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Why martial arts?

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What made you choose martial arts over other activities? Was it that you had seen Bruce Lee flicks, or that you saw kids coming home from a dojo, or that your parents wanted to show you more discipline? Did you want a fun way to stay in shape? Many people today are getting into the martial arts for the wrong reasons! (they want a black belt NOW, they want to "kick some ass", their parents want a new type of day care). What does your decision make you think of now? Do you think you were young and stupid back then (i was one of those "I need a black belt types".)

1st dan Tae Kwon Do

Yellow Belt Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

16 Years Old

Girls kick butt!

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Well, I started TKD to "kick some ass", specifically after I had my "ass kicked" several times. True, people say that TKD isn't the best thing to use in a real fight, but then again size, agression, surprise are the predominant factors in a fight before any sort of training comes in to play. And with sparring, no matter the art, it gives you a taste of competiton and makes you more comfortable with fighting another person, even if its in a closed, controled enviorment without the danger and adrenaline that spawns because of it.
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i chose kickboxing and kung fu, cuz i wanted to be atheltic, good in self defense, a stronger person, a more spiritual and philosphical person


jus generally a better person


oh yes and to kick that guys ass down my road who constantly pissed me off :kaioken:


[ This Message was edited by: ad on 2002-03-19 17:15 ]

Brown Sash Hsing I/Lau Gar Kung Fu

Brown Belt San Shou

17 yr old


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...on the contrary. I believe most people nowadays are getting into martial arts for all the right reasons. Years ago for the kids it was Power Rangers and Ninja Turtles... now its to deal with bullying, exercise, self esteem and to develop respect for others and ones self. (at least this is what I hear from the parents) Some kids just aren't into organized sports and martial arts offers a different activity for them. For adults nowadays it is primarily physical fitness and more so I believe learning self defense.



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I joined martial arts because it makes me feel more complete as a person. I was never into team sports. When I began taking Martial Arts, something just clicked inside of me and told me that this is the activity that my mind and body were designed for. I believe it helps to define me as a person. For example, by definition most martial arts practice self control, humility, patience, ext. So to say that you practice martial arts is to imply automatically that your personality reflects those traits.

When two tigers fight, one dies and the other is mortally wounded.

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haha, Im about to feel like a loser. lol I started because of an obsession with the Ninja Turtles when I had when I was 3. It soon progressed into wanting to have the discipline, fitness, self-protection, morals, etc. once I found out what the martial arts were really about. Music has always been my other love though and it is what I will be doing if by some accident (God forbid!) I couldn't be involved with martial arts anymore. That thought.... freaks me out. *shudders*



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On 2002-03-20 08:52, SaiFightsMS wrote:


I started for anger management purposes.


That's pretty cool. Maybe a martial arts class should be started somewhere for people who are convicted of minor crimes. Hmm...that was a good thought.

1st dan Tae Kwon Do

Yellow Belt Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

16 Years Old

Girls kick butt!

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I've posted something similar like this before, can't remember where though..


I had a fight with one of them stereotype 'hards', gave him a masive black eye the size of my fist and there was a lot of hype 'cause he was respected and/or feared, I don't know, but in my case it was cerainly none of them. He said he was gonna pull a knife on me and what not, and all these other people were going to 'belt' me. I **** myself in all the hype 'cause I couldn't fight, I was lucky he didn't recover from the first punch. I started kickboxing purely out of fear. When I understood what MA was about, I was hooked..


I want to be an all-round fighter, I feel confident enough with my striking against the average couple of thugs, so I'm doing BJJ and I'm enjoying it more than kickboxing and since there's only one BJJ school and one JJ school in my area, I feel anyone I came across on the street would be an inferior opponent.



It takes sacrifice to be the best.

There are always two choices, two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it's easy.

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