Desmond inserts the key and turns it. The noise and lights stop. The Others tell Hurley to go back to his camp and tell the others there to never come back to their side of the island. Jack and Kate give each other a look and a little nod as the Others put a bag over Sawyer's head. That's the last we see of them in the episode. It then cuts to two guys playing chess in the snow covered tundra some where. They aren't speaking English. Their computer alarm starts going off and Electromagnetic Anomaly Detected appears on the screen. They get on the phone and call Penny was sleeping. Next to her bed she still has the picture of her and Desmond. They tell her that they think they found it. The END.

Penny said in the episode that she would always wait for Desmond and that with enough money and the right people you could find anybody. So was she still looking for Desmond? Did she know he was on the island but didn't know where the island was, until now? Who knows! :) I'm sure I'm leaving a lot out so if something seems a little fuzzy or doesn't make sense ask and I'll try and clear it up.


"If your hand goes forth withhold your temper"

"If your temper goes forth withold your hand"

-Gichin Funakoshi

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OK, to follow up with some more details and to redeem myself:

Desmond meets Jack in the stadium flashback as he prepares for his race to win back his honor.

Kelvin's partner's name is Rosinski (sp?). He blews his brains out in the hatch. There is a nice stain on the ceiling.

Kelvin (nice pick with the Desert Storm reference, I missed that one) had been wearing a chem suit everytime he left the hatch, telling Des that he would get infected if he didn't have it on. Des saw a cut in the suit and followed Kelvin and saw him take the suit off. Hmmm, no disease.

In the jungle after Kate and Sawyer capped the Other, the whispers started and phhhtt, knockout darts were fired to capture the Losties. It was then that the fuzzy movements were shown simular to when the Others were first spotted.

Locke is convinced that the Swan was a psych experiment and after conferring with Des, Des is convinced that the Pearl was the experiment. The Losties possibly confirm this by stumbling upon the mountain of canisters that were at the end of the pneumatic tube that was supposedly "HQ". Detailed journals were found detailing surveillance of the Swan station.

There was a tremendous amount of information given out last night. I am going to have to watch it again.

I had to lose my mind to come to my senses.

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