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My new start

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Ok, well. I'm not quiting TKD. BUT I found an art for me.

I had this thread in general chat about a dream that I had about wearing a white belt again. I hated every minute of it, blah blah blah. I was beginning to think that was true (eventhough I have started over before and even wrote an article on it). I wouldn't put no dang white belt back on.

Guess what? I'm a white belt again :)

A friend of mine who is a 4th dan (Heidi will correct me if I'm wrong) in Jujitsu just gave me my first lesson on his front lawn. I was totally blown away. He said he would help me make my TKD better, ect. He will work from that.

I don't think he would make me wear a uniform at all, really. But if he told me that I had to, I would be in a white belt. He showed me that I don't know much, even with TKD. Well, he showed me stuff to make it better, that is. And other stuff.

And I learned that I know nothing of this art (Jujitsu). But I do know that the little bit that I did learn is AWSOME!!

I thought I'd share my experience (my reason for putting this in General MA chat). I'm also rambling a bit. It's late, and I'm SIKED :D hehehehe

Laurie F

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It sounds great. Moreso than your finding a new realm to explore, i'm glad you were able to put the belt aside and 'empty your cup.'

Hehe, always wanted to say that. :P

Seriously though, i've visited plenty of schools, donning their white belt, white sash, raging red n00blet suit, etc. It's both a humbling and liberating experience every time and i'm glad we share that now.

"When you are able to take the keys from my hand, you will be ready to drive." - Shaolin DMV Test


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Oddly enough Jujitsu is one of the funnest MA Ive had the pleasure of sparring in. I havent formally trained in it but one of the senior students at my school did a little and he showed me what he knew. I lost horribly on the ground but I had fun the whole time. :D

There is no teacher but the enemy.

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White Warlock, that's how I feel right now. I totally agree. It was a great experience. Thankfully I am going to do it again ;) I just have to say thanks to Heidi and Mike for giving me this chance to learn something new (I learn a lot from these folks).

Laurie F

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Welcome to a new start friend, as white warlock said-Its liberating. Take a lesson from the bucket; as my grandmaster always says: Do not walk in with what you know and mix it with what your learning at the current moment, rather put what you have in another container-start new-then mix them later on. In other words, if your too busy using TKD thoughts to contradict what your learning you may mess up. I did this ALOT in Muay Thai when i went to it from TKD hahah.

Any way, good luck and kick major platypuss rear :kaioken:

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I wouldn't put no dang white belt back on.


And I learned that I know nothing of this art (Jujitsu). But I do know that the little bit that I did learn is AWSOME!!

I thought I'd share my experience (my reason for putting this in General MA chat). I'm also rambling a bit. It's late, and I'm SIKED :D hehehehe

Well it sounds like you really learned the most important thing in Martial Arts ... Humility. The attitude that you were above wearing a white belt showed you had an ego. You're change and understanding shows that you've passed this and are beginning to understand that you can start over and learn new things. This is a huge success and something for you to be very proud of!

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Thanks Fairfax :) I didn't realize it at first, but I do know now that I did have a little bit of an ego. But that's gone now.

TJS, I didn't ask. But I can find out, or Heidi can peek in here to tell you.

Laurie F

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That's great, I'm glad you found an art that brings excitement back into learning. We have a jujitsu fellow who knew of us practicing karate and asked our Hanshi if he could train with us. After our Hanshi got a feel for what he was there for and what his intentions were he invited him to teach us what he knows. It's been great!! He also knows kali which he is also just starting to teach us. He is a very humble man and "emptied his cup" as well to learn from us. It's a great mix. Going to class tonight to work with the sticks. I can't wait!! :)

Never turn away knowledge, learn as much as you can!! Good Luck! :)

Edited by gheinisch

"If your hand goes forth withhold your temper"

"If your temper goes forth withold your hand"

-Gichin Funakoshi

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