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important question


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When it comes to fighting and things that can endanger your life I believe in two ways.

1) Find a source for courage, in the case of fighting, a source could be fighting for your life, fighting for someone else's life, or just for the well being of someone else.

2) Having the willingness to die or be defeated, and totally disregarding yourself, or complete selflessness, by laying down your life.

or for milder challenges like in class sparring, tournaments, test taking, non-life threatening challenges.

- Simply convincing yourself that it is okay to fail, and if it happens you will just do your best to become better afterwards and that you will eventually overcome the challenge later, or be able to recover anything that is lost due to your failure.

The first method works by placing unbelievable stress on yourself that you can push yourself beyond your own limits of courage. The second method eliminates fear in almost a self destructive kind of way, as if you are expecting the worst and almost wanting the worst case scenario, but if you survive, that is okay too. and the third method eliminates stress and fear with the knowledge that in the end you will be okay and failure just means that you just have to succeed later.

I abide by every one of these philosophies and have applied each of them many times, and they work.

I hope this helps.

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something that may help is to mentally train yourself by imagining the thing you fear, and practicing as if you were going to defeat it. i am getting ready for my basic training (army) and i am scared a lot. i deal with it by running and thinking about running for the army. and when i run i wear a weight vest to simulate the pack i'll be carrying. sometimes i yell at myself and yell back what i think drill sargeants will say to me. :lol: that can be a lot of fun and takes away a lot of the fear. become the thing that defeats the thing you are afraid of.

some thoughts on karateKarateRanch Blog

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Something I just thought about-I find sleeping when I'm worried over something very beneficial. When I wake up everything that happened before seems not as prevalent and I can deal with it better.... Not that that is much help in most situations though

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If you ask me, you just kinda need to accept yoru fear. In a fight, maybe you will die, and if there is anything youc and o to prevent it, then do it by all means, but you can fear dieing because wheres the point in that? It doesnt do anything.

It is what it, so why worry?


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  • 3 months later...

fear is the symptoms associated with not knowing how to act to a specific situation or thing.

Identify what it is you are afraid of, analyze it, and as soon as you understand your fear, you will realize it is gone.

dont worry if you get afraid, worry if you get afraid and dont take any steps to leave that fear behind.

<> Be humble, train hard, fight dirty

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