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How do i develop it?? is their any exercises that i can do?? i know meditation is one. I want to improve the power of my techniques by being able to use ki/chi when i need to. any help would be grateful i have been looking on the net but cant find anything good on it. Is their any books that you can buy,websites information etc

Thanks in advance Jay

Edited by Jay

The key to everything is continuity achieved by discipline.

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How do i develop it?? is their any exercises that i can do?? i know meditation is one. I want to improve the power of my techniques by being able to use ki/chi when i need to. any help would be grateful i have been looking on the net but cant find anything good on it. Is their any books that you can buy,websites information etc

there are many ways to develope chi.I practice standing and sitting meditataion and some chi gong.There are tons of books on chi gong and meditation.Finf one you like.


"When the student is ready the master will appear"

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One of the qigong exercises I do at my school is to hold certain positions for as long as we can. A simple one I can teach you is to stand in a horse and hold your arms out to your sides as if you're being crucified. Instead, however, have your palms facing outward and have them perfectly perpendicular to your arms. Relax the shoulders, of course. Try this for one minute each day and then increase by one minute each week. There are other positions too but I'm too lazy to describe them now.

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I posted the first posture. The second is to hold your hands out in front of you as if you were holding a large ball. However, the palms are facing outward and are parallel to your chest. Shoulders are relaxed and the elbows never go above the wrists or shoulders. The third posture is the same as the second, except the arms are directly overhead. The fourth posture is the same as the second, except the palms are turned towards you (shoulders relaxed, palms parallel to chest, etc.). The fifth posture is the same as the fourth except the hands are lowered to your tan tien (your center of gravity when standing upright, which is about three finger-widths below your navel and three finger-widths towards your spine). The fifth posture looks like you're holding up a beer belly.

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yeah, if you want to study qi gong you must know what you want from it.then you must understand the basic and thories of qi gong.Learn as mush as you can from a book so as to educated your self,but you should find a good teacher.


"When the student is ready the master will appear"

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Yea I agree with the above. You have to know what you want from it first. Defferent people have different needs and develope it differently.

Personaly Besides the mind and concetration, there's many other things that involve in this matter. Personaly I believe that chi runs in the blood and the bones. So the food you eat, the air you breath, the way you sleep, and the way you think all has big part on developing chi.

Most people who think that only through certin ways we can gain the power of chi, yet that's not always true. We all have chi on us. It's just the matter of using it. Running is a way to gain chi since it requires rhythm and heavy breathing. Jump robes excersis is another way. You can also try the relax and firm up technique from thatyou can gain sunnden burst type of energery.

If you can see yourself applying chi in your movements. Then you basicly develope the kind of result you need. Work on alittle bit of everything and see what works best for you. Like everyone said it'll take some time, but when you have good habbits everything starts changing even though you may not know but it'll grow in you.


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