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If you ask me, the best way to control your chi (youd ont really develop it because you already have infinite) is jsut to start believing its there and that its real and chi can be used for all these things people say and then jsut practice using it, but meditation can be a good way to help realize allt hese and be more controlled over it, but ehre are always another way and you can find everything in nothing so you can practice it in everything.


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  • 4 months later...
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Oh, cool, that's the right topic for me... :)

First of all, i am a pretty "normal" person, and i did wing chun for 1 and a half years, so my questions are:

1.How do i know, that i control chi ?

2.Which premises should i/my body have, for chi ?

3.Actually, is it possible for me, to learn it ?

4.Please tell me some methods, to train and maybe to handle chi as fast as possible.

5.How can i control, that i am on the right way, for chi ?

Please help me...


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Well, i'm not really sure what to say to most of those. But you can't really tell for sure if you are using chi, so its best to just stop doubting yourself. But a fun excersize for learning to punch and release chi at the end is you punch right in front of a candle and you punch right in front of the flame and it will put the flame out because you punch then release your energy and you arm comes back a little bit.

The best way to figure all this out is to jsut go to a martial arts class and learn from the teachers. They can tell whether or not, and its easiest liek that because you can tell in person, but not much adivce to be given on line.

Also, some people believe that too much muscle mass inpedes the flow of chi, however my sensei's haven't ever told me anything about this and we still to muscle building excersizes such as push ups so i dont really pay much heed to this.

Another good excersize though is to walk, but from your center. Move from your center too, do everything from yoru center. You will notice if you walk from your cetner too that you move straight, not in a bumpy motion going up and down as you walk (its strange how you never notice everyone else moving up and down).

Also, breathing and making your chi flow through your body is good. There are some katas which are just breathing and making your chi flow to protect yourself and ground you. Remember, breath moves the chi, but being tense stops the flow of chi, so relax.

Also, there is the excersize of imagining a ball of chi inbetween your hands and then feeling it (the more you do this, the bigger ball you can make) then rotate it and pull it out and feel it resist, then push it in, and feel it compressing.

So yeah, those are just various things i could think of.


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  • 1 month later...

look up begginer ki techniques on google and it will tell you all about it

"Now the valiant can fight; the cautious can defend, and the wise counsel. Thus there is none whose talent is wasted."

-Li Ch'uan-

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Oh, but we do have in our system. Its one of the most important parts of grounding ourselves, pulling ourselves up and other ways of manipulating it. We also use it to withstand a blow or make a stronger blow. We dont used many pushes or thrusts, but snapping actions to increase the flow of chi. i just realized, uh, i study karate. Anyway, chi is part of our system in karate. However, you are probably right that we are thinking too much about it, it just comes with practice and relaxing, not discussing it and thinking too much.


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You must fine a Ki master (or whatever they call themselves) to really understand it in depth. Books and such can give you a valuable insight. I'm not sure where you search will take you but... good luck. When you find it let me know.

"Don't tell me the sky's the limit because I have seen footprints on the moon!" -- Paul Brandt

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
You guys think too much about this. For the most part if you are doing karate or tae kwon do you don't have it in your system.

I find this statement as valid as saying "You guys live in china, you don't have to eat."

No particular style has a monopoly on Ki.

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