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I attended my first Karate class on Saturday and I learned the basics. I know some of the other newbie's that have been there a couple weeks are doing something called the 22 or 27 moons. Actually i'm not sure what it was called but it's pretty much a bunch of blocks and punches and they count when they do it.

Does anyone know what the actually name of it is because I would like to look it up on google to practice it on my own before my next class. I might be way off in the name i'm sorry.


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You saw kata practice, I believe.

A kata is a pre-arranged routine of techniques performed in a stepping pattern almost like a choreographed dance. Kata have their origins in Chinese arts - particularly those of Fuzhou, China, where kata were called quan. Each quan was felt to be the central training device of a complete system. Today, the kata have all been adjusted by the Japanese so that all of them are basically pieces of a greater whole, with far less variation between them.


that sounds like something we do as a way to help strengthen our legs and warm up by getting into a horse stance and we do the the 3 basic bocks then 2 sets of punches. while doing this we count out loud in japanese

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"A new idea is delicate. It can be killed by a sneer or a yawn; it can be stabbed to death by a joke or worried to death by a frown on the right person's brow." Charles Brower


There is so many different Kata,At the Dojo I attend we do alot of it ,The style i practise is Taiyo Washin Ryu

There is so many different Kata,At the Dojo I attend we do alot of it ,The style i practise is Taiyo Washin Ryu


My Nidan Grading! Check it Out: http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=27140


"Behind each triumph are new peaks to be conquered." - Mas Oyama

Dojo Kun:http://www.diegobeltran.com/htms/dojo/dojokun.htm


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